Mobile Safari submit with enter key - forms

I am using an iPad with a bluetooth keyboard and am having some troubles. I basically have a website that after tapping search, pops up with a modal. The modal contains a summary of information & two buttons - a cancel and a print. My hope is to have the "Enter" key mean the user clicked on the "Print" button. I've tried going the javascript route with click triggers and such, and I've also tried making it into a form with a submit button but mobile safari likes neither. It seems like it requires that I touch the screen again before pressing enter to work. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated..


Is it possible to access/display a cancel button on a mobile keyboard?

I'm hoping to remove some buttons from the UI in the mobile version of my Vue-built SPA.
If I include a form element in my app, the return button on a mobile keyboard allows the form to be submitted, and thus trigger all of the related listeners that close the form, update the data, etc.
Is there a way to access a cancel button for forms on mobile keyboards?
There is no way of triggering a forms "reset" button via a mobile keyboard.

Disable scrolling on Soft Keyboard launch

I've been struggling with this for several days. I have a very simple page in my mobile app with a textarea input and when I click on it the soft keyboard appears and scrolls the header of my page out of view. Is there a way to prevent this default scrolling?
Your is the default functionality of Phones, When user completes typing the screen automatically scroll backs, Kindly check it, If it works please reply.

Facebook Like Button post on feed dialog disappears

I'm having a problem with a facebook like button.
The problem is as follows:
When the user clicks the like button, a post-on-the-wall dialog appears (called with edge.create) but in just half a second, the dialog disappears.
Another thing is when you usually click a fb like button, your like is instantly processed, no problems here, but in my page, when you click the like button, the dialog windows appears, after a moment disapperas, and the text on the like button changes to "Confirm",
and only after pressing "Confirm", the like is processed.
(I am using the javascript api)
The problem should be obvious, but again - why does the dialog window disappear, and why does the like have to be "confirmed" ?
I've been banging my head with this problem for a few days and I really can't take it anymore, so any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thank you.
The confirm button usually shows up when a new like button is getting many clicks in a short time period to help battle "like-jacking". This is not a coding error, rather a facebook controlled function.

iPhone and iPad wordpress menu BAD behavior

On this site :, the menu template work fine in "normal" desktop browser, but dont slide down on ipad-iphone device. What can be the problem ?
Some tell me it's a css problem, but HOW safari desktop work ?
The problem is that the menu expansion relies on the user hovering with a mouse. On touch devices like iPads & iPhones, the hovering gesture can't be replicated because there's only one input- touch. If I were you, I'd take a look at Twitter's Bootstrap menu setup and perhaps use media queries to serve up a different menu on smaller screen sizes.
Here's an example of a Bootstrap navigation bar in action (you'll have to inspect the code to see how it works).
Add a href to the top-level <a>'s so that they can be focusable:
Elements that are focusable receive mouse events and hover styles when the user taps on them.
As #Matt stated, the problem is that your menu relies on a hover event and unfortunately that event is unavailable on touch screen devices.
One way to fix this would be to:
Check if the current user's device is an iOS device
If the device is an iOS device, use javascript to trigger a menu item's "show event" when the menu button is CLICKED instead of ROLLED OVER / HOVERED.
This would result in the menu being shown when the user taps a menu button.

How to add a link to a website with a button and get back to the app

I was wondering how to add a link to a website so that when the user taps on a button, he will be taken to that webpage, but can then hit an x in the top left corner or hit the home button and then it will take them back to their app. I want it to be like iad where it doesn't close your app when you click on that link.
You can implement your own UIWebView in your app which will display the link, and handle all of the navigation. There are many tutorials on the web. Hope that Helps!