how to estimate the system RAM size requirement for ELK - elastic-stack

I want to estimate the hardware requirement (RAM) for elastic search and kibana.
Assume i'm deploying Elastic and Kibana on same server as one node cluster. And i want to estimate the Minimum RAM size using injection rate vs query rate?


Grafana dashboard best practice for large scale monitoring

We have spark clusters with 100-200 nodes and we plot several metrics of executors, driver
We are not sure what's the best way to create a dashboard at such scale? Visualizing all the 100-200 nodes and executor stats doesn't surface the problem as there is lot of noise. It also slows down the dashboard tremendously
What are some good practices around grafana dashboards?
Visualize using top K
Plot only anomalies? How do we detect anomalies?
How to reduce noise?
How to make the dashboard more performant?
We use prometheus in the backend

Partitioning densed data points using clustering

I have to cluster data which are power profiles of the solar panel output. I tried various algorithm including classical K-means to shape based clustering as well. I have to decide number of cluster possible in the pool of data. And I am always getting 2 cluster, so I think they are very dense.
Is there any way I can partition dense cluster?

Application performance vs Peak performance

I have questions about real application performance running on a cluster vs cluster peak performance.
Let's say one HPC cluster report that it has peak performance of 1 Petaflops. How is this calculated?
To me, it seems that there are two measuring matrixes. One is the performance calculated based on the hardware. The other one is from running HPL? Is my understanding correct?
When I am reading one real application running on the system at full scale, the developer mentions that it could achieve 10% of the peak performance. How is this measured and why it can't achieve peak performance?
Peak performance is what the system is theoretically able to deliver. It is the product of the total number of CPU cores, the core clock frequency, and the number of FLOPs one core makes per clock tick. That performance can never be reached in practice because no real application consists of 100% fully vectorised tight loops that only operate on data held in the L1 data cache. In many cases data doesn't even fit in the last-level cache and the memory interface is usually not fast enough to deliver data at the same rate at which the CPU is able to process it. One ubiquitous example from HPC is the multiplication of a sparse matrix with a vector. It is so memory intensive (i.e. many loads and stores per arithmetic operation) that on many platforms it only achieves a fraction of the peak performance.
Things get even worse when multiple nodes are networked together on a massive scale as data transfers could introduce huge additional delays. Performance in those cases is determined mainly by the ratio of local data processing and data transfer. HPL is a particularly good in that aspect - it does a lot of vectorised local processing and does not move much data across the CPUs/nodes. That's not the case with many real-world parallel programs and also the reason why many are questioning the applicability of HPL in assessing cluster performance nowadays. Alternative benchmarks are already emerging, for example the HPCG benchmark (from the people who brought you HPL).
The theoretical (peak) value is based on the capability of each individual core in the cluster, which depends on clock frequency, number of floating point units, parallel instruction issuing capacity, vector register sizes, etc. which are design characteristics of the core. The flops/s count for each core in the cluster is then aggregated to get the cluster flops/s count.
For a car the equivalent theoretical performance would be the maximum speed it can reach given the specification of its engine.
For a program to reach the theoretical count, it has to perform specific operations in a specific order so that the instruction-level parallelism is maximum and all floating-point units are working constantly without delay due to synchronization or memory access, etc. (See this SO question for more insights)
For a car, it is equivalent to measuring top speed on a straight line with no wind.
But of course, chances that such a program computes something of interest are small. So benchmarks like HPL use actual problems in linear algebra, with a highly optimized and tuned implementation, but which is still imperfect due to IO operations and the fact that the order of operations is not optimal.
For a car, it could be compared to measuring the top average speed on a race track with straight lines, curves, etc.
If the program requires a lot of network, or disk communications, which are operations that require a lot of clock cycle, then the CPU has often to stay idle waiting for data before it can perform arithmetic operations, effectively wasting away a lot of computing power. Then, the actual performance is estimated by dividing the number of floating points operations (addition and multiplications) the program is performing by the time it takes to perform them.
For a car, this would correspond to measuring the top average speed in town with red lights, etc. by calculating the length of the trip divided by the time needed to accomplish it.

Decision on number of clusters in Data Mining

When ever we want to cluster some data then It is required to give the number of cluster by user. Like K-Means algorithm we need to specify that how cluster are required.
My question is it possible that the algorithm decides itself that how cluster are feasible for particular data set.
There are several clustering algorithms that do not require a desired number of clusters as an input to the algorithm. An example of such an algorithm is the mean-shift clustering algorithm. However, you will need to specify a kernel as an input to the algorithm. This kernel selection (e.g., the size and shape of the kernel) will impact the number of clusters that you get as an output.
Some more information:
I'm not expert with that, but to answer to your question, yes there are methods to determine automatically the number of cluster for a kmeans for example.
It's quite complicated but given a dataset and a cluster method you can compute what is called gap statistic in order to estime the number of clusters.
If you are a R user, try to check clusGap and maxSE functions.

Mahout k-means clustering command : facing Heap Space Issues

I am trying to perform k-means clustering using mahout on a 300MB dataset containing only numerical values. But I am running out of memory in the k-means command after the second iteration. Why does the size increase after every iteration? How can I resolve this issue?
Don't use Mahout for small data sets. Just don't.
300 MB easily fits into main memory of any modern computer. An in-memory implementation (maybe try ELKI) will easily outperform Mahout, because it does not have the overhead of Map Reduce.
Hadoop is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is the super-size solution, and you don't have supersize data.
Any chance that you aren't even using a real cluster, but virtual machines? You might have too small diskspace or memory assigned, or your cluster is not well configured.