Deleteing a repository in Visual Studio Code - visual-studio-code

where can I find .git folder to delete a repo on my system. I opened my local disk as a repository and I have about 5k changes to make.The thing is if I check my git account my local disk is not showing as a repo so i really dont know what is going on. Any solution will be welcomed.

Among the "5k changes", select a file and open it in your file browser. Enable hidden files/folders. Start moving up the hierarchy of that path, i.e., keeping going up in the parent directory of the file.
You'll find the .git folder somewhere. Check its creation date. If it's recent, delete it. Be careful not to delete any commits you had made in some project.


When I add a solution to source control in VS 2019 Azure Devops only the startup project gets added - how do I add the others?

I am working on a solution that has 14 projects (so far) in it. I added the solution to Azure Devops source control and can see that the solution and the startup project have the little locks in the solution explorer, also I can see the startup project files in the devops repo, but I can't see how to add the other projects. Obviously I messed up somewhere, since ideally the repo would contain a folder for the startup project rather than the files themselves, but I don't know how to "undo" the source control and reset my solution back to its original state.
Can someone tell me how to either fix the source control so that the master branch contains all of the projects in sub-folders (as per the visual studio folder structure) - i.e. how to move the startup project files in the devops repo to a sub-folder and how to add the other projects to their own sub-folders, or, failing that, how to undo the source control so that all of my solution files are back on my local hard disk?
Any advice will be appreciated.
You mentioned that you are using git. So when you DO NOT have local changes which are not pushed to your git server, that means everything is "synced".
Make a backup of your folder, just copy & paste everything!
You can just delete the .git folder. So you have no "link" to the git server anymore.
You can the link the "folder" again to your git server, with sth. like:
git remote add origin
Other option is check your .gitignore file, maybe some of your projects are excluded.
When you are working with Visual Studio, can can also create a new empty solution and add the projects one by one. Also be sure that there is NO Filter in Project Explorer in Visual Studio.
You can also check your git changes, with git log or git status from any terminal or command line tool.

How to re-connect a local github repository I completely overwrote?

I have a Unity project that I messed up badly, so I downloaded the zip file of the latest repository I pushed to GitHub, deleted the local files, and dumped the content of that zip in place of the old directory. I thought this would be a seamless transition, but now GitHub Desktop is not recognizing these files as a git repository. I don't know why because there are github-specific files in there. I have made significant changes that I need to save. How do I reconnect this repository? Do I want to hit "Clone Again" or will that overwrite what I have locally with what is in the cloud? Again, I want to push what I have locally to the cloud.
For anybody else having this problem, here is what I did:
Save your local repository into a zip file someplace accessible,
like your desktop.
Completely gut your local directory--delete all
contents within the root folder. GitHub Desktop demands a clear folder to clone into.
In GitHub Desktop, where it says it
can't find your repository anymore, click the button that says
"Clone Again". This will download your cloud repository into your
local directory--the opposite of what we wanted, but at least what
comes next will work.
Delete all the cloned files that are NOT files associated with GitHub. This will prevent extraneous files from being left over when you overwrite your project files.
Copy all the non-GitHub-related files from the zip into the renewed directory.
This will restore the link between directories. Now, IT IS POSSIBLE that I deleted an essential GitHub file and did not notice (since there are at least 4 of them), and simply restoring THAT file from the cloud would fix everything. If you become disconnected like I was, I recommend trying that first in case it works and saves you time. Those are the files that get overwritten by GitHub when local files are updated.

Add files to local repository in GitKraken

Am new to GiKraken.
I have created a local repo and remote (origin) repo.
I have added some files to the local repo (folder on my computer).
But, Gitkraken cannot find them automatically and then cannot commit.
How to add them in GiKraken manually ?
(could not find the way to do it, even "Stage" is not shown inthe community version).
A click on 1 shows your unstaged changes in area 2. The green symbol below 2 indicates a file that was added and is not yet added to your git repository. If you click on it, it will move to the Staged files area and be ready to be commited.
I'm not sure I understand your question correctly. You can not create files in GitKraken, it just manages your existing files in your repository.
If you create or copy files in your repositorys' folder (via file manager or editor or by whatever means), GitKraken will know and show the files as new files in th "Unstaged Files" section, allowing to add and commit them to your repository.

Atlassian Sourcetree + GIT + Mac + Mountain Lion + Eclipse + Android project = failure mode

Using the combination of tools in the title, when I check out a branch, SourceTree/GIT will:
Definitely NOT delete folders from the previously checked-out branch, so if I have BRANCH-ALPHA with FOLDER1 and FOLDER2 and then I check out BRANCH-BETA which has FOLDER2 and FOLDER3 only and no FOLDER1, the resulting structure in FINDER will show that FOLDER1 is still there. Can reproduce this over and over.
Often will not even overwrite files from the previously checked-out branch, so that I'm still seeing BRANCH-ALPHA in Eclipse when I have checked-out BRANCH-BETA.
I close Eclipse before doing the checkout, and then open Eclipse, CLEAN and BUILD everything. It's really a problem with GIT.
The only "solution" is to delete all the folders and all the metadata and then check out the branch. This typically leads to a few hours of trying to "convince" Eclipse to open the project, creating a new workspace, new metadata, etc., and then fixing a lot of things like paths etc.
Any ideas on how to further research the cause and find a solution are very much appreciated.
Git only deletes empty folders when checking out a new commit. You might see apparently empty directories because there are hidden files stored in them. If you try to monitor the behavior by opening them in Finder, you're actually causing the problem since Finder creates hidden files to track the way the folders are displayed.
Does it really bother you that the folders are there? You could add a post-checkout hook that runs git clean -dxf after each checkout; this will remove all the files that are not known by git. Be careful that it will also delete compiled classes, so a new build will be required.
Another possibility is that something is locking files or directories, so git can't remove them while they're still opened/locked by the other program. This would also explain why some files aren't updated to the right version. Does git complain when you switch branches? It should if there's indeed a lock on the files.

Get eclipse CVS to forget about removed directory

I'm looking for a way to convince Eclipse that a directory has indeed been removed from the CVS repository, permanently?
With regular command line CVS I would just edit CVS/Entries in the directory's former parent. With Eclipse, I've tried removing the directory from the Project Explorer view, removing the appropriate line in CVS/Entries, recreating the directory in PE so that it might be removed on update or synchronization, synchronize without recreating the directory, and probably other things that I've since forgotten, and nothing worked.
The directory has been entirely removed from the CVS repository, so I'm not talking about just pruning empty directories here. The error I am seeing is:
The server reported an error while performing the "cvs update" command.
Project: cvs update: cannot open directory /usr/local/cvsroot/one/two/three/removed_directory: No such file or directory
My project contains all of the contents from /usr/local/cvsroot/one/two. I do not get this error when I navigate to "three" and update from there. I only get it when I update from the project root.
One (quite imperfect) solution for this problem is, beside to check-out the project again, to remove CVS information stored by Eclipse.
Go in the right-menu under the project > Team > Disconnect, and check the radiobutton "Also delete the CVS meta information from the file system". Now your project is unshared and has no more CVS information into it. Then you just have to do Team > Share project, select the previous repository location, and you're done (CVS will detect by itself that the project is up-to-date and won't update nor commit anything, of course).
A folder that has been deleted in the cvs repository by hand won't then be proposed anymore by CVS under Eclipse to be commited.
Beware that on a big project with many files, depending on the speed of your network, the re-share may take some time.
Sometimes it may indeed be easier to delete the project and pull it off again from CVS.
I fought this same thing for several hours a couple of separate times. I just gave in and re-checked out the project. That seemed to work like a charm
Handling of directories in CVS is not perfect. This and many other reasons caused in creating more complete SCM tool subversion.
CVS can create directory, but can not remove it. From CVS point of view, to remove directory you need to remove (cvs rm) all files in directory. But directory is still present in CVS and there's no way to remove it. Hovewer, CVS propose a "hack" to hide such "deleted"/empty directories by executing "cvs up -P" (see here).
So, for CVS command line, I wouldn't mess with parent directory CVS/Entries file, but rather use "cvs up -P" described above.
The directory will be listed in the CVS/Entries file under the parent directory. Remove the entry in the Entres file and the directory. Eclipse should recognize the directory has been removed.
Refactoring directories in CVS is problematic. Due to the way CVS handles history one of the following usually applies:
The history of files moved to new locations appears to disappear. (It is located in the history of the old location.)
The history of files is retained, but files appear moved when checking out versions prior to the move. (Files were moved in the repository, rather than in a sandbox.)
Removing or moving directories in the repository generally creates problems for clients. It helps to retain directories and only move or remove files. Normal processing moves deleted files to an Attic sub-directory.
In the Eclipse CVS synchronization perspective, did you try the 'Override and update' option?
If the files/folders are already deleted on the repository, from the Eclipse project perspective, "replace with"->"latest from HEAD" on the folder containing deleted elements