Limit Github slack integration to only reviews to which I'm assigned or participating - github

Has anyone figured out how to limit Github slack integration to only reviews in which you are assigned or a reviewer?
I added it to my slack workspace and set the subscriptions thus:
/github subscribe myOrg statuses, reviews
I was hoping to only get my reviews and not all reviews. I can't seem to figure out how to filter down to the items I care about especially as the notification options are: every new message or none.

Install the GitHub Slack integration in your workspace
Go to your github settings reminders
Enable real-time alerts and check the appropriate boxes (which is probably all but Your PR has failed CI checks)
In slack you do not need to subscribe to anything. Doing so will get you all kinds of additional notifications


How to switch on notifications for Azure DevOps PR review comment set to resolved

When a user hits Resolve on a review comment I made in a PR, I would expect to see a notification in my emails but I do not seem to be getting them.
Here are the options available to me in DevOps:
Here are the options assigned to my user:
For reference, this is the section I'd expect to get updates for when set to Resolved:
I'd imagine it to work similar to how it works in GitHub. Currently I'm relying on team members to #mention me.
I am an employee of an organization. Could it be that the option has been removed from me in some group policy?
Could it be that the option has been removed from me in some group policy?
I am afraid there is no such specific settings to get the notifications for Azure DevOps PR review comment set to resolved.
We could only defined the notification for the Pull request changes. But the default and supported notifications and supported event types do not support to check the state of the PR review comment.
You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site ( ), which is our main forum for product suggestions. Thank you for helping us build a better Azure DevOps.

Github Scheduled Reminders - Some Slack Mentions Aren't Linked

We have setup scheduled reminders for one of our teams in GH. When the reminders are displayed in Slack, some of the users' accounts are not linked properly. For those users, it just shows their GH username unlinked. Everyone else (probably 80% or better of our users) has a proper # mention instead of their GH username. I've looked at profiles for unlinked users in both systems and cannot determine a clear root cause.
Has anyone else seen this, any possible solutions?
EDIT: The plot thickens. I'm seeing the SAME USER in the SAME REMINDER both be # mentioned correctly/linked and incorrectly/unlinked. There's a pattern for the affected users:
On the line that prints the PR #, Title, and Owner, the affected users' github username appears unlinked.
On the line that prints the days stale/days old/waiting on list, SOME of the affected users' will be correctly # mentioned and some will not.
For the slack users where this doesn't work, have you tried having them unsubscribe from github using a /github unsubscribe followed by a /github subscribe command again to get github to refresh their slack account information?
I am not sure if the application you are using is a separate application or if it is part of the github to slack integration. If it is, it talks about how your accounts are not linked until this step is performed.
I came across this article here:
Subscribing and Unsubscribing
At this point, your Slack and GitHub user accounts are not linked. To link the two accounts, authenticate to GitHub using a /github slash command, /github signin.
The /github slash command also accepts a subscribe argument that you can use to subscribe to an Organization or Repository's activity /github subscribe <organization>/<repository>.
If you originally gave the app access to "All repositories" and you've created a new private repository on GitHub after installing the GitHub integration for Slack, the /github subscribe command will work automatically on your new repository. If you installed the app on a subset of repositories, the app will prompt you to install it on the new repository.
The /github slash command also supports unsubscribe. To unsubscribe to notifications from a repository, use /github unsubscribe <organization>/<repository>

Slack and github integration: start receiving updates for tasks in a github project for status changes on a single slack channel

We use slack for internal communication in our team and have configured github on slack for getting updates about new commits and issues. Now, we want our workstream to be managed by tasks in github projects and for this need to configure a slack channel for receiving updates about the tasks being created, assigned, completed or any other status change on a task need to be notified over the same slack channel. Like we do it for commits and issues. I have searched for having it done but, nowhere I found how can one do this.
Here are the references I have gone through, they only suggest slack and github integration for - commits, issues, pull requests, status check on pull requests, code reviews and deployments :
Is the feature available that I am looking for, or not?
So, after contacting Github support I got a confirmation from them that the feature is not available presently and they are not working on this feature as well. To request this feature,
is the link to existing issue and number of reactions on this will help them to prioritize work in the future.

Only allow users under a certain AD Group to approve Pull Requests on Azure DevOps

On my organisation we use Azure DevOps and we have a repository where we want developers to be able to create pull requests with changes to it, but only develpers belonging to certain AD group to be able to approve them. What's the best way to achieve this in Azure DevOps?
According to Microsoft Documentation there is a permission called "Contribute to pull requests " which allows "Can create, comment on, and vote on pull requests." However, disabling this would mean that people cannot create pull requests. I want them to be able to create the pull request, just not able to approve them and complete them.
However, disabling this would mean that people cannot create pull
requests. I want them to be able to create the pull request, just not
able to approve them and complete them.
If the Contribute is set to Deny, then the developer can review the code/create new branch/create PR/approve PR but can't push changes to master branch or branch not created by himself/complete PR. So this option can only partly meet your needs.
Apart from above, a most recommended way in this scenario is to use Branch Policies.
Since the original purpose is to avoid developers to complete the PR themselves, you can set both Require a minimum number of reviewers and Automatically Include reviewers options to meet your original needs:
So that all the PRs in master branch can't be completed until it gets enough approvals from specific Group. (The group you're in, Project Administrators or what) Then the developers can create the PR, but the PR can only be completed by approvals from you(Team admins/managers?).
You can choose one of the above two options or combine them together to meet your needs.
In addition: If all above still can't meet your requirements very well, feel free to post your feature request in our User Voice forum, the Product Team would consider about your feedback. Follow the feedback and you can get notifications if there's any update.
Hope all above helps :)

How to get specific github notifications like pull requests or assigned issues?

Github provides notifications via mail or web, based on watched repos. But is there a way to get more in detail? Like only watch a specific pull requet or assigned issue? I feel like i get spammed from comments on other pull requests that have nothing to do with me.
Update Nov. 2020: you now have "Custom notification controls"
This week we are giving you more control over the types of content that you are notified about on GitHub:
Watching a repository can often be a double-edged sword.
You want to stay up to date with a project, but if you have a specific interest or role within the community, you have no choice but to subscribe to updates on everything.
No more.
Beneath the watch button, you’ll find that we have made a few changes: we’ve made the language clearer so you know what you’ll receive updates about, we’ve made the interface more accessible and, we’ve introduced a new custom category.
Within this, you can select the types of content you would like to be notified about.
Do you focus on code review? Limit your notifications to pull requests.
Are you a community manager? Select Discussions.
As new types of notifications are added, you’ll find them in this menu.
You’ll find these controls on all repository pages and on your watching page where you can customize notifications for repositories you already watch.
Update May 2019: you now have "Custom thread subscriptions"
You can now limit the types of notifications you receive for any issue and pull request to be specific to merge, reopened and/or closed events.
That should allow to further control the amount of emails received.
Update July 2017: you now can declare in the GitHub repo a code owner.
Any pull request touching a file managed by said code owner will trigger a notification to that person.
See "Repo owner automatic notification after updating a pull request"
2015: Yes, for instance, for a specific issue on a project (issue 2595), you can register by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the right side of the page (since 2015).
Once clicked, it will appear as "Unsubscribe" (for you to click if you don't want any more notifications)
So you don't have to watch the all repo, you can subscribe only to specific issues.
Not sure if this has changed, but now there's a subscribe button in the top right corner:
first disclaimer, Im part of the team at
Instead of getting notifications for every activity on Git via email or web, Zigi integrates with your Github to learn your pull request activity,
Filters the information and sends you actionable notifications on your pull requests activity (from all repos) that is relevant to your work directly from Slack.
Once a PR is created in GitHub, Zigi manages the entire workflow:
Gathers all the communications related to a PR- that's relevant to
Tells me which PRs are waiting for my review from all repos
Shows which of my PRs are waiting for a teammate's review and for how
Makes it easy to ping teammates to remind them (without feeling
awkward about bothering them)
Lets me add reviewers
Tells me when a PR is stuck or open for a long time
Helps me make sure the code owner approved
See here an example of a Slack message with filtered notification for pull request