Mahout k-means clustering command : facing Heap Space Issues - cluster-analysis

I am trying to perform k-means clustering using mahout on a 300MB dataset containing only numerical values. But I am running out of memory in the k-means command after the second iteration. Why does the size increase after every iteration? How can I resolve this issue?

Don't use Mahout for small data sets. Just don't.
300 MB easily fits into main memory of any modern computer. An in-memory implementation (maybe try ELKI) will easily outperform Mahout, because it does not have the overhead of Map Reduce.
Hadoop is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is the super-size solution, and you don't have supersize data.
Any chance that you aren't even using a real cluster, but virtual machines? You might have too small diskspace or memory assigned, or your cluster is not well configured.


Clustering, Large dataset, learning large number vocabulary words

I am try to do clustering from a large dataset dim:
rows: 1.4 million
expected number of clusters: 10,000 (10k)
Problem is : size of my dataset 10Gb, and I have RAM of 16Gb. I am trying to implement in Matlab. It will be big help for me if someone could response to it.
P.S. So far i have tried with hierarchical clustering. in one paper, tehy have suggested to go for "fixed radius incremental pre-clustering". But I didnt understand the procedure.
Thanks in advance.
Use some algorithm that does not require a distance matrix. Instead, choose one that can be index accelerated.
Anuthing with a distance matrix will exceed your memory. But even when not requiring this (e.g., SLINK uses only O(n) memory) it still may take too long. Indexes could reduce the runtime to O(n log n) although on your data, indexes may have problems.
Index accelerated algorithms are for example: OPTICS, DBSCAN.
Just don't use the really bad Matlab scripts for these algorithms.

Does tensorflow convnet only duplicate model across multiple GPUs?

I am currently running a Tensorflow convnet for image recognition and I am considering of buying new GPUs to enable more complex graphs, batch size, and input dimensions. I have read posts like this that do not recommend using AWS GPU instances to train convnets, but more opinions are always welcomed.
I've read Tensorflow's guide 'Training a Model Using Multiple GPU Cards', and it seems that the graph is duplicated across the GPUs. I would like to know is this the only way to use parallel GPUs in Tensorflow convnet?
The reason I am asking this is because if Tensorflow can only duplicate graphs across multiple GPUs, it would mean each GPU must have at least the memory size that my model requires for one batch. (Example if the minimum memory size required is 5GB, two card of 4GB each would not do the job)
Thank you in advance!
No, it is definitely possible to use different variables on different GPUs.
For every variable and every layer that you declare, you have the choice of where do you declare the variable.
And in the specific case, you would want to use multiple GPUs for duplicating your model only to increase its batch_size training parameter to train faster, you would still need to explicitly build your model using the concept of shared parameters and manage how do those parameters communicate.

How does Matlab implement GPU computation in CPU parallel loops?

Can we improve performance by calculating some parts of CPU's parfor or spmd blocks using gpuArray of GPU functions? Is this a rational way to improve performance or there are limitations in this procedure? I read somewhere that we can use this procedure when we have some GPU units. Is this the only way that we can use GPU computing besides CPU parallel loops?
It is possible that using gpuArray within a parfor loop or spmd block can give you a performance benefit, but really it depends on several factors:
How many GPUs you have on your system
What type of GPUs you have (some are better than others at dealing with being "oversubscribed" - i.e. where there are multiple processes using the same GPU)
How many workers you run
How much GPU memory you need for your alogrithm
How well suited the problem is to the GPU in the first place.
So, if you had two high-powered GPUs in your machine and ran two workers in a parallel pool on a problem that could keep a single GPU fully occupied - you'd expect to see good speedup. You might still get decent speedup if you ran 4 workers.
One thing that I would recommend is: if possible, try to avoid transferring gpuArray data from client to workers, as this is slower than usual data transfers (the gpuArray is first gathered to the CPU and then reconstituted on the worker).

Clustering classifier and clustering policy

I was going through the K-means algorithm in mahout and when debugging, I noticed that when creating the first clusters it does this following code:
ClusteringPolicy policy = new KMeansClusteringPolicy(convergenceDelta);
ClusterClassifier prior = new ClusterClassifier(clusters, policy);
I was reading the description of these classes and it was not clear for me...
I was wondering what is the meaning of these cluster classifier and policy?
is it related with hierarchical clustering, centroid based clustering, distribution based
clustering etc?
Because I do not know what is the benefit or the reason of using this cluster classifier and policy when using K-means mahout implementation.
The implementation shares code with other variants of k-means and similar algorithms such as Canopy pre-clustering and GMM.
These classes encode only the difference between these algorithms.
Mahout is not a good place to study the k-means algorithm, the implementation is quite a mess. It's also slow. As in really really slow. Most of the time, a single CPU implementation will outright beat Mahout on anything that fits into memory. Maybe even on disk of a single machine. Because of all the map-reduce overhead.

Matlab and GPU/CUDA programming

I need to run several independent analyses on the same data set.
Specifically, I need to run bunches of 100 glm (generalized linear models) analyses and was thinking to take advantage of my video card (GTX580).
As I have access to Matlab and the Parallel Computing Toolbox (and I'm not good with C++), I decided to give it a try.
I understand that a single GLM is not ideal for parallel computing, but as I need to run 100-200 in parallel, I thought that using parfor could be a solution.
My problem is that it is not clear to me which approach I should follow. I wrote a gpuArray version of the matlab function glmfit, but using parfor doesn't have any advantage over a standard "for" loop.
Has this anything to do with the matlabpool setting? It is not even clear to me how to set this to "see" the GPU card. By default, it is set to the number of cores in the CPU (4 in my case), if I'm not wrong.
Am I completely wrong on the approach?
Any suggestion would be highly appreciated.
Thanks. I'm aware of GPUmat and Jacket, and I could start writing in C without too much effort, but I'm testing the GPU computing possibilities for a department where everybody uses Matlab or R. The final goal would be a cluster based on C2050 and the Matlab Distribution Server (or at least this was the first project).
Reading the ADs from Mathworks I was under the impression that parallel computing was possible even without C skills. It is impossible to ask the researchers in my department to learn C, so I'm guessing that GPUmat and Jacket are the better solutions, even if the limitations are quite big and the support to several commonly used routines like glm is non-existent.
How can they be interfaced with a cluster? Do they work with some job distribution system?
I would recommend you try either GPUMat (free) or AccelerEyes Jacket (buy, but has free trial) rather than the Parallel Computing Toolbox. The toolbox doesn't have as much functionality.
To get the most performance, you may want to learn some C (no need for C++) and code in raw CUDA yourself. Many of these high level tools may not be smart enough about how they manage memory transfers (you could lose all your computational benefits from needlessly shuffling data across the PCI-E bus).
Parfor will help you for utilizing multiple GPUs, but not a single GPU. The thing is that a single GPU can do only one thing at a time, so parfor on a single GPU or for on a single GPU will achieve the exact same effect (as you are seeing).
Jacket tends to be more efficient as it can combine multiple operations and run them more efficiently and has more features, but most departments already have parallel computing toolbox and not jacket so that can be an issue. You can try the demo to check.
No experience with gpumat.
The parallel computing toolbox is getting better, what you need is some large matrix operations. GPUs are good at doing the same thing multiple times, so you need to either combine your code somehow into one operation or make each operation big enough. We are talking a need for ~10000 things in parallel at least, although it's not a set of 1e4 matrices but rather a large matrix with at least 1e4 elements.
I do find that with the parallel computing toolbox you still need quite a bit of inline CUDA code to be effective (it's still pretty limited). It does better allow you to inline kernels and transform matlab code into kernels though, something that