How do I write to the chrome console using dart console object? - angular-dart

The dart console has a private constructor and is set to internal only. I'm looking for more functionality than just a standard print. Like the ability to print an object or JSON.

If you are using DDC (don't know about dart2js)
you can use the console debug function, you should be able to inspect inside your object


How to access window.navigator.serial in flutter web

On some browsers there exists the the property serial on the window.navigator object.
I can see it on chrome but not on safari.
How can I access that object via dart in flutter web?
dart:html doesn't seem to include it. Is there a way to manually extend the window.navigator object to include it?
In the end I didn't access the window.navigator object from dart.
I access the serial and do all of the checks in javascript.
I use Js context to get data back from the Javascript.

Sentry Raven inside Firefox Addon SDK

I am making a Firefox Extension and I want to log the errors/messages/exceptions produced by the extension code using Sentry.
I tried the JavsScript Raven client but I guess its not really made to live inside the "Content" context.
The error I get is: message = "debug" is read-only, but my actual question is, how do I go about integrating Sentry in a Firefox Addon?
PS: No, this wont go into general distribution, my api keys are safe.
What I did was just to omit calling .install() and just use the error/message reporting.
There will be no automatic catching and source code but it works for my purposes.

How to debug with createJS's objects

I am using createJS for a game, but when I debug the code with console, I got all objects displayed as an a. Then I have no idea what the object really is.
What does the a here mean? And what's the best way to debug these code?
This is due to the minified source. Instead, use the combined source. You can get a combined version of each library in GitHub, which is one file containing all the classes, but just appended, instead of minified.
If you are using the full combined suite on the CDN, then you can change the path to .combined instead of .min:

How to read message from console tab view in eclipse plugin development

requirement is to read message from IConsoleConstants.ID_CONSOLE_VIEW and write it into text file.
Say myConsole (of type MessageConsole) is the reference to your console. The below code will give you the required.
I don't think you will be able to retreive a direct stream to read the console content. Note also that the console view may have multiple different consoles, you will have to retrieve the good one.
Retrieving the content displayed in a single console should be possible going through the IDocument of a TextConsole. You can get the whole text content. You could also have a look to the IDocumentListener if you can be notified of changes.
Another solution should be to go with a PatternMatchListener of the TextConsole directly.
Anyway I don't think there is a direct solution to do this with the Eclipse console API.

Event from JAva Script to objective c

I am developing a map application for iPhone.I am using google maps API to develop this,by adding the java script file to the resource.My problem is that I need to catch an event defined in the java script. for eg: I need to cath the following event in java script
"GEvent.addListener(poly, "click", function(latlng, index)" .
Please anyone help me.
Thanks in advance
Why are you not using MapKit? Is this a web app only?
You can call javascript to probe if something has happened, but you cannot have javascript call back to your code... at least not directly. You can override the URL handling and have javascript included that tries to make an external call that your code recognizes and acts on.