Can I use flutter to create an index on firestore? - flutter

I'm using the following flutter code to query firestore which orders the data using the field timestamp.
var results = Firestore.instance.collection('post').orderBy('timestamp').getDocuments().then((value) {
var list = value.documents;
return {
return doc.documentID;
When I run this code, it throws the below exception saying an index is required:
W/Firestore(31110): (21.3.0) [Firestore]: Listen for Query(app/jQH7Fp9xCZWYiqZRe7lE/post where readAccess array_contains_any [WzKImODx6WYVqdSW3D9Az3xrUnM2, PUBLIC] order by -timestamp, -name) failed: Status{code=FAILED_PRECONDITION, description=The query requires an index. You can create it here:
The exception even comes with a nice link. When opening that link, a nice UI pops up giving me the ability to create the index, with just a simple click:
Question: simple as the above may seem, I'm not very happy with this. I prefer to be able to create the index from fluttercode. In code I'm looking for something like the below:
Does it exist? Please advise. Many thanks.

It's not possible to create an index from client apps. You have three main choices:
Clicking the link you already saw.
Using the Firebase CLI to deploy the index from the command line.
Using the gcloud CLI to also deploy from the command line
See also the documentation on managing indexes.


Wagtail 3.x postgres search returns no results

I recently updated from Wagtail 2.13.5 to 3.0.3. After the update, the search() method on Wagtail's PageQuerySet returns no results for search terms that clearly should return results (and which do when using the older version).
For example, under 2.13, where search_backend is an instance of wagtail.contrib.postgres_search.backend.PostgresSearchBackend, and qs is an instance of wagtail.core.query.PageQuerySet the following returns lots of results:'popular-search-term', qs, fields=None, operator=None, order_by_relevance=True, partial_match=True)
But under 3.0.3, where search_backend is now an instance of and qs is an instance of wagtail.query.PageQuerySet, the same call to search() will return nothing (an empty queryset).
The data in the qs queryset is the same in both cases, so maybe I'm missing something in my configuration of the search backend? My "" file has:
'default': {
'BACKEND': '',
'SEARCH_CONFIG': 'english',
I had to guess at the value for ''. AFAICT, Wagtail's docs don't mention what should go into INSTALLED_APPS. But the pre-upgrade value of 'wagtail.contrib.postgres_search' would clearly be wrong, as that module has been removed.
Anyone got an idea why calling search() on a PageQuerySet would incorrectly return no results?
The steps for changing the search backend are documented at In particular:
You should remove wagtail.contrib.postgres_search from INSTALLED_APPS, and do not need to add anything in its place - the existing app is sufficient
After changing over, you need to re-run the ./ update_index command to ensure that the new search index is populated.

How to make "compute()" function insert data to sqlite while in isolated process?

I'm working on flutter app that uses php apis for server and sqlite for local data.
The problem is with "compute()".
Here is the explanation :
I have three functions that receives data from api on the server, then add the data to my local database (sqlite) table.
First function to get data from server.
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> getServerData(int vers)async {
//my code
Second function to insert data into local database:
Future<int> addNewData(List<Map<String, dynamic>>)async {
//my code
Third function to call the first and second function:
Future<bool> checkServerData(int vers)async {
List<Map<String, dynamic>> sdt= await getServerData(vers);
int res=await addNewData(sdt);
if(res>0) return true;
else return false;
I want to call the third function in a compute function:
compute(checkServerData, 2);
When did that I found this error:
null check operator used on null value.
If I used it without calling local database it works good.
The error appears if I called the database to insert data into.
When I searched about this issue I found that it's not allowed to access any resources which generated in one thread from another thread. But I didn't understand exactly how to resolve it or how to use another way that do the same idea.
After searching about the issue specified, I found those workaround solutions:
1: if the process is very important to work in background, you can use the Isolate package classes and functions which allow all isolated processes or contexts to share data between them as messages sending and receiving. But it's something complex for beginners in flutter and dart to understand these things, except those who know about threading in another environments.
To now more about that I will list here some links:
Those for flutter and pub documentation:
This is an example in website:
2: the second solution if the process isn't important to work on background:
using the traditional approaches such as Future.builder or async/await.
You can know more about them here:
and you can review this question and answers in When should I use a FutureBuilder?

Protractor(angular testing framework): How to delete multiple attachments/documents from an input field (type=file) that have been uploaded

I have uploaded some documents in input field and want to delete it by writing test case for it using protractor(angular e2e framework). How to do this?
I found a similar question, and you can reset the value of input fields by using clear():
var documentsField = protractor.getInstance().findElement(protractor.By.model('documents'));
You can learn more about clear() in the Protractor API docs.

Querying Mongo returns empty array in in Meteor app

I get this code in my Meteor project, in a client/main.js file
Template.panel.onCreated(function loginOnCreated() {
var profile = Session.get('profile');
this.myvar = new ReactiveVar(User.find({}).fetch());
And the result of User.find({}) is empty. If I Query this anywhere else (including meteor mongo) I get an Array of users.
So I wonder if it is a problem with the fact that this code is running in client side. In this same file I get this query working in other places, but probably in the server context.
How can I populate this ReactiveVar with the Mongo result as soon as the Template/page is loaded?
If I do something like in Meteor.startup() at Server side:
It gives me the correct number of Users. Immediately.
If I just add a setTimeout of a few seconds (it can't be jsut 1 second, it needs a longet time), it works in this very same place.
Template.panel.onCreated(function loginOnCreated() {
So, anyone knows why it takes so long to allow me to do this operation? Any workaround?
User.find({}).fetch() will give list of users on server side only.
You can probably write a meteor method for fetching the user list on server side and give it call using
In the callback function to this call you can assign the result to desired variable.

How to use Selector query in ZK

I was going through these pages on ZK documentation ID_Space -Selector and looked at following code
comp.query("#ok"); //look for a component whose ID's ok in the same ID space
comp.query("window #ok");
comp.queryAll("window button");
I am wondering how can I use this in my code? I am creating 2 drop downs and adding Id to both these drop downs
Listbox listbox=createListbox(widget, DetailsListRenderer.ORDERSTATUS.class, null,orderStatus);
So when My page is getting refreshed, I am getting exception of Unique Id, I was wondering if these is a way I can query component and see if same component with same Id already exists and in case it exists, I should not add ID to that component, or should not create component at all
Any suggestion?
I tried something like
widget.getFellow( ORDER_STATUS_ID); but getting `org.zkoss.zk.ui.ComponentNotFoundException` exception.
widget.getFellow("#" + ORDER_STATUS_ID);
For widgets that co-exist in the same ID space (a.k.a fellow widgets), one may use any of the following to refernece a fellow from a certain widget:
var fellow = widget.$f('fellowID');
var fellow = widget.$f().fellowID;
var fellow = zk.Widget.$(jq('$fellowID')[0]);