I'm trying to insert a base64 image code as the default value for one of my columns. I've tried encapsulating my base64 with single quotes but in SSMS it doesn't show it as a string and am getting errors when trying to save the table.
-Error validating the default for column 'mycol'
-Error modyfing column properties, Unclosed quotation mark after the character string : then shows the entire base64 code.
I also tried the following way: (N'(base64here)') but that also throws the same error.
I did a search/replace in notepad for any other single quotes in my string but there are none.
Not sure whats wrong here? Could it be that the string is too long for an varchar(MAX) field? It's 223210 characters long. I'm using SSMS gui not TSQL to enter the defaul value.
The base64 string above is truncated because stackoverflow has character limit btw.
I was able to add it using TSQL
DEFAULT 'base64here' FOR MYCOL;
I am storing data which includes single and double quotes in a column which has a type of text.
I have a function that returns that column but it always returns the double quote character being doubled up. I tried to escape the character \" but that just returned \"". I have the same process working in MySQL well. I am trying to move to Postgres for greater scaling and stability but it seems it does not work well. I have noticed in pgAdmin when I look at the data output, it seems to show the data correctly so I am wondering what is being done there for it to work correctly?
Also I am getting a (" at the start of the returned value and ") at the end.
Can someone help please?
Use pg_escape_string to escape quote characters in your string.
I have a table that for some reason stores text as IMAGE. I can grab the data and read it using
Now I need to insert data back in to the table. I've tried
But when I test converting it back using
It returns 䕔呓吠塅 which is obviously not right as it should return "TEST TEXT"
What am I doing wrong here?
The text you're trying to store is encoded as binary ASCII characters. You're trying to convert it back into a Unicode text string, which isn't what it originally was, therefore you're getting back garbled text.
Change your source text string into a Unicode string by adding N in front of it:
It should return the correct text. Tested this on SQL Server 2008
You can use this one:
Basically, you were not consistent with your character type conversions. In some parts you used NVarChar and some parts Varchar. Also, the number 2 at the end is affecting the result. In you Convert statements, when you don't specify the code, default value (0) is used. So if you are converting it back, you should use the same code.
I want to generate a PDF in plperlu, store it in the database and then add it to an email as an attachment.
I am using PDF::Report to generate the PDF. The code looks like this:-
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION workflow.make_pdf(report_template json, report_json json)
use strict;
use PDF::Report;
my $pdf = new PDF::ReportNG(PageSize => 'A4', PageOrientation => "Landscape");
lots of tricky stuff to make PDF
return $pdf->Finish();
$BODY$ LANGUAGE plperlu;
This errors with invalid input syntax for type bytea which I assume is something to do with the encoding of the PDF document created.
The document itself is fine as $pdf->saveAs('/tmp/test.pdf'); creates a document that is perfectly readable.
I tried base64 encoding the result before returning it as the attachment to email will need to be in base64.
return MIME::base64::encode($pdf->Finish());
This removed the error, I can then store it in a table with:-
INSERT INTO weekly_report_pdfs(report)
VALUES (make_pdf(report_template,report_json));
Which also works fine, and can be attached to an email, but the corruption problem persists after the base64 decode.
Exporting the file directly from the database and running base64 -d test.b64 gives an invalid input error after only one line.
This appears to be something to do with the way postgres chucks bytea, as the file looks like this:-
With lots of \012 separators.
Any ideas, I've been at this for hours and am completely stumped.
Returning binary from plperl
When declared as returning bytea, a pl/perl function must actually return a postgresql text representation for bytea.
Consider this excerpt from PL/Perl Functions and Arguments in the doc (and more specifically the last sentence):
Anything in a function argument that is not a reference is a string,
which is in the standard PostgreSQL external text representation for
the relevant data type. In the case of ordinary numeric or text types,
Perl will just do the right thing and the programmer will normally not
have to worry about it. However, in other cases the argument will need
to be converted into a form that is more usable in Perl. For example,
the decode_bytea function can be used to convert an argument of type
bytea into unescaped binary.
Similarly, values passed back to PostgreSQL must be in the external
text representation format. For example, the encode_bytea function can
be used to escape binary data for a return value of type bytea.
According to this, you should do:
return encode_bytea($pdf->Finish());
and then the invalid input syntax for type bytea error would go away.
Returning base64
If returning base64, the function should normally be declared as RETURNS text and the report column should be text too. That would solve the problem of having these \012 sequences that look like a line feed (ASCII code=12 in octal) expressed in a bytea string literal with postgres escape format.
The line feeds are typically added by base64 encoders every 76 characters to avoid long lines in a MIME body (RFC-4648).
If the report column stays in bytea and the function produces base64 with RETURNS text, an implicit cast should happen on INSERT and it would probably be fine. Otherwise the conversion could be made explicitly with convert_to(bytea_plperl_func(), 'US-ASCII')
But storing base64 in a bytea column doesn't make much sense.
working on an iPhone app. I just imported some records into a SQL Lite database, and all my regular quote marks have been "doubled". An example:
Desired final format:
The song "ABC" will play at 3 PM.
The record is currently appearing in the database as:
The song ""ABC"" will play at 3 PM.
Does anyone know how to do a SQL update to change all "double-double" quotes to just regular quotation marks?
Just to clarify, I'm looking directly at the database, not via code. The code will just display these as "double-double" quotes just as they appear in the database, so I want to remove them. The "double-double" quotes are actually in the import file as well, but if I try to remove them, then the import fails. So I kept them there, and now that the records are successfully imported into the database, now I just want to correct the "double-double" quote thing with a mass SQL update if it's possible. Thanks in advance for any insight!
SQLite uses single quotes to escape string literals. It escapes single quotes by adding another single quote (likewise for double quotes). So technically as long as your SQL is well constructed, the import process should work properly. The strings should be enclosed in single quotes, and not double quotes. I suspect that your code may be constructing the SQL by hand instead of binding/properly escaping the values.
SQLite has a built in function to quote string's. It's called quote. Here are some sample inputs, and the corresponding output:
sqlite> SELECT quote("foo");
sqlite> SELECT quote("foo ""bar""");
'foo "bar"'
sqlite> SELECT quote("foo 'bar'");
'foo ''bar'''
So you could remove the twice escaped double quote before it even goes to SQLite using NSString methods.
[#"badString\"\"" stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\"\"" withString:#"\""];
If the database already contains bad values, then you could run the following update SQL to clean it up:
UPDATE table SET column = REPLACE(column, '""', '"');
My text file look like:
and create FOREIGN TABLE Steps:
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE file_check(txt text) SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', filename '/home/stanley/check.txt');
after select file_check (using: select * from file_check)
my console show me
Anyone can help me??
The file foreign-data-wrapper uses the same rules as COPY (presumably because it's the same code underneath). You've got to consider that backslash is an escape character...
Any other backslashed character that is not mentioned in the above table will be taken to represent itself. However, beware of adding backslashes unnecessarily, since that might accidentally produce a string matching the end-of-data marker (.) or the null string (\N by default). These strings will be recognized before any other backslash processing is done.
So you'll either need to double-up the backslashes or perhaps try it as a single-column csv file and see if that helps