Protractor(angular testing framework): How to delete multiple attachments/documents from an input field (type=file) that have been uploaded - protractor

I have uploaded some documents in input field and want to delete it by writing test case for it using protractor(angular e2e framework). How to do this?

I found a similar question, and you can reset the value of input fields by using clear():
var documentsField = protractor.getInstance().findElement(protractor.By.model('documents'));
You can learn more about clear() in the Protractor API docs.


Karate: How to wait for a spinner to disappear? [duplicate]

Firstly, Karate UI automation is really awesome tool. I am kind of enjoying it while writing the UI tests using Karate. I ran into a situation where in, i was trying to fetch the shadowRoot elements. I read few similar posts related to javascript executor with karate and learnt that it is already answered. it is recommended to use driver.eval. But in Karate 0.9.5 there is no eval, it has script() or scriptAll(). I have gone through documentation couple of times to figure out how i can fetch element inside an element but no luck.
Using traditional selenium+java, we can fetch shadowRoot like this way:
something like shadowRoot which sits inside a parent element like div or body.
//downloads-manager is the tagname and under that downloads-manager, a shadowRoot element exists
The HTML looks like this. it is from chrome://downloads.
WebElement downloadManager =driver.findElement(By.tagName("downloads-manager");
WebElement shadowRoot= (WebElement)((JavaScriptExecutor)driver)
.executeScript("return arguments[0].shadowRoot",downloadManager);
So i tried the following in Karate UI
script("downloads-manager","return _.shadowRoot"); //js injection error
script('downloads-manager', "function(e){ return e.shadowRoot;}"); // same injection error as mentioned above.
def shadowRoot = locate("downloads-manager").script("function(e){return e.shadowRoot};"); //returns an empty string.
I bet there is a way to get this shadowRoot element using Karate UI but i am kind of running out of options and not able to figure out this.
Can someone please look into this & help me?
Can you switch to XPath and see if that helps:
* def temp = script('//downloads-manager', '_.innerHTML')
Else please submit a sample in this format so we can debug:
EDIT: after you posted the link to that hangouts example in the comments, I figured out the JS that would work:
* driver ''
* waitFor('#hangouts')
* def heading = script('hangout-module', "_.shadowRoot.querySelector('h1').textContent")
* match heading == 'Paul Irish'
It took some trial and error and fiddling with the DevTools console to figure this out. So the good news is that it is possible, you can use any JS you need, and you do need to know which HTML element to call .shadowRoot on.
EDIT: for other examples of JS in Karate:

Can I use flutter to create an index on firestore?

I'm using the following flutter code to query firestore which orders the data using the field timestamp.
var results = Firestore.instance.collection('post').orderBy('timestamp').getDocuments().then((value) {
var list = value.documents;
return {
return doc.documentID;
When I run this code, it throws the below exception saying an index is required:
W/Firestore(31110): (21.3.0) [Firestore]: Listen for Query(app/jQH7Fp9xCZWYiqZRe7lE/post where readAccess array_contains_any [WzKImODx6WYVqdSW3D9Az3xrUnM2, PUBLIC] order by -timestamp, -name) failed: Status{code=FAILED_PRECONDITION, description=The query requires an index. You can create it here:
The exception even comes with a nice link. When opening that link, a nice UI pops up giving me the ability to create the index, with just a simple click:
Question: simple as the above may seem, I'm not very happy with this. I prefer to be able to create the index from fluttercode. In code I'm looking for something like the below:
Does it exist? Please advise. Many thanks.
It's not possible to create an index from client apps. You have three main choices:
Clicking the link you already saw.
Using the Firebase CLI to deploy the index from the command line.
Using the gcloud CLI to also deploy from the command line
See also the documentation on managing indexes.

How to turn OFF Schema Validations dynamically using MongoDB-JAVA APIs

I have created a collection with schema validation as below,
ValidationOptions collOptions = new ValidationOptions();
srdmDatabase.createCollection(collectionName,new CreateCollectionOptions().validationOptions(collOptions));
My collection is created successfully with schema validation.
In some cases, I want to turn OFF the validation check dynamically.
I found that there is an option to turn OFF the validation(ValidationLevel.OFF) in monogdb-java-driver, but I have no idea about how to use this option.
Please help me some one how to turn off the validation check programmatically.
We are using MongoDB-4.0 and mongo-java-driver-3.10.2.
Thanks in advance.
You can try using the following code to bypass the validation.
For updates
Filters.eq("_id", 1),
Updates.set("name", "Fresh Breads and Tulips"),
new UpdateOptions().upsert(true).bypassDocumentValidation(true));
Similarly for inserts, you can use InsertOptions.bypassDocumentValidation(true)
Refer this link for more info

How we can make cypress scripts easily maintainable like POM in other tools like selenium

This is just a general clarification about building framework using
In cypress can we write a test framework like page object model in selenium?
These model make our life easy to maintain tests.
For eg if ID or class of a particular element which is used across multiple tests /files has changed with a new version of Application-In cypress it is hard to go to multiple test files/tests and change the ID right?
Can we follow the same page object model concept like declaring all elements as variables in each page and use the variable names in tests/functions?
Also can we reuse these variables across different test .js files ?
If yes - can you please give a sample
I have seen only a few people using POM concept while creating an automation framework using Cypress. Is that advisable to follow POM model, it depends on reading the following link from team. I would say this may depend upon automation tools/ architecture. According to Cypress team this is not recommendable, may be a debatable topic, read this:
We can declare the variable names in Cypress.env.json file or cypress.json file like below:
"weight": "85",
"height": "180",
"age": "35"
Then if you want to use them in a test-spec, create a new variable and receive it like below in test-spec.
const t_weight = Cypress.env('weight');
const t_height = Cypress.env('height');
Now you can use the variable in respective textbox input of pages as below:
or receive it directly;
/* declare varaibles in 'test-spec.js' file*/
const t_weight = Cypress.env('weight');
const t_height = Cypress.env('height');
//Cypress test - assume below test to test some action and receive the variable to text box
describe('Cypress test to receive variable', function(){
it('Cypress test to receive variable', function(){
//even receive the variable straight away

Symfony FileFormField - Testing (WebTestCase) multiple file upload

In my Symfony web application I have a form allowing multiple file upload (easily done by setting the multiple property of the FileType equal to true). And this works fine: I can select multiple files and upload them. Processing the form and getting all uploaded files also goes fine. But of course, I want to foresee an integration test (WebTestCase) but I don't find any possibility to simulate a multiple file upload.
What I have now:
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile(...);
$form = ...; // get the form from the crawler
That works fine.
But now I want to upload 2 files by 1 form submission (because the processing logic can behave differently when multiple files are uploaded at once). How can I do this? When I look at I don't see any way to pass in, for example, an array of UploadedFile objects. Anyone experience with this?
If the multiple property is set, crawler creates a file form field array with single FileFormField field. One field can hold a single file so you need multiple fields for multiple files. I came to a solution by manually adding more FileFormField to the form.
$form = ...
// get file field node in DOM
$node = $crawler->filter("input[name='formtype[filename][]']")->getNode(0);
// add additional fields to form (you can create as many as you need)
$newField = new FileFormField($node);
// set files with upload()
//or with submit values
$crawler->submit($form, [
'formtype[filename]' => [$uploadedFile1, $uploadedFile2]