In my application, need to show level based records in report. i am using Kendo UI Treelist with aggregate. Data's are showing well and grand total are showing in all level rows. But i need to show grand total in parent (Top) level node only.
It's possible to show aggregate in parent(Top) node only. Any Property available? or any alter native?
Sample URL :
Thank you in advance.
in Kendo Angular Tree list,
This feature is not available. Please refer below link, it is created by telerik team to develop this feature depends on business vote,
In JQuery Kendo Tree list,
We achieved this by below code in databound event.
$('#grid3 .k-grid-content tbody tr.divfooterrow').remove();
$('#grid3 .k-grid-content tbody').append('<tr class="divfooterrow" data-parentid="null" style="display: table-row;"><td role="gridcell" class="locationName divselected"><span class="k-icon k-i-none"></span></td><td role="gridcell" class="txtalgrit toBeActionedCount">' + qrVMSummary.totalToBeActionedCount.toLocaleString() + '</td><td role="gridcell" class="txtalgrit">' + qrVMSummary.totalToBeActionedPayout.toLocaleString() + '</td><td role="gridcell" class="txtalgrit"> ' + qrVMSummary.totalActionedCount.toLocaleString() + '</td><td role="gridcell" class="txtalgrit">' + qrVMSummary.totalActionedPayout.toLocaleString() + '</td><td role="gridcell" class="colId" style="display: none;"></td><td role="gridcell" class="colParentId" style="display: none;"></td><td role="gridcell" class="colLocationCode" style="display: none;"></td></tr>');
I am using Angular 12 drag and drop to move a mat-list-item to "dropzone" (cdkDropList) in another component.
When I drag the item over the droplist, the droplist expands as if to make room for the item. Since this is not really a list, this behavior is undesirable. How can I stop it from expanding?
(click)="selectRecord(r, i)"
let r of recordList | filterList: searchText:filterField;
let i = index">
<p id="{{ 'Item-' + }}" [innerHTML]="lineTitle(r)"
class="drag-here-column text-center"
style="border: 1px grey dotted; line-height: 300px; font-size: smaller; font-style: italic;">
Drag preferred subject here
I tried to used dragula but although is easier to configure I ended up having the same issue, where dragula will just add more elements when the destination is full and changing that behaviour was not obvious to me
After searching in many places about how to avoid cdkDropList from autoexpading or growing, I ended up doing a custom drag/drop approach, especially because I need to have placeholders as destination of my objects.
Is really useful to set HTML IDs to each element that is going to be dragged, in this way you can recognize origin and destination based on those id (for example concatenating a prefix of the container with the position ('contA_1','contB_9')
Here is one basic example that once you understand can help you setup your drag/drop event handlers and how to update the model to reflect the drop operation
I want to verify the tool tip but getting error no such element. I have confirmed that element is exist.
Java Code:
String toolTipTextAppointment = driver
HTML Code:
<td nowrap="nowrap" style="border:0px;">
<a class="" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="showPopupActivity('Meetings','activityPopupFormAraContent',440,600);">
<img style="border: 6px none;" title="Appointment" src="themes/AutoAccelerator/images/calender_icon.gif"/>
you have used findElement("")) but you passed xpath in it that is why it is not working
String toolTipTextAppointment = driver.findElement(By.xpath("/html/body/table/tbody/tr/td/a/img")).getAttribute("title");
The problem is visibility. There are two different concepts, existence and visibility (reachable to click or see).
You need to check if the element is visible, not sure about the syntax as I use the clojure library (clj-webdriver) but as far as I know should be shomething like this
Take into account that the driver will find hidden element but they are not visible. In this particular case you may need to scroll down the page to make the element visible, I suggest retrieve its e.location and use the coordinates with a javascript snippet
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("window.scrollTo(" + e.location + ")");
Then the element will be visible and you will be able to interact with it, I usually have this code embedded in a helper function as it's a quite common issue.
Disclaimer: code is just an orientation, I don't know the syntax as I don't use Java. Hope it helps
We are working on a project where we need a decent level of control in CSS to implement the design but have been told by the dev team that the generated html is:
<div class="parsys_column cq-colctrl-lt1"> <!-- "cq-colctrl-lt1" defines width of child divs (33%) -->
<div class="parsys_column cq-colctrl-lt1-c0"><!--another components go here --></div>
<div class="parsys_column cq-colctrl-lt1-c1"><!--another components go here --></div>
<div class="parsys_column cq-colctrl-lt1-c2"><!--another components go here --></div>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
Looking into column controls I see you can change the cq-colctrl- class but I can't find answers to the following:
1, Can the clear both div (generated by CQ) be removed or only shown in author mode?
2, Can the column control be added within a component?
3, Can the column class be set per component or is it a global setting?
4, Can you control the styles of the column classes and override the generated CQ5 CSS (eg for a responsive site?)?
If you want embed column component in your component:
go crxdelite in the /apps/geometrixx-outdoors/components/colctrl
just create package via site admin and specify the above path and download package then you can see, how column component is created.
but it's better look at that path is more clear.
Sorry, this is probably a noob question. Could'nt find the source of my problem, or helpful info in SO (or elsewhere!).
I'm practising my newly acquired Jquery skills (?) on a small contact list demo project, which basically includes a table and a simple form to populate it. The project includes an HTML file, a CSS stylesheet, and some Javascript and Jquery magic in a .JS file.
EDIT: Here's a jsFiddle I've created for this.
By default, when the page first loads, the table is empty and a placeholder text is shown:
<th id="col_lastName">Last Name</th>
<th id="col_firstName">First Name</th>
<th id="col_email">E-Mail</th>
<th id="col_mobile">Mobile</th>
<th id="col_actions">Actions</th>
<tr id="placeholder">
<td colspan="5">No contacts yet. Feel free to add your friends!</td>
Upon submittion of the form, using Jquery I set the placeholder to disappear and a new table row is appended:
"<tr><td>" + $("#last_name").val() +
"</td><td>" + $("#first_name").val() +
"</td><td><a href='mailto:" + $("#email").val() + "'>" + $("#email").val() + "</a>" +
"</td><td>" + $("#mobile").val() +
"</td><td><p class='remove_link'>Remove</p></td></tr>");
I would like it to include a link to remove the current row, so I wrote a function that's triggered by clicking the <p class="remove_link">"Remove"</p> text that was part of the string appended upon form submittion. However I can't seem to be able to make it clickable with Jquery. I wrote this:
// just for chaecking the selector is ok
console.log("remove clicked");
But on the actual page the "Remove" isn't clickable at all.
Does it have anything to do with the fact that the class doesn't appear in the default HTML and is only declared in the appended code?
Of course, it could also mean my syntax is wrong, but I can't figure this out!
Since the element you are trying to bind the event to does not exist yet when you perform the binding you need to set up a future delgate using .on()
$("table").on('click',".remove_link",function () {
console.log("remove clicked");
Note that the important trick is to start the binding from an existing element (in this case the table)
I updated your fiddle here:
well, I think I have a lead for an answer for this. In the page dealing with The .on() method on W3Schools there's a reference (down belew) to the fact that this method can also "work for elements not yet created". From this I deduct that the simple .click() just won't do. I'll try again with .on() tomorrow and will report my findings.
Meanwhile, if there's someone here more experienced in Jquery, I'd appreciate your opinion/advice.
I'm trying to use internal references to link an index atop my wiki page with several sections within the document. Here's an example:
* `My index`_
+ Foreword_
+ `Technical details`_
My index
Technical details
If I generate the HTML page via rest2html I get the right result. However, GitHub wiki inserts extra words in the references and the links do not work. for example:
I couldn't find any relevant document in the GitHub page, so I'm kind of lost.
It looks like the class ids are missing from the generated divs. Check the page source to (not) see them. I think this is what it should look like:
<li><dl class="first docutils">
<dt><a class="reference internal" href="#my-index">My index</a></dt>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#foreword">Foreword</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#technical-details">Technical details</a></li>
<div class="section" id="my-index">
<h1>My index</h1>
<div class="section" id="foreword">
<div class="section" id="technical-details">
<h2>Technical details</h2>
Edit: User intuited mentions the same issue in a GitHub markup issue
I've noticed this problem with README.rst files as well. As well as
headings, inline targets in .rst files, e.g. _some target, don't
work. The inline target text gets wrapped in a but doesn't get
made into any sort of link target. Should I file this as a separate