HA postgresql on kubernetes - postgresql

I wanted to deploy postgresql as database in my kubernetes cluster. As of now I've followed this tutorial.
By reading the whole thing I understood that we claimed a static storage before initiating the postgresql so that we have the data in case the pod fails. Also we can do replication by pointing to the same storage space to get our data back.
What happens if we use two workers nodes and the pods containing the database migrate to another node? I don’t think local storage will work.

hostPath volume is not recommended for production usage because of its ephemeral nature which means if the pod is rescheduled to another node the storage is not migrated and if the node reboots the data is lost.
For durable storage use external block or file storage systems mounted on the nodes using a supported CSI driver
For HA postgres I suggest you explore Postgres Operator which delivers an easy to run highly-available PostgreSQL clusters on Kubernetes (K8s) powered by Patroni. It is configured only through Postgres manifests (CRDs) to ease integration into automated CI/CD pipelines with no access to Kubernetes API directly, promoting infrastructure as code vs manual operations


How to have data in a database with FastAPI persist across multiple nodes?

If I use the https://github.com/tiangolo/full-stack-fastapi-postgresql project generator, how would one be able to persist data across multiple nodes (either with docker swarm or kubernetes)?
As I understand it, any postgresql data in a volumes directory would be different for every node (e.g. every digitalocean droplet). In this case, a user may ask for their data, get directed by traefik to a node with a different volumes directory, and return different information to the case where they may have been directed to another node. Is this correct?
If so, what would be the best approach to have multiple servers running a database work together and have the same data in the database?
On kubernetes, persistent volumes are used to associate storage that is mounted onto pods wherever they are loaded in the cluster and they are managed by providing the cluster with storage classes that map to drivers that map to some kind of SAN storage.
Docker / Docker swarm has similar support for docker volume plugins, but with the ascendancy of K8s there are virtually no active open source projects, and most of the prior commercial SAN driver vendors have migrated to K8s instead.
Nonetheless, depending on your tolerance, you can use a mix of direct nfs / fuse mounts, there are some not entirely abandoned docker volume drivers available in the nfs / glusterfs space.
This issue moby/moby #39624 addresses CSI support that we will hopefully see drop in 2021 that will bring swarm back inline with k8s.

Opensource Storage Options for Kubernetes Cluster running on bare metal

I have a 3 node cluster running on bare metal. it was setup using kubeadm.
Each node in the cluster has 100GB disk space, total add up to 300GB.
I would like to utilize the 300GB disk space available on them to run stateful pods like mysql, postgresql, mongodb, cassandra etc. what are the different opensource options available to create persistent volumes.
I still havent used kuberentes v1.14 which offers local persistent volumes out of the box. It would be one of the option
second option is to run NFS server on each node and utilize the nfs share from the respective machine to create PV's.
Apart from these what other options can be looked at. please suggest

Recover a Kubernetes Cluster

At the moment I have a Kubernetes cluster distributed on AWS via kops. I have a doubt: is it possible to make a sort of snapshot of the Kubernetes cluster and recreate the same environment (master and pod nodes), for example to be resilient or to migrate the cluster in an easy way? I know that the Heptio Ark exists, it is very beautiful. But I'm curious to know if there is an easy way to do it. For example, is it enough to back up Etcd (or in my case the snapshot of EBS volumes)?
Thanks a lot. All suggestions are welcome
kops stores its state in an S3 bucket identified by the KOPS_STATE_STORE. So yes, if your cluster has been removed you can restore it by running kops create cluster.
Keep in mind that it doesn't restore your etcd state so for that you are going to set up etcd backups. You could also make use of Heptio Ark.
Similar answers to this topic:
Recover kops Kubernetes cluster
How to restore kubernetes cluster using kops?
As mentioned by Rico in the earlier post, you can use Velero to back up your etcd using cli client. Another option to consider for the scenario you described is CAPE: CAPE provides an easy to use control plane for Kubernetes Multi-cluster App & Data Management via a friendly user interface.
See below for resources:
How to create an on-demand K8s Backup:
How to Restore/Migrate K8s Backup to Another Cluster:

GitLab HA with Kubernetes and Gluster

I currently have GitLab omnibus setup on Docker. I plan to have HA for the same by adding it to Kubernetes and have persistence using Gluster. I have played around configuring Kubernetes with Gluster. Now it's time to bring GitLab into Kubernetes. GitLab uses PostgreSQL as the default db.
My query is that to implement HA, should i
a) split GitLab into GitLab application and PostgreSQL container, and then run both (Application and DB) in their own cluster of pods i.e., separate deployments of replicas of GitLab app and PostgreSQL?
b) keep using the omnibus installer and just have replicas of this single, standalone container?
Does it really make any difference whether
1) writes happen to a db cluster exposed via service to the GitLab app
2) writes happening directly to the omnibus GitLab container (which has db within itself)
Just want to make sure that i don't unnecessarily end up making the setup complex. Having GitLab in Kubernetes along with Gluster already makes things a little complex. So does splitting app and db makes sense or just the omnibus setup will suffice? Concerned about concurrent writes to db.
According to http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/install/kubernetes/gitlab_omnibus.html#introduction you should use dedicated Redis and PostgreSQL HA clusters. Option b) and 1)
For less downtime better to use PostgreSQL master-slave cluster (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/different-replication-solutions.html) and Redis Cluster master-slave (https://redis.io/topics/cluster-tutorial). "Note that the minimal (Redis) cluster that works as expected requires to contain at least three master nodes".
If you will use only GlusterFS to bring failover to PostgreSQL, you can get some errors requires manual repair when one DB instance crashes and another brings up. Like this: How do I fix Postgres so it will start after an abrupt shutdown?

Kubernetes - Persistent storage for PostgreSQL

We currently have a 2-node Kubernetes environment running on bare-metal machines (no GCE) and now we wish to set up a PostgreSQL instance on top of this.
Our plan was to map a data volume for the PostgreSQL Data Directory to the node using the volumeMounts option in Kubernetes. However this would be a problem because if the Pod ever gets stopped, Kubernetes will re-launch it at random on one of the other nodes. Thus we have no guarantee that it will use the correct data directory on re-launch...
So what is the best approach for maintaining a consistent and persistent PostgreSQL Data Directory across a Kubernetes cluster?
one solution is to deploy HA postgresql, for example https://github.com/sorintlab/stolon
another is to have some network storage attached to all nodes(NFS, glusterFS) and use volumeMounts in the pods