Using sails and waterline, where is the showJoins option set when using toObject()? - sails.js

Using the Model.toObject() call , I saw that all association keys were being stripped. Looking through the documentation, it seems there's a showJoin option as well as a joins[] array of keys to include.
But, I haven't found a place where to send in or set those options. Anyone know?


Pymongo3.6 check_keys not doing it's job

I need dots in my keys in mongo. So, while inserting I am sending 'check_keys = False'. This was working fine for pymongo3.4. But I recently updated to pymongo3.6 and I am getting the InvalidDocument Error even when I am sending check_keys=False. Is there any way around this problem?
db['test'].insert([{'a.b': 'asd'}], check_keys=False}
Please try this out using both Pymongo3.6 and Pymongo3.4
Use insert_one method instead as insert is deprecated, and supply bypass_document_validation=True parameter.
I'm having a similar issue, and I found that update_one seems to not care about the dot (.), so I'm considering to create an empty object first, with insert_one, then add the contents to it later using update_one, that way bypassing that limitation. Not the cleanest solution, but could do the trick.

Sparx Enterprise Architect DocumentGenerator does not honour TaggedValues on Stereotype or values from SetProjectConstants and ReplaceField

maybe someone can help me on this. I am trying to generate a document via the DocumentGenerator interface. All in all this works well, except that the DocumentGenerator does not replace the Report Constants with actual values (which are defined on the report package stereotype.
This is the general flow of the document creation code (which generally works):
var gen = Repository.CreateDocumentGenerator();
gen.SetProjectConstant("ReportName", "My Project");
gen.ReplaceField("ReportName", "My Project");
gen.DocumentPackage((int)nativeId, 0, template);
gen.SaveDocument(fileName, DocumentType.dtDOCX);
I tried ReplaceField and SetProjectConstant both and one at a time before and after calls to NewDocument/InsertCoverPageDocument:
Strangely there is one constant that is being replaced: ReportSummary.
When I run the document generator via "F8" all constants are being replaced correctly.
Other project constants are being replaced correctly.
I can reproduce the behaviour on EA v14.1.1429 and v12.0.1215.
Does someone have a hint for further troubleshooting? Thanks in advance!
========== UPDATE ==========
When I use ReplaceField at the end (before the actual call to SaveDocument the following Report Constants get replaced: {ReportTitle} and {ReportName}
I discovered some workaround: when I manually remove the predefined {Report~} constants from the template and re-add them as Project Constants, their values get replaced correctly.
I will examine this further and give an update as
I did some further investigation on this and came to the following conclusion and workaround (as I have received no comments or answers on this):
I deleted all references to ReportConstants in my EA templates and replaced them by ProjectConstants with the same name.
In my code where I want to generate the documentation I (re)set all ProjectConstants with the actual values via SetProjectConstant and additionally added a call to ReplaceField to replace the constants with the actual values.
The previous mentioned calls are inserted directly before the call to SaveDocument document.
tags.ForEach(t =>
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Key)) return;
generator.SetProjectConstant(t.Key, t.Value);
generator.ReplaceField(t.Key, t.Value);
generator.SaveDocument(fileName, DocumentType.dtDOCX);
If someone comes up with a better resonse or explanation for the behaviour I am happy to accept this as answer.
I have also found that when you call ReplaceField on these project constants in a CoverPage template, the formatting defined in the template is overwritten. It seems that some of the SetProjectConstant calls actually set the values as you would expect, and the rest do not.. hence the need to call both sets of APIs.

Protractor Implementation in Angular2 without using ids

I have application in Angularjs2, and developers have not been using ids into it. Now I have to implement the Protractor on same application. Is there anyway to implement the Protractor without using "absolute XPath"?
Thanks in advance!
Please find a huge range of locator-possibilities on the official Protractortest API Page
Every element on a page needs to be uniquely identifiable... else the page wouldn't work, no matter which technology. Therefore with the help of any of the above provided locator-possibilities you'll always find the element you're looking for.
And there is never a need for XPath, except for this only one. (though there is an parentElementArrayFinder introduced in the meantime, so not even that one exception is valid anymore)
If you could use XPath, you can for sure use CSS-Locators.
Here some examples for locators:
$('div.class#id[anyAttribute="anyValue"] div.child.somewhere-below-div-point-class')
element(by.cssContainingText('div[data-index="2"]', 'select this option'))
Or as a specific example the "Learn More" of the "Tree List" section of :
treeListSection = element(by.cssContainingText(' h2', 'Tree List')).getDriver();
learnMoreBtn = treeListSection.element(by.cssContainingText('','Learn More'));;
Those are just examples, but there is always a way to do it.
If you provide some example-HTML in your Question, I can direct you towards a solution.
For getting the Parent Web Element, one could use getDriver() as well

Custom Search Results in REST MarkLogic

So new to MarkLogic am stuck and not finding the documentation of use. I know what i need to do, just do not know how to do it.
I have a keyvalue? search on my REST server which returns ML's standard search results and XML snippet. I want to create my own custom search result which will output a title element for my XML files.
I am aware that i need to create an XSLT transformation document and upload that to the server but do not know how to target ML's search function or how to write this out.
I have basic knowledge of XSLT, if i just created something that targets each files title using xPath will this work, or does ML require use of their custom functions?
I know its a bit broad, but hopefully someone can point steer me.
Sounds like you are talking about the GET /v1/keyvalue endpoint of MarkLogic REST API. Unfortunately that does not allow you to choose a transform. You can probably use GET /v1/search with a transform param instead though, using a structured query for an element value query. The docs contain a good syntax reference on that.
Docs on creating and managing transforms can be found here:
You can use extract-metadata in your search options with search:search or the /v1/search/ REST API endpoint to include the title element in a metadata element or JSON property in your results:
import module namespace search = ""
at "/MarkLogic/appservices/search/search.xqy";
"my query string",
<options xmlns="">
<qname elem-ns="" elem-name="title"/>
If you need more flexibility, you specify a custom snippet implementation or a results decorator function in your search options.
Is this key-value or full text? For key-value you could use XPath. Any XPath that starts with / or // or fn:collection() or fn:doc() will search the entire database. You can search specific document(s) or collection(s) too.
For full text you'd probably want to use - or possibly for really low-level control.
There's some example code using search:search from XSL at which might help. It doesn't use the REST API: it's a traditional form-submit web page. But the view/search.xsl code might give you some idea how to call the search API from XSLT.
That RunDMC code might also help you if you need to call XSL from XQuery: take a look at controller/transform.xqy.

How to write mapping conditions in Devart's Entity Developer

Does anybody know how to use the "Conditions" feature in the "Mapping Details" option of the Model.
I have tried adding Conditions like "IsDeleted = False" or "IsDeleted = 0" and nothing works. Just get errors.
Many thanks.
It seems that one cannot use a mapped property. Once I removed this, the condition worked. However this means that one cannot update this property via EF, and instead one has to use raw DDL via ExecuteStoreCommand.
Hope this helps someone. It got me scratching my head !!