I have created a simple test code (using ScalaTest). The find searching in database using Solr.
implicit override val patienceConfig =
PatienceConfig(timeout = scaled(Span(30, Seconds)), interval = scaled(Span(20, Seconds)))
for {
saved <- service.save(...)
result <- eventually {
} yield result
But in 9/10 cases it ends with timeout. When I rewrite this code into:
implicit override val patienceConfig =
PatienceConfig(timeout = scaled(Span(30, Seconds)))
for {
saved <- service.save(...)
result <- eventually {
} yield result
It works much better, but also I got timeouts sometimes (less than in first example). Do you know where the problem could be? I thought that something with eventually works different I thought, but I do not know what.
Also - is any way to make this code always run without timeouts? I prefer to use eventually, but would like to increase results without timeout.
I understand that it is possible that searching something in database could return timeouts, but I would like to have as most stable test as possible.
My question is probably vague (could not think of how to describe it well) but hopefully this example will make things more clear:
class IntTestFake extends FunSpec with ScalaFutures {
it("Fails for some reason"){
var a = "Chicken"
val b = "Steak"
def timeout() = Future{
while(a != b){}
a = b
whenReady(timeout(), Timeout(20 seconds), Interval(50 milliseconds))(result => result)
var a = "Chicken"
val b = "Steak"
def timeout() = Future{
while(a != b){
println("this works...")
a = b
whenReady(timeout(), Timeout(20 seconds), Interval(50 milliseconds))(result => result)
In the first test (Fails for some reason) the while loop has an empty body. In the second test (Passes...why?!?) the while loop body has a println statement in it. My original thought was garbage collection was doing something funky but with that whenReady statement I am expecting something to return so I would expect GC to leave it alone until then. Apologies if this has already been asked I could not find an example.
The problem is that the code is reading a var from two threads without warning the compiler that it is going to do this, and this leads to unpredictable behaviour. The compiler does not know that the value of a is going to change under its feet, so it is perfectly allowed to cache that value in a register or some other bit of memory. If it does, that while loop is going to spin forever.
It happens that your first test fails and the second succeeds, but this is a result of the particular compiler and scheduler that you are using, and could be different on a different system.
The solution is to avoid using a shared variable and use a proper synchronisation mechanism. In this case, a Promise would probably do the trick.
a needs to be #volatile, without it writes from other threads are not guaranteed to be visible to the current thread, until it hits a "memory barrier" (a special point in the code, where all caches are flashed - in a conceptual sense as pointed out in the comment, not necessarily mapping directly to how exactly hardware off a particular cpu handles that). This is why the second case works - there's plenty of memory barriers inside a println call.
So, changing var a ... to #volatile var a ... will make it work ... but, seriously, don't use vars. At least, not until you have learned enough scala to be able to recognize the cases where you have to have them.
Im using Play and have an action in which I want to do two things:-
firstly check my cache for a value
secondly, call a web service with the value
Since WS API returns a Future, I'm using Action.async.
My Redis cache module also returns a Future.
Assume I'm using another ExecutionContext appropriately for the potentially long running tasks.
Q. Can someone confirm if I'm on the right track by doing the following. I know I have not catered for the Exceptional cases in the below - just keeping it simple for brevity.
def token = Action.async { implicit request =>
// 1. Get Future for read on cache
val cacheFuture = scala.concurrent.Future {
// 2. Map inside cache Future to call web service
cacheFuture.map { result =>
WS.url(url).withQueryString("id" -> result).get().map { response =>
// process response
My concern is that this may not be the most efficient way of doing things because I assume different threads may handle the task of completing each of the Futures.
Any recommendations for a better approach are greatly appreciated.
That's not specific to Play. I suggest you have a look at documentations explaining how Futures work.
val x: Future[FutureOp2ResType] = futureOp1(???).flatMap { res1 => futureOp2(res1, ???) }
Or with for-comprehension
val x: Future[TypeOfRes] = for {
res1 <- futureOp1(???)
res2 <- futureOp2(res1, ???)
// ...
} yield res
As for how the Futures are executed (using threads), it depends on which ExecutionContext you use (e.g. the global one, the Play one, ...).
WS.get returning a Future, it should not be called within cacheFuture.map, or it will returns a Future[Future[...]].
As I understand, TrieMap.getOrElseUpdate is still not truly atomic, and this fixes only returned result (it could return different instances for different callers before this fix), so the updater function still might be called several times, as documentation (for 2.11.7) says:
Note: This method will invoke op at most once. However, op may be invoked without the result being added to the map if a concurrent process is also trying to add a value corresponding to the same key k.
*I've checked that manually for 2.11.7, still "at least once"
How to guarantee one-time call (if I use TrieMap for factories)?
I think this solution should work for my requirements:
trait LazyComp { val get: Int }
val map = new TrieMap[String, LazyComp]()
val count = new AtomicInteger() //just for test, you don't need it
def getSingleton(key: String) = {
val v = new LazyComp {
lazy val get = {
//compute something
count.incrementAndGet() //just for test, you don't need it
map.putIfAbsent(key, v).getOrElse(v).get
I believe, lazy val actually uses synchronized inside. And also the code inside get should be safe from exceptions
However, performance could be improved in future: SIP-20
scala> (0 to 10000000).par.map(_ => getSingleton("zzz")).last
res8: Int = 1
P.S. Java has computeIfAbscent method on ConcurrentHashMap which I could use as well.
Experimenting with concurrent execution I was wondering how to actually test it.
The execution flow is of a side-effect nature and futures are created to wrap independent executions/processing.
Been searching for some good examples on how to properly unit test the following scenarios (foo and bar are the methods I wish to test):
scenario #1
def foo : Unit = {
Future { doSomething }
Future { doSomethingElse }
private def doSomething : Unit = serviceCall1
private def doSomethingElse : Unit = serviceCall2
Scenario motivation
foo immediately returns but invokes 2 futures which perform separate tasks (e.g. save analytics and store record to DB). These service calls can be mocked, but what I'm trying to test is that both these services are called once I wrap them in Futures
scenario #2
def bar : Unit = {
val futureX = doAsyncX
val futureY = doAsyncY
for {
x <- futureX
y <- futureY
} yield {
noOp(x, y)
Scenario motivation
Start with long running computations that can be executed concurrently (e.g. get the number of total visitors and get the frequently used User-Agent header to our web site). Combine the result in some other operation (which in this case Unit method that simply throws the values)
Note I'm familiar with actors and testing actors, but given the above code I wonder what should be the most suitable approach (refactoring included)
EDIT What I'm doing at the moment
implicit value context = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(testExecutor)
def testExecutor = {
new Executor {
def execute(runnable : Runnable) = runnable.run
This ExecutionContext implementation will not run the Future as a separate thread and the entire execution will be done in sequence. This kinda feels like a hack but based on Electric Monk answer, it seems like the other solution is more of the same.
One solution would be to use a DeterministicExecutor. Not a scalaesque solution, but should so the trick.
If you are using ScalaTest, take a look at: http://doc.scalatest.org/2.0/index.html#org.scalatest.concurrent.Futures
Specs2 also has support for testing Futures:
ScalaTest 3.x supports asynchronous non-blocking testing.
Given rowParser of type RowParser[Photo], this is how you would parse a list of rows coming from a table photo, according to the code samples I have seen so far:
def getPhotos(album: Album): List[Photo] = DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
SQL("select * from photo where album = {album}").on(
'album -> album.id
).as(rowParser *)
Where the * operator creates a parser of type ResultSetParser[List[Photo]]. Now, I was wondering if it was equally possible to get a parser that yields a Stream (thinking that being more lazy is always better), but I only came up with this:
def getPhotos(album: Album): Stream[Photo] = DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
SQL("select * from photo where album = {album}").on(
'album -> album.id
)() collect (rowParser(_) match { case Success(photo) => photo })
It works, but it seems overly complicated. I could of course just call toStream on the List I get from the first function, but my goal was to only apply rowParser on rows that are actually read. Is there an easier way to achieve this?
EDIT: I know that limit should be used in the query, if the number of rows of interest is known beforehand. I am also aware that, in many cases, you are going to use the whole result anyway, so being lazy will not improve performance. But there might be a case where you save a few cycles, e.g. if for some reason, you have search criteria that you cannot or do not want to express in SQL. So I thought it was odd that, given the fact that anorm provides a way to obtain a Stream of SqlRow, I didn't find a straightforward way to apply a RowParser on that.
I ended up creating my own stream method which corresponds to the list method:
def stream[A](p: RowParser[A]) = new ResultSetParser[Stream[A]] {
def apply(rows: SqlParser.ResultSet): SqlResult[Stream[A]] = rows.headOption.map(p(_)) match {
case None => Success(Stream.empty[A])
case Some(Success(a)) => {
val s: Stream[A] = a #:: rows.tail.flatMap(r => p(r) match {
case Success(r) => Some(r)
case _ => None
case Some(Error(msg)) => Error(msg)
Note that the Play SqlResult can only be either Success/Error while each row can also be Success/Error. I handle this for the first row only, assuming the rest will be the same. This may or may not work for you.
You're better off making smaller (paged) queries using limit and offset.
Anorm would need some modification if you're going to keep your (large) result around in memory and stream it from there. Then the other concern would be the new memory requirements for your JVM. And how would you deal with caching on the service level? See, previously you could easily cache something like photos?page=1&size=10, but now you just have photos, and the caching technology would have no idea what to do with the stream.
Even worse, and possibly on a JDBC-level, wrapping Stream around limited and offset-ed execute statements and just making multiple calls to the database behind the scenes, but this sounds like it would need a fair bit of work to port the Stream code that Scala generates to Java land (to work with Groovy, jRuby, etc), then get it on the approved for the JDBC 5 or 6 roadmap. This idea will probably be shunned as being too complicated, which it is.
You could wrap Stream around your entire DAO (where the limit and offset trickery would happen), but this almost sounds like more trouble than it's worth :-)
I ran into a similar situation but ran into a Call Stack Overflow exception when the built-in anorm function to convert to Streams attempted to parse the result set.
In order to get around this I elected to abandon the anorm ResultSetParser paradigm, and fall back to the java.sql.ResultSet object.
I wanted to use anorm's internal classes for the parsing result set rows, but, ever since version 2.4, they have made all of the pertinent classes and methods private to their package, and have deprecated several other methods that would have been more straight-forward to use.
I used a combination of Promises and Futures to work around the ManagedResource that anorm now returns. I avoided all deprecated functions.
import anorm._
import java.sql.ResultSet
import scala.concurrent._
def SqlStream[T](sql:SqlQuery)(parse:ResultSet => T)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[Stream[T]] = {
val conn = db.getConnection()
val mr = sql.preparedStatement(conn, false)
val p = Promise[Unit]()
val p2 = Promise[ResultSet]()
Future {
mr.map({ stmt =>
Await.ready(p.future, duration.Duration.Inf)
}).acquireAndGet(identity).andThen { case _ => conn.close() }
def _stream(rs:ResultSet):Stream[T] = {
if (rs.next()) parse(rs) #:: _stream(rs)
else {
p2.future.map { rs =>
A rather trivial usage of this function would be something like this:
def getText(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[Stream[String]] = {
SqlStream(SQL("select FIELD from TABLE")) { rs => rs.getString("FIELD") }
There are, of course, drawbacks to this approach, however, this got around my problem and did not require inclusion of any other libraries.