LONG VARCHAR - Read from table to Front (C#) then INSERT / UPDATE value to a table - sqlbase

I'm reading table info from a SqlBase DB using a DatAdapter.Fill in C#, it's working perfectly for any variable type except for LONG VARCHAR, in this case it converts to String type in C# and if I add a watch the object variable I see some weird chars into it, so later when i try to insert/update another table (in another Database) it fails.
I know that even if the value would be ok in C# i can't insert that as it is, the document say i should bind the value to a variable to be able to insert into table, but i'm not sure how to do it since i'm creating the scripts in C# to be run in SqlBase, i'm not taking direct action from C#, even if a could i'm not being able to read the value correctly since it converts to string with weird digits into it, is this LOAG VARCHAR like a VARBINARY in Sql Server? I assume so because the column i have problems with is a LOGO, like a picture.
So in short, is it any way to
Read a long varchar from .NET and then..
..Use it when inserting / updating values to a table?
(1) is .NET but (2) is a sql script to be run on Sqlbase using SqlTalk.

Suggest you UNLOAD the Long data to a flat file using SQLTalk command. That way you'll get readable data. Read the flat file using C# if you need to, and do what ever you want with it, but to re-load the data into another table using SQLTalk, you need to use specific syntax. Go here: SQLBase Manuals ( all versions ) extract the manual appropriate to the version of SQLBase you are using, and 1) read up on UNLOAD from the 'SQLBase Language Reference' to get the Long data out into a flat file ( there are different snytax giving different results ). Then 2) read up on 'Examples of Bind Variables for Long data' from the 'SQLTalk Command Reference' , as you have to set LONG VARCHAR data to bind variables.
When inserting long data into a LONG VARCHAR or LONG NVARCHAR or LONG BINARY column, precede it with the $LONG keyword. You can then start entering data on the next line, and continue entering on successive lines. To mark the end of text, enter a double slash on a new line (//). e.g.
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon on
April 16, 1564. He was England's most famous poet and
dramatist. . . . .. . .
He died in 1616, leaving his second best bed to his wife.
If the data for the LONG (N)VARCHAR or LONG VARBINARY column comes from a file, enter the name of the file after the $LONG keyword. e.g.
JONSON,$LONG jonson.txt
O'NEILL,$LONG oneill.txt
To Update Long data e.g.
"Beltran Tree Service", 1/1/94 "Hercules", 1/2/94
"Checkup", 1/3/94


How to enhance length of Property of an attribute of class in eco Model designer

Iam using mdriven build for DDD project and have model designed in .ecomdl file.
In this file i have a class Job with WorkDone as one of a property. Backedup SQL table has WorkDone varchar(255) field. Now i wanted to increase length of this field and When i changed the WorkDone property length from 255 to 2000 then it modified the code file but when application runs EvolveSchema then evolving process doesn't recognize this change which leads to no scripts being generated. In the end database doesn't get this updated.
Can you please help me how to get this change persist to database. I thought to increase manually to SQL table but then if database gets change in case of new envrionment QA production then it has to be done every time, which id don't want to do.
In MDriven we dont evolve attribute changes - we only write a warning (255->2000 this change will not be evolved)
You should take steps to alter the column in the database yourself.
We should fix in the future but currently this is a limitation
To expand on my comment, VARCHAR can only be from 0-255 chars
Using TEXT will allow for non-binary (character) strings and BLOBs will allow for binary (byte) strings
Your mileage may vary with this as to what you can do with them, as I am using MySQL knowledge and knowledgebases (since you don't specify your SQL type)
See below for exaplanations of the types;
char / varchar
blobs / text

Db2 for I: Cpyf *nochk emulation

In the IBM i system there's a way to copy a from a structured file to one without structure using Cpyf *nochk.
How can it be done with sql?
The answer may be "You can't", not if you are using DDL defined tables anyway. The problem is that *NOCHK just dumps data into the file like a flat file. Files defined with CRTPF, whether they have source, or are program defined, don't care about bad data until read time, so they can contain bad data. In fact you can even read bad data out of a file if you use a program definition for that file.
But, an SQL Table (one defined using DDL) cannot contain bad data. No matter how you write it, the database validates the data at write time. Even the *NOCHK option of the CPYF command cannot coerce bad data into an SQL table.
There really isn't an easy way
Closest would be to just build a big character string using CONCAT...
insert into flatfile
select mycharfld1
concat cast(myvchar as char(20))
concat digits(zonedFld3)
from mytable
That works for fixed length, varchar (if casted to char) and zoned decimal...
Packed decimal would be problematic..
I've seen user defined functions that can return the binary character string that make up a packed decimal...but it's very ugly
I question why you think you need to do this.
You can use QSYS2.QCMDEXC stored procedure to execute OS commands.

Getting Redshift error 1214 during copy

I have the following table in redshift:
Column | Type
id integer
value varchar(255)
I'm trying to copy in (using the datapipeline's RedshiftCopyActivity), and the data has the line 1,maybe as the entry trying to be added, but I get back the error 1214:Delimiter not found, and the raw_field_data value is maybe. Is there something I'm missing in the copy parameters?
The entire csv is three lines that goes:
You may want to take a look at the similar question Redshift COPY command delimiter not found.
Make sure your RedshiftCopyActivity configuration includes FORMAT AS CSV from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/copy-parameters-data-format.html#copy-csv.
Be sure your input data has your configured delimiter between every field, even in the case of nulls.
Be sure you do not have any trailing blank lines.
You can run the following SQL (from the linked question) to see more specific details of what row is causing the problem.
SELECT le.starttime,
FROM stl_loaderror_detail d,
JOIN stl_load_errors le
ON d.query = le.query
ORDER BY le.starttime DESC;

db2 import csv with null date

I run this
However some of my rows have a empty date field so I get this error
SQL3191N which begins with """" does not match the user specified DATEFORMAT, TIMEFORMAT, or TIMESTAMPFORMAT. The row will be rejected.
My CSV file looks like this
I realise if I insert charater instead of a blank string I could use NULL INDICATORS paramater.
However I do not have access to change the CSV file. Is there a way to ignore import a blank string as a null?
This is an error in your input file. DB2 differentiates between a NULL and a zero-length string. If you need to have NULL dates, a NULL would have no quotes at all, like:
If you can't change the format of the input file, you have 2 options:
Insert your data into a staging table (changing the DATE column to a char) and then using SQL to populate the ultimate target table
Write a program to parse ("fix") the input file and then import the resulting fixed data. You can often do this without having to write the entire file out to disk – your program could write to a named pipe, and the DB2 IMPORT (and LOAD) utility is capable of reading from named pipes.
I'm not aware of anything. Yes, ideally that date field should be null.
Probably the best thing to do would be load the data into a scratch/temp table where that isn't a date column - just leave it as character data (it looks like you're already using a scratch table anyways). It should be trivial after that to use a CASE statement to transform the information into a null date if the value is blank, when doing your INSERT to the real table.

How to import file into sqlite?

On a Mac, I have a txt file with two columns, one being an autoincrement in an sqlite table:
, "mytext1"
, "mytext2"
, "mytext3"
When I try to import this file, I get a datatype mismatch error:
.separator ","
.import mytextfile.txt mytable
How should the txt file be structured so that it uses the autoincrement?
Also, how do I enter in text that will have line breaks? For example:
"this is a description of the code below.
The text might have some line breaks and indents. Here's
the related code sample:
foreach (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
//do some stuff here
this is a little more follow up text."
I need the above inserted into one row. Is there anything special I need to do to the formatting?
For one particular table, I want each of my rows as a file and import them that way. I'm guessing it is a matter of creating some sort of batch file that runs multiple imports.
That's exactly the syntax I posted, minus a tab since I'm using a comma. The missing line break in my post didn't make it as apparent. Anyways, that gives the mismatch error.
I was looking on the same problem. Looks like I've found an answer on the first part of your question — about importing a file into a table with ID field.
So yes, create a temporary table without ID, import your file into it, then do insert..select to copy its data into your target table. (Remove leading commas from mytextfile.txt).
-- assuming your table is called Strings and
-- was created like this:
-- create table Strings( ID integer primary key, Code text )
create table StringsImport( Code text );
.import mytextfile.txt StringsImport
insert into Strings ( Code ) select * from StringsImport;
drop table StringsImport;
Do not know what to do with newlines. I've read some mentions that importing in CSV mode will do the trick (.mode csv), but when I tried it did not seem to work.
In case anyone is still having issues with this you can download an SQLLite manager.
There are several that allow importing from a CSV file.
Here is one but a google search should reveal a few: http://sqlitemanager.en.softonic.com/
I'm in the process of moving data containing long text fields with various punctuation marks (they are actually articles on coding) into SQLite and I've been experimenting with various text imports.
I created a database in SQLite with a table:
then do a backup with .dump.
I then add the text below the "CREATE TABLE" line manually in the resulting .dump file as such:
INSERT INTO test textfield VALUES (1,'Is''t it great to have
really long text with various punctaution marks and
Change any single quotes to two single quotes (change ' to ''). Note that an index number needs to be added manually (I'm sure there is an AWK/SED command to do it automatically). Change the auto increment number in the "sequence" line in the dump file to one above the last index number you added (I don't have SQLite in front of me to give you the exact line, but it should be obvious).
With the new file, I can then do a restore onto the database