How does "attachments" option in exextra work? - moodle

I would like to know more about the attachments option in \exextra. Does this option allow the attachment(s) from students when they are submitting their answers? I could not find any worked example on this feature in or in any other sources. Many thanks!

We haven't advertised this option much because we hope to further improve and streamline it in the future. There is one worked example, though: Essentially all the exextra options specified in that exercise map to the corresponding options in Moodle.


In the qbXML ItemQuery request , how do I get the description for a service item?

I am creating a tool that will synchronize our production database with QuickBooks (QB). I am trying to get a list of all the items in QB using ItemQuery and I want to get the description of each item as well. However, it seems that different types of items have different ways of specifying the description. Using IncludeRetElement, I am able to get the SalesDesc for ItemInventoryRet, but I am struggling with getting the description for ItemServiceRet (and a few others, but I think if I can figure this one out, I will be able to figure out the others).
Here is my request...
<?qbxml version="12.0"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
<ItemQueryRq requestID="2">
And here is the response I'm getting (shortened for clarity)...
<ItemQueryRs requestID="2" statusCode="0" statusSeverity="Info" statusMessage="Status OK">
<Name>1/2" Line</Name>
<FullName>Irrigation Hose:1/2" Line</FullName>
<SalesDesc>1/2" Vinyl Irrigation Line</SalesDesc>
<ItemDesc>Walkway lighting</ItemDesc>
According to the documentation (pick ItemQuery from the dropdown), the description I think I want is ItemServiceRet > ORSalePurchase > SaleOrPurchase > Desc. The request includes one way I've tried, but I've tried quite a few other ways as well...
So the question is, how do you retrieve sub elements in qbXML queries?
I have found that if I remove all the IncludeRetElements, I do get the values. But I would like to learn how to only get the data I care about. We have a HUGE QB database so this could be a major performance issue if I have to get everything.
As a note, I switched to using QBFC10Lib instead of creating the XML myself hoping it would help me solve this issue, but it didn't. I am still having the exact same issue. I'm guessing that an answer to one will resolve both qbXML and QBFC.
I figured it out. You have to add each level separately, like this...
<?qbxml version="12.0"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
<ItemQueryRq requestID="2">
I had tried this earlier, but I think I missed a level. Anyway, hopefully this answer will help somebody else from wasting half their day :).

Using sails and waterline, where is the showJoins option set when using toObject()?

Using the Model.toObject() call , I saw that all association keys were being stripped. Looking through the documentation, it seems there's a showJoin option as well as a joins[] array of keys to include.
But, I haven't found a place where to send in or set those options. Anyone know?

RESTful urls for restore operation from a trash bin

I've been implementing a RESTful web service which has these operations:
List articles:
GET /articles
Delete articles (which should remove only selected articles to a trash bin):
DELETE /articles
List articles in the trash bin:
GET /trash/articles
I have to implement an operation for restoring "articles" from "/trash/articles" back to "/articles".
And here is the question. Ho do you usually do it? What url do I have to use?
I came up to the 2 ways of doing it. The first is:
DELETE /trash/articles
But it feels strange and a user can read it like "delete it permanently, don't restore".
And the second way is
PUT /trash/articles
Which is more odd and a user will be confused what this operation does.
I'm new to REST, so please advice how you do it normally. I tried to search in google but I don't know how to ask it right, so I didn't get something useful.
Another option could be to use "query params" to define a "complementary action/verb" to cover this "special condition" you have (given that this is not very easily covered by the HTTP verbs). This then could be done for example by:
PUT /trash/articles?restore=true
This would make the URI path still complaint with REST guideline (referring to a resource, and not encoding "actions" - like "restore") and would shift the "extra semantics" of what you want to do (which is a very special situation) to the "query parameter". "Query params" are very commonly used for "filtering" resources in REST, not so much for this kind of situation... but maybe this is a reasonable assumption given your requirements.
I would recommend using
PUT /restore/articles
PUT /restore/trash/articles
Late answer but, in my opinion, the best way is to change the resource itself.
For instance:
<article is_in_trash="true">
<title>come title</title>
<body>the article body</body>
So, in order to remove the article from Trash, you would simple use PUT an updated version of the article, where is_in_trash="false".

Postgres SPI cursor options: Where is a complete list? / What are the default options?

From the Postgresql documentation:
int cursorOptions
Integer bit mask of cursor options; zero produces default behavior.
What is the default behavior? Where is a complete list of cursor options? I've been looking through the documentation for an hour now. Can someone provide a link or point me in the right direction?
I am compiling a list of cursorOptions as I peel through the documentation to help save the others the trouble.
Defined in <src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h>:
CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL (0x0002) is required by several SPI commands. Setting this option will allow for more complex movement through cursors. Further details are explained in the documentation of SPI_cursor_fetch, SPI_cursor_move, SPI_scroll_cursor_fetch, SPI_scroll_cursor_move
CURSOR_OPT_HOLD (0x0010) is ignored by SPI_prepare_cursor. However, it's behavior for SPI_prepare_params and SPI_cursor_open_with_args is not specified in the documentation.
NOTE: If anyone with the ability to edit posts wishes to contribute to this answer (additional options, functionality or insights), please feel free to do so. I will try to move comments up into the answer as they come.

Show all posts from category X with the same taxonomy term as current post

I already have this almost working, with a neat snippet someone helped me with. Currently though its displaying all posts regardless of category or post type with the same taxonomy term as the current post. I would like to change it so I can specify which category it should loop in the posts from.
This is what the code looks like:
I realise this is probably pretty easy to do, but I dont know where in this code I should specify the categories or how I should write to do that. Can anyone help me with this?
I used your code to solve the same problem and I filtered the posts with info from:
Using the info on that page, in the $args that you specify, you can add 'post_type' => array('custom_post_type_01', 'custom_post_type_02');
You could also specify which categories to include (or exclude) using this code:
'category_name' => 'category';
You can find more info on the page above and you can essentially filter your posts using lots of different parameters. Hope this helps!