Exposing ingress to host windows machine when running minikube in vagrant virtualbox (ubuntu VM) with docker driver - kubernetes

I am running a vagrant box using virtual box (running headless ubuntu 18.04) on windows 10 host machine.
Inside the virtual box, I have minikube set up using docker as the vm-driver
minikube start --memory=6144 --cpus=2 --disk-size=40g --vm-driver=docker --bootstrapper kubeadm --kubernetes-version=1.17.4
My application is exposed via an ingress to the ubuntu machine running inside virtual box and I am able to access the application via wget/cURL
On running minikube IP it gave me the IP of the docker container in which minikube runs
Some additional configuration info -
Vagrant file -
I would like to access the application from my windows machine's browser , any idea how to achieve that ? vagrant port forwarding doesn't seem to help.

If you really want to use a setup like this(using vagrant etc.). You can just use --vm-driver=none and let the kubernetes run in your ubuntu box directly, this way you can leverage port-forwarding. You probably also can do it your way but I've never tried so I wouldn't know, but I know that none works. You can follow this guide.
There are different options like running minikube on windows directly. Which is perfectly fine as well.


How to add hosts to AWX?

I have a VirtualBox Desktop Ubuntu machine with AWX running. I then spun up a separate server Ubuntu machine in VirtualBox. To act as one of my hosts. I took the IP address of the server Ubuntu machine and inputted it as a host in AWX.
After running a playbook I get the error "unreachable."
I did create a credential according to this: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/userguide/credentials.html#machine. And received the same error.
I am looking use AWX to run playbooks on several on-prem Linux boxes/hosts. I am unsure how to configure AWS correctly credentials.

How to set minikube proxy when the driver is hyperkit or virtualbox?

I am trying to use Ingress in minikube by minikube addons enable ingress. However, currently Ingress cannot be used with minikube when the driver is docker on macOS based on this issue ticket.
So I turn to use hyperkit or virtualbox as driver. One image that need to be pulled when enabling Ingress is k8s.gcr.io/ingress-nginx/controller:v0.44.0. However, k8s.gcr.io is blocked in my current location.
So I try to use a VPN in global mode for my computer. However, I met this issue that hyperkit is unable to access k8s.gcr.io when the VPN is in use.
Then I found this document
My VPN is listening at, I set
export HTTP_PROXY=
export NO_PROXY=localhost,,,,
Then I tried all these methods to start minikube:
minikube start --driver=hyperkit
minikube start --driver=virtualbox
minikube start --driver=hyperkit --docker-env HTTP_PROXY= --docker-env HTTPS_PROXY= --docker-env NO_PROXY=localhost,,,,
But I saw these messages:
πŸ˜„ minikube v1.21.0 on Darwin 11.2.3
✨ Using the hyperkit driver based on user configuration
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTP_PROXY= to docker env.
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTPS_PROXY= to docker env.
πŸ‘ Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
πŸ”₯ Creating hyperkit VM (CPUs=2, Memory=6000MB, Disk=20000MB) ...
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTP_PROXY= to docker env.
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTPS_PROXY= to docker env.
πŸ˜„ minikube v1.21.0 on Darwin 11.2.3
✨ Using the virtualbox driver based on existing profile
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTP_PROXY= to docker env.
❗ Local proxy ignored: not passing HTTPS_PROXY= to docker env.
Seems this "user configuration" overwrite my proxy config. But where is this "user configuration"?
What is the correct way to set proxy for minikube when the drive hyperkit or virtualbox? Thanks!
My guess is conflicts with the VM's internal address, and that's why it's ignored. You might need to configure your proxy to be your host's network IP instead of You might not even need to configure a proxy? Also, the Virtualbox driver gives me problems with VPN. I have the best luck with the VMware driver, and can also get the HyperKit driver to work if I update the VM's DNS to my host's DNS.
minikube start --driver hyperkit
minikube ssh sudo resolvectl dns eth0
minikube ssh sudo resolvectl domain eth0 example.com
I also get the unable to access k8s.gcr.io error when creating the VM, but it doesn't seem to affect things.
Downloading this image using docker, exporting it to file, transfering it to minikube VM and importing it to local docker registry, like in this thread has solved the problem.
Your proxy is for circumventing the China Greate Firewall correct? Then I know why it is not working. It is not releated to hyperkit or virutalbox at all.
I checked the source code of minikube. "Local proxy ignored" actually means that your proxy url is set to localhost (127.0.*) and minikube thinks you set the proxy incorrectly so it will just ignore this setting.
The resolution is just to edit your host file (for Windows it is in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts), to give a hostname. You can add the following line into the end of the host file. localproxy
Then change environment variable http_proxy and https_proxy to http://localproxy:1235.
Reopen the CMD window to get the updated environment variable and restart the minikue. You should be able to find that the "Local proxy ignored" message is gone and finally you can download the image from gcr.io.

Can I install minikube on ubuntu without virtualBox?

I want to start practicing with k8s for the CKAD exam. I run on ubuntu 18.04.
I noticed everywhere that I need to download Virtualbox for minikube. I believe that VB is needed in case I don't start my cluster with a driver but if I use the Docker driver when I start my cluster shouldn't that be enough? Is microk8s a better option?
It seems that the preferred way is use --driver=docker driver instead of --driver=none for minikube, although it is technically not baremetal as it is significantly easier to configure and does not require root access. The β€˜none’ driver is recommended for advanced users only. (info below from https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/docker/)
The Docker driver allows you to install Kubernetes into an existing Docker install. On Linux, this does not require virtualization to be enabled.
Install Docker 18.09 or higher
amd64 or arm64 system.
Start a cluster using the docker driver:
minikube start --driver=docker
To make docker the default driver:
minikube config set driver docker
Yes you can. Check here.
Minikube also supports a --driver=none option that runs the Kubernetes components on the host and not in a VM. Using this driver requires Docker and a Linux environment but not a hypervisor.
Jus run
$ minikube start
Caution: If you use the none driver, some Kubernetes components run as privileged containers that have side effects outside of the Minikube environment. Those side effects mean that the none driver is not recommended for personal workstations

VSCode devcontainer connect to kubernetes cluster on vm

Ultimate Goal
From a dotnet/core/sdk devcontainer (using VSCode Remote Containers), debug a .NET Core app running in a kubernetes cluster hosted on another vm of my host machine.
Current Setup
Docker Desktop for Windows running via Hyper-V
default DockerNAT network adapter
Ubuntu VM (multipass) running on same Hyper-V host
microk8s cluster running on this ubuntu instance
default "Default Switch" network adapter
When I try to ping the ubuntu vm from a docker container by hostname, the IP is resolved properly but I get the error "Destination Host Unreachable"
When I try to curl the cluster api, I get the error "No route to host"
I put this problem aside for a week, and over that time the host has been rebooted multiple times, but no further modifications were made to the networking, Hyper-V setup, etc.
Starting the Ubuntu VM today, the IP changed from what used to be 172.?.?.? to 192.168.92.x . I do not know what caused this change.
Now, Docker Desktop containers can ping the Ubuntu VM and curl the microk8s /api endpoint. Until such a time that I can reproduce the issue, I will mark this question as "solved" and reopen and try Nick's recommended solution if the issue returns.

What are good workflows for deploying podman/buildah created container images to minikube?

I am exploring and learning about containers and kubernetes using podman and minikube on a linux workstation. I use podman to build images on the workstation and would like to deploy these images in minikube also running on the workstation using the kvm2 virtual machine driver. I also start minikube using the CRI-O container runtime.
What are efficient workflows to deploy these images from the workstation to minikube in this scenario? Docker is not running on the minikube VM so the reusing the Docker daemon as described in the minikube documentation is not an option. Sharing the host file system with minikube also appears to not be viable at this time when using kvm2.
Is running a local registry that is visible to both the workstation and the minikube vm the best option? Answers to How to use local docker images with Minikube? and (Kubernetes + Minikube) can't get docker image from local registry appear to offer good solutions for configuring a local registry.
Would skopeo be a solution?
Edit: this is a nice post describing how to set up a registry using podman: https://computingforgeeks.com/create-docker-container-registry-with-podman-letsencrypt/
thank you
Minikube documentation provides the foundation for a potential workflow at https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/tasks/docker_registry/. In order to use podman in lieu of docker I did the following
Start minikube, as instructed, with the --insecure-registry flag. I specifically use
minikube start --network-plugin=cni --enable-default-cni --bootstrapper=kubeadm --container-runtime=cri-o --cpus 4 --memory 4g --insecure-registry ""
Enable the minikube registry addon.
minikube addons enable registry
Configure podman to use the insecure minikube registry by adding the registry to the insecure registries section of /etc/containers/registries.conf. This section now looks like
registries = ['']
where is the minikube ip. This ip may change following minikube restarts.
Follow the build, push and run commands in https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/tasks/docker_registry/ substituting podman for docker. This assumes the test-img container file exists.
Build: podman build --tag $(minikube ip):5000/test-img .
Push: podman push $(minikube ip):5000/test-img
Run: kubectl run test-img --image=$(minikube ip):5000/test-img
This worked but suffers from a serious complication: there is no apparent way at this time to set the IP address for the minikube VM when using kvm2. The IP will always be in the subnet but that is the only certainty. Each time minikube is started the IP address of the registry will change which has significant implications for podman and the workflow in general.
More to come an another solution.