Expressing that a service requires another - kubernetes

I'm new to k8s, so this question might be kind of weird, please correct me as necessary.
I have an application which requires a redis database. I know that I should configure it to connect to <redis service name>.<namespace> and the cluster DNS will get me to the right place, if it exists.
It feels to me like I want to express the relationship between the application and the database. Like I want to say that the application shouldn't be deployable until the database is there and working, and maybe that it's in an error state if the DB goes away. Is that something you'd normally do, and if so - how? I can think of other instances: like with an SQL database you might need to create the tables your app wants to use at init time.
Is the alternative to try to connect early and exit 1, so that the cluster keeps on retrying? Feels like that would work but it's not very declarative.

Design for resiliency
Modern applications and Kubernetes are (or should be) designed for resiliency. The applications should be designed without single point of failure and be resilient to changes in e.g. network topology. Also see Twelve factor-app: IV. Backing services.
This means that your Redis typically should be a cluster of e.g. 3 instances. It also means that your app should retry connections if connections fails - this can also happens same time after running - since upgrades of a cluster (or rolling upgrade of an app) is done by terminating one instance at a time meanwhile a new instance at a time is launched. E.g. the instance (of a cluster) that your app currently is connected to might go away and your app need to reconnect, perhaps establish a connection to a different instance in the same cluster.
SQL Databases and schemas
I can think of other instances: like with an SQL database you might need to create the tables your app wants to use at init time.
Yes, this is a different case. On Kubernetes your app is typically deployed with at least 2 replicas, or more (for high-availability reasons). You need to consider that when managing schema changes for your app. Common tools to manage the schema are Flyway or Liquibase and they can be run as Jobs. E.g. first launch a Job to create your DB-tables and after that deploy your app. And after some weeks you might want to change some tables and launch a new Job for this schema migration.

As you've seen, YAML objects can not express such dependencies. As suggested by #fabian-lopez, your application container may include an initContainer that would wait for dependencies to be available, before starting their main container.
Now, if you want a state machine, capable to provision a database, initialize its schema, maybe import some records, and only then create your application: you're looking for an operator. Then, you may use the operator-sdk ( ), or pretty much anything integrating with some Kubernetes cluster API.

I think Init Containers is something you could leverage for this use case

This is up to your application code, not something Kubernetes helps nor hinders.


Best practice for running database schema migrations

Build servers are generally detached from the VPC running the instance. Be it Cloud Build on GCP, or utilising one of the many CI tools out there (CircleCI, Codeship etc), thus running DB schema updates is particularly challenging.
So, it makes me wonder.... When's the best place to run database schema migrations?
From my perspective, there are four opportunities to automatically run schema migrations or seeds within a CD pipeline:
Within the build phase
On instance startup
Via a warm-up script (synchronously or asynchronously)
Via an endpoint, either automatically or manually called post deployment
The primary issue with option 1 is security. With Google Cloud Sql/Google Cloud Build, it's been possible for me to run (with much struggle), schema migrations/seeds via a build step and a SQL proxy. To be honest, it was a total ball-ache to set up...but it works.
My latest project is utilising MongoDb, for which I've connected in migrate-mongo if I ever need to move some data around/seed some data. Unfortunately there is no such SQL proxy to securely connect MongoDb (atlas) to Cloud Build (or any other CI tools) as it doesn't run in the instance's VPC. Thus, it's a dead-end in my eyes.
I'm therefore warming (no pun intended) to the warm-up script concept.
With App Engine, the warm-up script is called prior to traffic being served, and on the host which would already have access via the VPC. The warmup script is meant to be used for opening up database connections to speed up connectivity, but assuming there are no outstanding migrations, it'd be doing exactly that - a very light-weight select statement.
Can anyone think of any issues with this approach?
Option 4 is also suitable (it's essentially the same thing). There may be a bit more protection required on these endpoints though - especially if a "down" migration script exists(!)
It's hard to answer you because it's an opinion based question!
Here my thoughts about your propositions
It's the best solution for me. Of course you have to take care to only add field and not to delete or remove existing schema field. Like this, you can update your schema during the Build phase, then deploy. The new deployment will take the new schema and the obsolete field will no longer be used. On the next schema update, you will be able to delete these obsolete field and clean your schema.
This solution will decrease your cold start performance. It's not a suitable solution
Same remark as before, in addition to be sticky to App Engine infrastructure and way of working.
No real advantage compare to the solution 1.
About security, Cloud Build will be able to work with worker pool soon. Still in alpha but I expect in the next month an alpha release of it.

Do I gain anything by using "proper" replicas for a read-only MongoDB database?

I have a web-app that depends on a read-only MongoDB database. Through trial and error, I discovered that by far the fastest way to run the ETL pipeline that populates the database is to run a local copy of MongoDB, populate the database, stop the database, and tarball the state directory.
To deploy a high-availability "cluster," I create multiple instances (or containers) running the app, each with access to a copy of the state in locally mounted storage. Putting these behind a load balancer with regular health checks and autoscaling (or in a Kubernetes cluster as a ReplicaSet), I get isolation, redundancy, easy rollbacks (using versioned storage), and easy setup in virtually any environment.
The key idea here is that because the database is read-only, it is in a sense a "stateless" application. Thus, I can treat it like any other static provider of information
There are many apparent advantages to this setup. Nevertheless, I have always had a nagging feeling that I was missing something. Given a read-only context, is there still some reason why it might be better to run a "proper" MongoDB cluster?
If you don't mind outages when the single node goes down and you don't mind taking the system down during upgrades then this is probably an ok deployment. You might get a safer dump and restore using mongodump and mongorestore rather than tar but apart from that this setup should work for a read-only deployment.

In a containerized cluster, should mongodb servers be running on a worker or a core service?

I'm trying to implement an architecture that's similar to the coreos's production architecture (shown below)
Should I run the database as a central service or one or more of the workers?
I figured the database needs some kind of replication, which makes me think that putting it in the worker cluster makes more sense, but I'm just not sure.
This should be run as a worker. The central services are the basic things that come with CoreOS (mainly etcd). The workers host your applications, the database being one of them. You do have a persistence issue because your database will have state to remember between restarts. So, there is a bigger issue of how do you make that persistence? One was to do it is use a host file and give the database an affinity to that host and mount the host file. Another thing you might consider is running more than one database (if your db technology supports that) and replicate that database so you have two (or more) copies in different workers. (non-affinity). If your database creates transaction logs that can be applied to a backup, you can manage those transaction logs in a worker.
Another thing to consider is not using a container for your database. The database is a weird animal, its care and feeding is not like the rest of the applications. So it is reasonable (in my opinion) to have your database managed and maintained outside the scope of your cluster (but still reachable by the cluster).

Persistent storage for Apache Mesos

Recently I've discovered such a thing as a Apache Mesos.
It all looks amazingly in all that demos and examples. I could easily imagine how one would run for stateless jobs - that fits to the whole idea naturally.
Bot how to deal with long running jobs that are stateful?
Say, I have a cluster that consists of N machines (and that is scheduled via Marathon). And I want to run a postgresql server there.
That's it - at first I don't even want it to be highly available, but just simply a single job (actually Dockerized) that hosts a postgresql server.
1- How would one organize it? Constraint a server to a particular cluster node? Use some distributed FS?
2- DRBD, MooseFS, GlusterFS, NFS, CephFS, which one of those play well with Mesos and services like postgres? (I'm thinking here on the possibility that Mesos/marathon could relocate the service if goes down)
3- Please tell if my approach is wrong in terms of philosophy (DFS for data servers and some kind of switchover for servers like postgres on the top of Mesos)
Question largely copied from Persistent storage for Apache Mesos, asked by zerkms on Programmers Stack Exchange.
Excellent question. Here are a few upcoming features in Mesos to improve support for stateful services, and corresponding current workarounds.
Persistent volumes (0.23): When launching a task, you can create a volume that exists outside of the task's sandbox and will persist on the node even after the task dies/completes. When the task exits, its resources -- including the persistent volume -- can be offered back to the framework, so that the framework can launch the same task again, launch a recovery task, or launch a new task that consumes the previous task's output as its input.
Current workaround: Persist your state in some known location outside the sandbox, and have your tasks try to recover it manually. Maybe persist it in a distributed filesystem/database, so that it can be accessed from any node.
Disk Isolation (0.22): Enforce disk quota limits on sandboxes as well as persistent volumes. This ensures that your storage-heavy framework won't be able to clog up the disk and prevent other tasks from running.
Current workaround: Monitor disk usage out of band, and run periodic cleanup jobs.
Dynamic Reservations (0.23): Upon launching a task, you can reserve the resources your task uses (including persistent volumes) to guarantee that they are offered back to you upon task exit, instead of going to whichever framework is furthest below its fair share.
Current workaround: Use the slave's --resources flag to statically reserve resources for your framework upon slave startup.
As for your specific use case and questions:
1a) How would one organize it? You could do this with Marathon, perhaps creating a separate Marathon instance for your stateful services, so that you can create static reservations for the 'stateful' role, such that only the stateful Marathon will be guaranteed those resources.
1b) Constraint a server to a particular cluster node? You can do this easily in Marathon, constraining an application to a specific hostname, or any node with a specific attribute value (e.g. NFS_Access=true). See Marathon Constraints. If you only wanted to run your tasks on a specific set of nodes, you would only need to create the static reservations on those nodes. And if you need discoverability of those nodes, you should check out Mesos-DNS and/or Marathon's HAProxy integration.
1c) Use some distributed FS? The data replication provided by many distributed filesystems would guarantee that your data can survive the failure of any single node. Persisting to a DFS would also provide more flexibility in where you can schedule your tasks, although at the cost of the difference in latency between network and local disk. Mesos has built-in support for fetching binaries from HDFS uris, and many customers use HDFS for passing executor binaries, config files, and input data to the slaves where their tasks will run.
2) DRBD, MooseFS, GlusterFS, NFS, CephFS? I've heard of customers using CephFS, HDFS, and MapRFS with Mesos. NFS would seem an easy fit too. It really doesn't matter to Mesos what you use as long as your task knows how to access it from whatever node where it's placed.
Hope that helps!

Questions Concerning Using Celery with Multiple Load-Balanced Django Application Servers

I'm interested in using Celery for an app I'm working on. It all seems pretty straight forward, but I'm a little confused about what I need to do if I have multiple load balanced application servers. All of the documentation assumes that the broker will be on the same server as the application. Currently, all of my application servers sit behind an Amazon ELB and tasks need to be able to come from any one of them.
This is what I assume I need to do:
Run a broker server on a separate instance
Configure each application instance to connect to that broker server
Each application instance will also be be a celery working (running
My only beef with that is: What happens if my broker instance dies? Can I run 2 broker instances some how so I'm safe if one goes under?
Any tips or information on what to do in a setup like mine would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure I'm missing something or not understanding something.
For future reference, for those who do prefer to stick with RabbitMQ...
You can create a RabbitMQ cluster from 2 or more instances. Add those instances to your ELB and point your celeryd workers at the ELB. Just make sure you connect the right ports and you should be all set. Don't forget to allow your RabbitMQ machines to talk among themselves to run the cluster. This works very well for me in production.
One exception here: if you need to schedule tasks, you need a celerybeat process. For some reason, I wasn't able to connect the celerybeat to the ELB and had to connect it to one of the instances directly. I opened an issue about it and it is supposed to be resolved (didn't test it yet). Keep in mind that celerybeat by itself can only exist once, so that's already a single point of failure.
You are correct in all points.
How to make reliable broker: make clustered rabbitmq installation, as described here:
Celery beat also doesn't have to be a single point of failure if you run it on every worker node with: