Unable to save to my repository after forking at GitHub - github

I forked a repository from GitHub and opened a ipynb file it contained in Colab. However, when I go to File and try to save a copy in GitHub, it shows me the directories of the owner of the notebook, not my own. Did I do something wrong?


Open and Run Python file after cloning from Github

I have made a clone of a repository of Github in Google Colab. It is done successfully and I can see the files there. After cloning when I tried to open the individual file of python I was unable to open the individual file.
Kindly guide me on how to work on individual files after creating a clone as we open them as a normal file directly from the link of GitHub in collab.

"Not in a git repository" error in git-lfs

I have a over 100 mb csv file that i would like to upload to github using lfs. However, i am facing this issue (Screenshot added). I have put the csv file in the local folder where the repository is located.
enter image description here
You have to init a new repository or clone an existing repository first.
The directory must have a .git folder to be able to run git commands. To create one, run git init and then you would be able to continue.

Github desktop caches deleted local repository

I'm new at GitHub and I'm having this issue: I created three private repositories for my project, all fine. On the fourth one, for some reason GitHub desktop included the node_modules folder (its an angular cli app), so I deleted the repository from GitHub.com and from GitHub desktop. When I try to recreate it, it is "cached" on my Mac, even if I copy everything to another folder, and it tries to upload the node_module files.
I also changed the name of the repository, copied all the files but node_modules folder to another folder. Same happens over and over.
I couldn't find anything on internet about this. Sorry if its a newbie question.
You could try to delete the git folder that it's being hidden by default.
Go to in file explore -Views- select "Hidden Items" and try to remove the git folder from here. After that set up your .gitignore file and pass node_modules before you use git init
Use this in your terminal, if you are using VS Code use this in the same folder you are having the problem : git config --global core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore'

pushing a zip file to GitHub repository

I am pretty new to GitHub and I have lots of problems working with that. I have created a repository in my GitHub account and then a folder named "Data Set" in the repository. Now i want to push a zip file to this folder. what should I do? i have Git Bash on my windows too.

How to re-connect a local github repository I completely overwrote?

I have a Unity project that I messed up badly, so I downloaded the zip file of the latest repository I pushed to GitHub, deleted the local files, and dumped the content of that zip in place of the old directory. I thought this would be a seamless transition, but now GitHub Desktop is not recognizing these files as a git repository. I don't know why because there are github-specific files in there. I have made significant changes that I need to save. How do I reconnect this repository? Do I want to hit "Clone Again" or will that overwrite what I have locally with what is in the cloud? Again, I want to push what I have locally to the cloud.
For anybody else having this problem, here is what I did:
Save your local repository into a zip file someplace accessible,
like your desktop.
Completely gut your local directory--delete all
contents within the root folder. GitHub Desktop demands a clear folder to clone into.
In GitHub Desktop, where it says it
can't find your repository anymore, click the button that says
"Clone Again". This will download your cloud repository into your
local directory--the opposite of what we wanted, but at least what
comes next will work.
Delete all the cloned files that are NOT files associated with GitHub. This will prevent extraneous files from being left over when you overwrite your project files.
Copy all the non-GitHub-related files from the zip into the renewed directory.
This will restore the link between directories. Now, IT IS POSSIBLE that I deleted an essential GitHub file and did not notice (since there are at least 4 of them), and simply restoring THAT file from the cloud would fix everything. If you become disconnected like I was, I recommend trying that first in case it works and saves you time. Those are the files that get overwritten by GitHub when local files are updated.