I'm trying to save some KML files to PostgreSQL.
I'm using postgis and this is a sample of what I've done so far.
INSERT INTO police_crime_boundaries (name, polygon) VALUES (
<coordinates>-2.69927798816,52.9954289967,0 -2.70075298816,52.9932649967,0
Anyone have any idea of what am I doing wrong?
Getting the data from here: https://data.police.uk/data/boundaries/
LinearRing can not be stored to/retrieved from a Geometry column (see the document)
So you should either use <Polygon> tag instead of <LinearRing> or wrap it with OuterBoundary and Polygon tags like below :
<coordinates>0,0 0,1 1,1 1,0 0,0</coordinates>
Can I use xpath_table parsing with xmlnamespaces
drop table if exists _xml;
create temporary table _xml (fbf_xml_id serial,str_Xml xml);
insert into _xml(str_Xml)
select '<DataSet1 xmlns="http://tempuri.org/DataSet_LocalMaMC.xsd">
</DataSet1>' ;
drop table if exists _y;
create temporary table _y as
FROM xpath_table('FBF_xml_id','str_Xml','_xml',
'true') AS t(FBF_xml_id int,ID text);
select * from _y
If I take of the xmlnamespaces it works fine.
I thought to work with Xpath, but when there is null, it gives me wrong results.
With Postgres 10 or later, xmltable() is the preferred way to do this.
You can easily specify a list of namespaces with that.
SELECT fbf_xml_id, xt.id
FROM _xml
cross join
xmltable(xmlnamespaces ('http://tempuri.org/DataSet_LocalMaMC.xsd' as x),
passing str_xml
id text path 'x:ID') as xt
Note that in the XPath expression used for the xmltable() function, the tags are prefixed with the namespace alias defined in the xmlnamespaces option even though they are not prefixed in the input XML.
Online example
I'm trying to create a middle line through a polygon path but having problems, now i'm totally lost how to do it. Can anyone help to achieve this goal ?
ST_ApproximateMedialAxis might be what you're looking for.
This PostGIS function can be installed with the extension postgis_sfcgal:
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_sfcgal
Data Sample:
INSERT INTO t VALUES ('POLYGON((-4.689807593822478 54.20411976258862,-4.68751162290573 54.20415427666532,-4.686465561389922 54.20414172609529,-4.685768187046051 54.20414800138079,-4.685280025005341 54.20414486373812,-4.685070812702178 54.204126037877415,-4.685092270374298 54.2040538719985,-4.685854017734527 54.204078973188075,-4.687039554119109 54.20407583554021,-4.688123166561126 54.204082110835685,-4.689078032970428 54.2040601472973,-4.689936339855194 54.20403818374726,-4.689807593822478 54.20411976258862))');
SELECT ST_ASText(ST_ApproximateMedialAxis(geom)) FROM t;
MULTILINESTRING((-4.68993633985519 54.2040381837473,-4.68979598869017 54.2040808603332),(-4.68812343743121 54.2041135944836,-4.68907889005644 54.2040954248621),(-4.68812343743121 54.2041135944836,-4.68751156547988 54.2041164214432),(-4.68646560965613 54.2041095395079,-4.6858535007301 54.2041131034922),(-4.68646560965613 54.2041095395079,-4.68703949691079 54.2041122226661),(-4.6858535007301 54.2041131034922,-4.68576814087419 54.2041120816007),(-4.68907889005644 54.2040954248621,-4.68979598869017 54.2040808603332),(-4.68576814087419 54.2041120816007,-4.68528206303828 54.2041025125126),(-4.68703949691079 54.2041122226661,-4.68751156547988 54.2041164214432),(-4.68512015518242 54.2040925683677,-4.68528206303828 54.2041025125126))
(1 Zeile)
Depending on your use case, another option would be ST_StraightSkeleton:
SELECT ST_ASText(ST_StraightSkeleton(geom)) FROM t;
MULTILINESTRING((-4.68980759382248 54.2041197625886,-4.68979598869017 54.2040808603332),(-4.68993633985519 54.2040381837473,-4.68979598869017 54.2040808603332),(-4.68907803297043 54.2040601472973,-4.68907889005644 54.2040954248621),(-4.68812316656113 54.2040821108357,-4.68812343743121 54.2041135944836),(-4.68703955411911 54.2040758355402,-4.68703949691079 54.2041122226661),(-4.68585401773453 54.2040789731881,-4.6858535007301 54.2041131034922),(-4.6850922703743 54.2040538719985,-4.68512015518242 54.2040925683677),(-4.68507081270218 54.2041260378774,-4.68512015518242 54.2040925683677),(-4.68528002500534 54.2041448637381,-4.68528206303828 54.2041025125126),(-4.68576818704605 54.2041480013808,-4.68576814087419 54.2041120816007),(-4.68646556138992 54.2041417260953,-4.68646560965613 54.2041095395079),(-4.68751162290573 54.2041542766653,-4.68751156547988 54.2041164214432),(-4.68812343743121 54.2041135944836,-4.68907889005644 54.2040954248621),(-4.68812343743121 54.2041135944836,-4.68751156547988 54.2041164214432),(-4.68646560965613 54.2041095395079,-4.6858535007301 54.2041131034922),(-4.68646560965613 54.2041095395079,-4.68703949691079 54.2041122226661),(-4.6858535007301 54.2041131034922,-4.68576814087419 54.2041120816007),(-4.68907889005644 54.2040954248621,-4.68979598869017 54.2040808603332),(-4.68576814087419 54.2041120816007,-4.68528206303828 54.2041025125126),(-4.68703949691079 54.2041122226661,-4.68751156547988 54.2041164214432),(-4.68512015518242 54.2040925683677,-4.68528206303828 54.2041025125126))
(1 Zeile)
I get what seems like a bug in Postgresql/Postgis. This is a completely reproducible example that demonstrates the problem:
#create a new srid for local area (formula for proj4text is taken from Quantum GIS)
INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys (srid, auth_name, auth_srid, proj4text) VALUES (998997, 'EPSG', 998997, '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=44.55 +k=1 +x_0=2250000 +y_0=-5714743.504 +ellps=krass +towgs84=24,-123,-94,0.02,-0.25,-0.13,1.1 +units=m +no_defs ');
#create a new table for storing geometry data:
geom geometry,
CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_geom_layer CHECK (st_ndims(geom) = 2),
CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_geom_layer CHECK (st_srid(geom) = 998997)
#add one polygon to the table:
INSERT INTO layer (geom) VALUES (ST_Force2D(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((4832654.676302 7570323.2813639, 4810946.560269 7597840.6115465, 4836629.4017728 7629944.1634263, 4886772.0923279 7629944.1634263, 4902059.4979849 7591725.6492837, 4864452.4800686 7553507.1351411, 4832654.676302 7570323.2813639),(4845190.3489408 7589891.1606049, 4855585.7847875 7610376.2841853, 4876988.1527074 7604567.0700356, 4874847.9159154 7588362.4200392, 4858031.7696927 7575520.9992872, 4845190.3489408 7589891.1606049))', 3857),998997)));
#check that this polygon is valid!
SELECT ST_IsValid(ST_Force2D(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((4832654.676302 7570323.2813639, 4810946.560269 7597840.6115465, 4836629.4017728 7629944.1634263, 4886772.0923279 7629944.1634263, 4902059.4979849 7591725.6492837, 4864452.4800686 7553507.1351411, 4832654.676302 7570323.2813639),(4845190.3489408 7589891.1606049, 4855585.7847875 7610376.2841853, 4876988.1527074 7604567.0700356, 4874847.9159154 7588362.4200392, 4858031.7696927 7575520.9992872, 4845190.3489408 7589891.1606049))', 3857),998997))) AS is_valid;
#^^^ it returns t. so, the geometry is 100% ok.
#check how it looks like in geojson format:
SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(geom, 3857))::json from layer
#^^^ Again it's ok and returns some nice geojson data
#Final step. Check ST_ApproximateMedialAxis function
SELECT ST_ApproximateMedialAxis(ST_Transform(geom, 3857)) from layer;
The final query returns an error message:
ERROR: Polygon is invalid : exterior ring and interior ring 0 have the same orientation : POLYGON((5189023446929109/1073741824 2032143182100511/268435456,5165714534831303/1073741824 31867653268373/4194304,1298322818976529/268435456 8192590163056015/1073741824,26
********** Error **********
So, all ingredients seem to be ok - formula for srid is taken from some standard widely used tool, data is inserted into the table without problems, the data is validated by ST_IsValid, geojson representation of data is also ok, but one library function still does not like something.
I have found this nice thread and came to the solution. I just have to use ST_ForceRHR Postgis function which
forces the orientation of the vertices in a polygon to follow the Right-Hand-Rule
So the right way to insert the data was:
INSERT INTO layer (geom) VALUES (ST_Force2D(ST_Transform(ST_ForceRHR(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((4832654.676302 7570323.2813639, 4810946.560269 7597840.6115465, 4836629.4017728 7629944.1634263, 4886772.0923279 7629944.1634263, 4902059.4979849 7591725.6492837, 4864452.4800686 7553507.1351411, 4832654.676302 7570323.2813639),(4845190.3489408 7589891.1606049, 4855585.7847875 7610376.2841853, 4876988.1527074 7604567.0700356, 4874847.9159154 7588362.4200392, 4858031.7696927 7575520.9992872, 4845190.3489408 7589891.1606049))', 3857)),998997)));
I'm fairly new to postgres. I am trying to copy over a file from my computer to a postgres server. I first initialize the table with
id text, lng numeric(6,4), lat numeric(6,4),
score1 numeric(5,4), score2 numeric(5,4));
And my CSV looks like this:
ID lng lat score1 score2
1 -72.298 43.218 0.561 0.894
2 -72.298 43.218 0.472 0.970
3 -72.285 43.250 0.322 0.959
4 -72.285 43.250 0.370 0.934
5 -72.325 43.173 0.099 0.976
6 -72.325 43.173 0.099 0.985
However, when I try to copy the CSV over, I get the following error
COPY coredb FROM '/home/usr/Documents/filefordb.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "lng"
CONTEXT: COPY nhcore, line 1, column lng: "lng"
Oddly enough the csv imports just fine when I set the CREATE TABLE parameters to text for all the columns. Could someone explain why this is happening? I am using psql 9.4.1
You have to use HEADER true to tell COPY to skip the header line.
I've seen that with st_intersects you can call...
ST_INTERSECTS('geometry', circle(latlng(lat,lng),1))
How do you write it if you want to have a polygon instead?
ST_INTERSECTS('geometry', polygon(
latlng(lat,lng),latlng(lat,lng)),(..next shape)
or can we actually use kml like this in some way?
ST_INTERSECTS('geometry', '<MultiGeometry><Polygon>
ANSWER(wouldn't let me post it yet):
I figured this par out.
SELECT 'name' FROM 1vVUoTyGcnlbxmd66lZeHj81-tbgpIyKpVmXaZxYH
LATLNG(40.249528, -120.8435),
LATLNG(40.258326, -121.061249),
LATLNG(40.301765, -121.007911),
LATLNG(40.249528, -120.8435)
You can execute the query at the link below.
FusionTables doesn't support the intersection of 2 polygons. There is a feature request that has been marked "WontFix"