why the example of TextFormField does't work anymore? - flutter

The flutter TextFormField has an example,
it says
this example shows how to move the focus to the next field when the user presses the ENTER key.
but when I press the ENTER, it doesn't work, is this a bug of flutter or Am I missing something?

The LogicalKeyboardKey.enter will stand true for mobiles and other android and Ios based keyboards. While in Your pc the functionality can be achieved by tab key.


Retrieving typing input/coordinate information from keyboard

Im trying to retrieve typing information such as the on-screen coordinates of where a user presses a key on a keyboard on Android and iOS using flutter similar to how swiftkey does it to generate their heatmaps.
How would I go about doing this? Do I have to create my own custom keyboard
I've tried to implement the suggestion here: How to Calculate the Coordinates of touch in Flutter?
But once the keyboard drawer pops up, the on-screen coordinates do not register.
To do this you would have to show your own keyboard that you build in flutter. The reason for this is that the keyboard which pops up is actually a different android window (or at least activity, but pretty sure window and likely process as well), that is shown over top of the window that flutter is rendering into. By design, the keypresses can't be recorded as that would be a security issue (the active app is one thing, but imagine if another app could record keypresses or even location of taps - they could steal your passwords!).
There may be some android-specific way of doing it that I'm not aware of, but it probably won't work on all devices and all keyboards and is likely not a good route to follow.

Mobile Safari submit with enter key

I am using an iPad with a bluetooth keyboard and am having some troubles. I basically have a website that after tapping search, pops up with a modal. The modal contains a summary of information & two buttons - a cancel and a print. My hope is to have the "Enter" key mean the user clicked on the "Print" button. I've tried going the javascript route with click triggers and such, and I've also tried making it into a form with a submit button but mobile safari likes neither. It seems like it requires that I touch the screen again before pressing enter to work. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated..

android Soft keyboard cover the input box in the webview

I use Webview to load some url ,there is a input box in the webview .when I click the input box ,the soft keyboard conver the input box ,how can i do to solve
If you are saying that you are making an application for android and that the soft keyboard is covering an input box when you are testing your application and you would like to fix this issue, you should try the following:
to the the tag in the manifest and to all your webviews/views. This should fix it and adjust the screen so that the input box isn't covered.
I had a similar issue and I remember looking up on SO and somebody was suggesting this fix and it worked for me. I don't remember the link to that fix :(

Android Input Methods

We are creating an app for tamil keyboard in that we are providing suggestions like a,an,and, etc.. while clicking that suggestion it is not displayed in default editText field of our mobile phone. so, My query is how to display suggestion to the default textbox while clicking the particular suggestion.

iPhone webapp change "Done" button

I'm developing a webapp on the iPhone. When entering text in a textfield, a keyboard pops up. Is there a way to change the wording for the "Done" key or hide it? I know how to change the "return" key, I want to change the blue "Done" key.
Thank you.
This has nothing to do with the web application itself , 'done' button is part of mobile safari user interface...No you can't to this from inside your web-app...
The only way to implement something like this (only for jailbroken devices) , is creating a mobilesubstrate hook for mobilesafari (exported as a dynamic library) , for changing any (possible) attributes of the desired subview...