how to install staza for python 3.7 (this command is returning error (!pip install stanza )) - python-3.7

I am trying to instal stanza for lemmatization purposes using this command: !pip install stanza but it's returning the following error. Please help I am new to python.
Collecting stanza
Using cached stanza-1.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (227 kB)
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch>=1.3.0 (from stanza) (from versions: 0.1.2, 0.1.2.post1, 0.1.2.post2)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch>=1.3.0 (from stanza)

Same problem. I went to and installed the torch, then it was solved.


how do i resolve the process returned with code 1 error in thonny

Hi I am new to the hardware programming
I was trying to install the esptool plugin in Thonny IDE but it is showing the error like below .
note: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.
hint: See above for output from the failure.
Error: process returned with code 1
If you have any idea about this please reply

I get this error running PMD from salesforce CLI, "ERROR running scanner:run: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RuleManager""

Can anyone help me with this. Im using Mac. I cant find the location of the rulemanager. Please see error below
Lxxxxxxx:pmd-bin-6.34.0 xxxxxx$ sfdx scanner:run pmd --target /usr/src --category rulesets/java/quickstart.xml -f sarif
(node:17810) [editions-autoloader-none-broadened] Error Plugin: sfdx-cli: editions-autoloader-none-broadened: Unable to determine a suitable edition, even after broadening.
module: #oclif/config#1.17.0
task: runHook init
plugin: sfdx-cli
root: /Users/xxxxxxx/.local/share/sfdx/client/7.100.0-9d243d8
See more details with DEBUG=*
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
ERROR running scanner:run: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RuleManager"
Kieran, this is an issue that we just discovered. It is related to an incompatibility with the version of Node.js that is bundled with the Salesforce CLI and a library that is used by sfdx-scanner.
A temporary workaround can be found at
You will need to use the npm installation instead of the pkg installer since you are interested in the Sarif output. Sarif output was added in version 2.6.0. The issue affects versions 2.6.0-2.8.0 when using the pkg installer on a Mac.
We hope to have a fix rolled out in the next couple of days. I will post here when version 2.9 has been released. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Kieran, this issue has been fixed in version 2.9.1. You can upgrade by executing the following commands in your shell.
sfdx plugins:uninstall #salesforce/sfdx-scanner
sfdx plugins:install #salesforce/sfdx-scanner

Attempted to load interface "CommandSubscriber" from namespace "MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring"

I have Symfony 5 project and just following the instructions to install the DoctrineMongoDBBundle package, and I'm receiving te following error,
Attempted to load interface "CommandSubscriber" from namespace "MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring".
Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace?
/vendor/doctrine/mongodb-odm/lib/Doctrine/ODM/MongoDB/APM/CommandLoggerInterface.php (line 9)
I have the following versions of mongodb and doctrine running.
doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle": 4.1
mongodb/mongodb": 1.6
Also the php driver installed through Pecl (Version 1.7.4)
Anyone got any ideas to what I'm missing?
If it helps anyone in the future, whilst the MongoDB Driver was installed, I needed to restart PHP FPM, that fixed it.

How to install turicreate in mac

When i try to install turicreate in my mac machine its showing the following error:
Collecting turicreate
Could not fetch URL There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION] tlsv1 alert protocol version (_ssl.c:661) - skipping
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement turicreate (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for turicreate
please help me to resolve it?
Probably there is a Python version mismatch. At the moment TuriCreate supports only 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6.
Here is more on setting up Python environment for popular ML packages on Mac -
Machine Learning Compass

Installing Tensorflow from source

I've been trying to install Tensorflow and get it working over the past few days. Whilst I have managed to install TF and get it working as tested by opening Python in the terminal and typing,
import tensorflow as tf
I have not been successful attempting to retrain Inception v3. I managed to install it from source once by following the instructions laid out here however I am no longer able to do so. When I get to the section 'Create the pip package and install' and go to run bazel build -c opt //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package in the root of my Tensorflow directiory I get the following error.
kieran#kieranUbuntu:~/tensorflow$ bazel build -c opt //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
ERROR: /home/kieran/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/BUILD:1068:1: no such target '//tensorflow/tools/git:gen/spec.json': target 'gen/spec.json' not declared in package 'tensorflow/tools/git' defined by /home/kieran/tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/git/BUILD and referenced by '//tensorflow/core:version_info_gen'.
ERROR: /home/kieran/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/BUILD:1068:1: no such target '//tensorflow/tools/git:gen/head': target 'gen/head' not declared in package 'tensorflow/tools/git' defined by /home/kieran/tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/git/BUILD and referenced by '//tensorflow/core:version_info_gen'.
ERROR: /home/kieran/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/BUILD:1068:1: no such target '//tensorflow/tools/git:gen/branch_ref': target 'gen/branch_ref' not declared in package 'tensorflow/tools/git' defined by /home/kieran/tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/git/BUILD and referenced by '//tensorflow/core:version_info_gen'.
ERROR: Analysis of target '//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package' failed; build aborted.
INFO: Elapsed time: 3.063s
This is the same error I ran into when I managed to install it and then attempted retaining the classifier following this tutorial. At the section, bazel build tensorflow/examples/image_retraining:retrain.
I just can't figure out what is going wrong and I have been trying for so long.
I'm using this pip version, # Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit, CPU only, Python 2.7
I think you should search before ask, This link can probably solve your issue.
The issue lied in the incorrect use of ./configure. Whilst it was ran I currently have two versions of python on my computer, both of which are stored in different locations, when running ./configure I pointed it to the wrong python version. After rectifying the issue everything worked correctly.