Nesting Futures in Play Action - scala

Im using Play and have an action in which I want to do two things:-
firstly check my cache for a value
secondly, call a web service with the value
Since WS API returns a Future, I'm using Action.async.
My Redis cache module also returns a Future.
Assume I'm using another ExecutionContext appropriately for the potentially long running tasks.
Q. Can someone confirm if I'm on the right track by doing the following. I know I have not catered for the Exceptional cases in the below - just keeping it simple for brevity.
def token = Action.async { implicit request =>
// 1. Get Future for read on cache
val cacheFuture = scala.concurrent.Future {
// 2. Map inside cache Future to call web service { result =>
WS.url(url).withQueryString("id" -> result).get().map { response =>
// process response
My concern is that this may not be the most efficient way of doing things because I assume different threads may handle the task of completing each of the Futures.
Any recommendations for a better approach are greatly appreciated.

That's not specific to Play. I suggest you have a look at documentations explaining how Futures work.
val x: Future[FutureOp2ResType] = futureOp1(???).flatMap { res1 => futureOp2(res1, ???) }
Or with for-comprehension
val x: Future[TypeOfRes] = for {
res1 <- futureOp1(???)
res2 <- futureOp2(res1, ???)
// ...
} yield res
As for how the Futures are executed (using threads), it depends on which ExecutionContext you use (e.g. the global one, the Play one, ...).
WS.get returning a Future, it should not be called within, or it will returns a Future[Future[...]].


scala ZIO foreachPar

I'm new to parallel programming and ZIO, i'm trying to get data from an API, by parallel requests.
import sttp.client._
import zio.{Task, ZIO}
ZIO.foreach(files) { file =>
def getData(file: File) = {
val data: String = readData(file)
val request = basicRequest.body(data).post(uri"$url")
.headers(content -> "text", char -> "utf-8")
implicit val backend: SttpBackend[Identity, Nothing, NothingT] = HttpURLConnectionBackend()
resquest.Response match {
case Success(value) => {
val src = new PrintWriter(new File(filename))
case Failure(exception) => log error
when i execute the program sequentially, it work as expected,
if i tried to run parallel, by changing ZIO.foreach to ZIO.foreachPar.
The program is terminating prematurely, i get that, i'm missing something basic here,
any help is appreciated to help me figure out the issue.
Generally speaking I wouldn't recommend mixing synchronous blocking code as you have with asynchronous non-blocking code which is the primary role of ZIO. There are some great talks out there on how to effectively use ZIO with the "world" so to speak.
There are two key points I would make, one ZIO lets you manage resources effectively by attaching allocation and finalization steps and two, "effects" we could say are "things which actually interact with the world" should be wrapped in the tightest scope possible*.
So lets go through this example a bit, first of all, I would not suggest using the default Identity backed backend with ZIO, I would recommend using the AsyncHttpClientZioBackend instead.
import sttp.client._
import zio.{Task, ZIO}
import zio.blocking.effectBlocking
import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.zio.AsyncHttpClientZioBackend
// Extract the common elements of the request
val baseRequest ="$url")
.headers(content -> "text", char -> "utf-8")
// Produces a writer which is wrapped in a `Managed` allowing it to be properly
// closed after being used
def managedWriter(filename: String): Managed[IOException, PrintWriter] =
ZManaged.fromAutoCloseable(UIO(new PrintWriter(new File(filename))))
// This returns an effect which produces an `SttpBackend`, thus we flatMap over it
// to extract the backend.
val program = AsyncHttpClientZioBackend().flatMap { implicit backend =>
ZIO.foreachPar(files) { file =>
for {
// Wrap the synchronous reading of data in a `Task`, but which allows runs this effect on a "blocking" threadpool instead of blocking the main one.
data <- effectBlocking(readData(file))
// `send` will return a `Task` because it is using the implicit backend in scope
resp <- baseRequest.body(data).send()
// Build the managed writer, then "use" it to produce an effect, at the end of `use` it will automatically close the writer.
_ <- managedWriter("").use(w => Task(w.write(resp.body.toString)))
} yield ()
At this point you will just have the program which you will need to run using one of the unsafe methods or if you are using a zio.App through the main method.
* Not always possible or convenient, but it is useful because it prevents resource hogging by yielding tasks back to the runtime for scheduling.
When you use a purely functional IO library like ZIO, you must not call any side-effecting functions (like getData) except when calling factory methods like Task.effect or Task.apply.
ZIO.foreach(files) { file =>
Task {

Why is it not recommended to retrieve value from Scala's Future?

I started working on Scala very recently and came across its feature called Future. I had posted a question for help with my code and some help from it.
In that conversation, I was told that it is not recommended to retrieve the value from a Future.
I understand that it is a parallel process when executed but if the value of a Future is not recommended to be retrieved, how/when do I access the result of it ? If the purpose of Future is to run a thread/process independent of main thread, why is it that it is not recommended to access it ? Will the Future automatically assign its output to its caller ? If so, how would we know when to access it ?
I wrote the below code to return a Future with a Map[String, String].
def getBounds(incLogIdMap:scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]): Future[scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]] = Future {
var boundsMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()
incLogIdMap.keys.foreach(table => if(!incLogIdMap(table).contains("INVALID")) {
val minMax = s"select max(cast(to_char(update_tms,'yyyyddmmhhmmss') as bigint)) maxTms, min(cast(to_char(update_tms,'yyyyddmmhhmmss') as bigint)) minTms from queue.${table} where key_ids in (${incLogIdMap(table)})"
val boundsDF ="jdbc").option("url", commonParams.getGpConUrl()).option("dbtable", s"(${minMax}) as ctids")
.option("user", commonParams.getGpUserName()).option("password", commonParams.getGpPwd()).load()
val maxTms ="minTms").head.getLong(0).toString + "," +"maxTms").head.getLong(0).toString
boundsMap += (table -> maxTms)
If I have to use the value which is returned from the method getBounds, can I access it in the below way ?
val tmsobj = new MinMaxVals(spark, commonParams)
tmsobj.getBounds(incLogIds) onComplete ({
case Success(Map) => val boundsMap = tmsobj.getBounds(incLogIds)
case Failure(value) => println("Future failed..")
Could anyone care to clear my doubts ?
As the others have pointed out, waiting to retrieve a value from a Future defeats the whole point of launching the Future in the first place.
But onComplete() doesn't cause the rest of your code to wait, it just attaches extra instructions to be carried out as part of the Future thread while the rest of your code goes on its merry way.
So what's wrong with your proposed code to access the result of getBounds()? Let's walk through it.
tmsobj.getBounds(incLogIds) onComplete { //launch Future, when it completes ...
case Success(m) => //if Success then store the result Map in local variable "m"
val boundsMap = tmsobj.getBounds(incLogIds) //launch a new and different Future
//boundsMap is a local variable, it disappears after this code block
case Failure(value) => //if Failure then store error in local variable "value"
println("Future failed..") //send some info to STDOUT
}//end of code block
You'll note that I changed Success(Map) to Success(m) because Map is a type (it's a companion object) and can't be used to match the result of your Future.
In conclusion: onComplete() doesn't cause your code to wait on the Future, which is good, but it is somewhat limited because it returns Unit, i.e. it has no return value with which it can communicate the result of the Future.
TLDR; Futures are not meant to manage shared state but they are good for composing asynchronous pieces of code. You can use map, flatMap and many other operations to combine Futures.
The computation that the Future represents will be executed using the given ExecutionContext (usually given implicitly), which will usually be on a thread-pool, so you are right to assume that the Future computation happens in parallel. Because of this concurrency, it is generally not advised to mutate state that is shared from inside the body of the Future, for example:
var i: Int = 0
val f: Future[Unit] = Future {
// Some computation
i = 42
Because you then run the risk of also accessing/modifying i in another thread (maybe the "main" one). In this kind of concurrent access situation, Futures would probably not be the right concurrency model, and you could imagine using monitors or message-passing instead.
Another possibility that is tempting but also discouraged is to block the main thread until the result becomes available:
val f: Future[Init] = Future { 42 }
val i: Int = Await.result(f)
The reason this is bad is that you will completely block the main thread, annealing the benefits of having concurrent execution in the first place. If you do this too much, you might also run in trouble because of a large number of threads that are blocked and hogging resources.
How do you then know when to access the result? You don't and it's actually the reason why you should try to compose Futures as much as possible, and only subscribe to their onComplete method at the very edge of your application. It's typical for most of your methods to take and return Futures, and only subscribe to them in very specific places.
It is not recommended to wait for a Future using Await.result because this blocks the execution of the current thread until some unknown point in the future, possibly forever.
It is perfectly OK to process the value of a Future by passing a processing function to a call such as map on the Future. This will call your function when the future is complete. The result of map is another Future, which can, in turn, be processed using map, onComplete or other methods.

Order of execution of Future - Making sequential inserts in a db non-blocking

A simple scenario here. I am using akka streams to read from kafka and write into an external source, in my case: cassandra.
Akka streams(reactive-kafka) library equips me with backpressure and other nifty things to make this possible.
kafka being a Source and Cassandra being a Sink, when I get bunch of events which are, for example be cassandra queries here through Kafka which are supposed to be executed sequentially (ex: it could be a INSERT, UPDATE and a DELETE and must be sequential).
I cannot use mayAsync and execute both the statement, Future is eager and there is a chance that DELETE or UPDATE might get executed first before INSERT.
I am forced to use Cassandra's execute as opposed to executeAsync which is non-blocking.
There is no way to make a complete async solution to this issue, but how ever is there a much elegant way to do this?
For ex: Make the Future lazy and sequential and offload it to a different execution context of sorts.
mapAsync gives a parallelism option as well.
Can Monix Task be of help here?
This a general design question and what are the approaches one can take.
Flow[In].mapAsync(3)(input => {
input match {
case INSERT => //do insert - returns future
case UPDATE => //do update - returns future
case DELETE => //delete - returns future
The scenario is a little more complex. There could be thousands of insert, update and delete coming in order for specific key(s)(in kafka)
I would ideally want to execute the 3 futures of a single key in sequence. I believe Monix's Task can help?
If you process things with parallelism of 1, they will get executed in strict sequence, which will solve your problem.
But that's not interesting. If you want, you can run operations for different keys in parallel - if processing for different keys is independent, which, I assume from your description, is possible. To do this, you have to buffer the incoming values and then regroup it. Let's see some code:
import monix.reactive.Observable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import monix.eval.Task
// Your domain logic - I'll use these stubs
trait Event
trait Acknowledgement // whatever your DB functions return, if you need it
def toKey(e: Event): String = ???
def processOne(event: Event): Task[Acknowledgement] = Task.deferFuture {
event match {
case _ => ??? // insert/update/delete
// Monix Task.traverse is strictly sequential, which is what you need
def processMany(evs: Seq[Event]): Task[Seq[Acknowledgement]] =
def processEventStreamInParallel(source: Observable[Event]): Observable[Acknowledgement] =
// Process a bunch of events, but don't wait too long for whole 100. Fine-tune for your data source
.bufferTimedAndCounted(2.seconds, 100)
.concatMap { batch =>
.fromIterable(batch.groupBy(toKey).values) // Standard collection methods FTW
.mapAsync(3)(processMany) // processing up to 3 different keys in parallel - tho 3 is not necessary, probably depends on your DB throughput
.flatMap(Observable.fromIterable) // flattening it back
The concatMap operator here will ensure that your chunks are processed sequentially as well. So even if one buffer has key1 -> insert, key1 -> update and the other has key1 -> delete, that causes no problems. In Monix, this is the same as flatMap, but in other Rx libraries flatMap might be an alias for mergeMap which has no ordering guarantee.
This can be done with Futures too, tho there's no standard "sequential traverse", so you have to roll your own, something like:
def processMany(evs: Seq[Event]): Future[Seq[Acknowledgement]] =
evs.foldLeft(Future.successful(Vector.empty[Acknowledgement])){ (acksF, ev) =>
for {
acks <- acksF
next <- processOne(ev)
} yield acks :+ next
You can use akka-streams subflows, to group by key, then merge substreams if you want to do something with what you get from your database operations:
def databaseOp(input: In): Future[Out] = input match {
case INSERT => ...
case UPDATE => ...
case DELETE => ...
val databaseFlow: Flow[In, Out, NotUsed] =
Flow[In].groupBy(Int.maxValues, _.key).mapAsync(1)(databaseOp).mergeSubstreams
Note that order from input source won't be kept in output as it is done in mapAsync, but all operations on the same key will still be in order.
You are looking for Future.flatMap:
def doSomething: Future[Unit]
def doSomethingElse: Future[Unit]
val result = doSomething.flatMap { _ => doSomethingElse }
This executes the first function, and then, when its Future is satisfied, starts the second one. The result is a new Future that completes when the result of the second execution is satisfied.
The result of the first future is passed into the function you give to .flatMap, so the second function can depend on the result of the first one. For example:
def getUserID: Future[Int]
def getUser(id: Int): Future[User]
val userName: Future[String] = getUserID.flatMap(getUser).map(
You can also write this as a for-comprehension:
for {
id <- getUserID
user <- getUser(id)
} yield

Do Futures always end up not returning anything?

Given that we must avoid...
1) Modifying state
2) Blocking
...what is a correct end-to-end usage for a Future?
The general practice in using Futures seems to be transforming them into other Futures by using map, flatMap etc. but it's no good creating Futures forever.
Will there always be a call to onComplete somewhere, with methods writing the result of the Future to somewhere external to the application (e.g. web socket; the console; a message broker) or is there a non-blocking way of accessing the result?
All of the information on Futures in the Scaladocs - seem to end up writing to the console. onComplete doesn't return anything, so presumably we have to end up doing some "fire-and-forget" IO.
e.g. a call to println
f onComplete {
case Success(number) => println(number)
case Failure(err) => println("An error has occured: " + err.getMessage)
But what about in more complex cases where we want to do more with the result of the Future?
As an example, in the Play framework Action.async can return a Future[Result] and the framework handles the rest. Will it eventually have to expect never to get a result from the Future?
We know the user needs to be returned a Result, so how can a framework do this using only a Unit method?
Is there a non-blocking way to retrieve the value of a future and use it elsewhere within the application, or is a call to Await inevitable?
Best practice is to use callbacks such as onComplete, onSuccess, onFailure for side effecting operations, e.g. logging, monitoring, I/O.
If you need the continue with the result of of your Future computation as opposed to do a side-effecting operation, you should use map to get access to the result of your computation and compose over it.
Future returns a unit, yes. That's because it's an asynchronous trigger. You need to register a callback in order to gather the result.
From your referenced scaladoc (with my comments):
// first assign the future with expected return type to a variable.
val f: Future[List[String]] = Future {
// immediately register the callbacks
f onFailure {
case t => println("An error has occurred: " + t.getMessage)
f onSuccess {
case posts => for (post <- posts) println(post)
Or instead of println-ing you could do something with the result:
f onSuccess {
case posts: List[String] => someFunction(posts)
Try this out:
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent._
val f: Future[Int] = Future { 43 }
val result: Int = Await.result(f, 0 nanos)
So what is going on here?
You're defining a computation to be executed on a different thread.
So you Future { 43 } returns immediately.
Then you can wait for it and gather the result (via Await.result) or define computation on it without waiting for it to be completed (via map etc...)
Actually, the kind of Future you are talking about are used for side-effects. The result returned by a Future depends its type :
val f = Future[Int] { 42 }
For example, I could send the result of Future[Int] to another Future :
val f2 = f.flatMap(integer => Future{ println(integer) }) // may print 42
As you know, a future is a process that happens concurrently. So you can get its result in the future (that is, using methods such as onComplete) OR by explicitly blocking the current thread until it gets a value :
import scala.concurrent.Await
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
val integer = Await.result(Future { 42 }, timeout.duration)
Usually when you start dealing with asynchronous processes, you have to think in terms of reactions which may never occur. Using chained Futures is like declaring a possible chain of events which could be broken at any moment. Therefore, waiting for a Future's value is definitely not a good practice as you may never get it :
val integer = Await.result(Future { throw new RuntimeException() }, timeout.duration) // will throw an uncaught exception
Try to think more in terms of events, than in procedures.

Unit test async scala code

Experimenting with concurrent execution I was wondering how to actually test it.
The execution flow is of a side-effect nature and futures are created to wrap independent executions/processing.
Been searching for some good examples on how to properly unit test the following scenarios (foo and bar are the methods I wish to test):
scenario #1
def foo : Unit = {
Future { doSomething }
Future { doSomethingElse }
private def doSomething : Unit = serviceCall1
private def doSomethingElse : Unit = serviceCall2
Scenario motivation
foo immediately returns but invokes 2 futures which perform separate tasks (e.g. save analytics and store record to DB). These service calls can be mocked, but what I'm trying to test is that both these services are called once I wrap them in Futures
scenario #2
def bar : Unit = {
val futureX = doAsyncX
val futureY = doAsyncY
for {
x <- futureX
y <- futureY
} yield {
noOp(x, y)
Scenario motivation
Start with long running computations that can be executed concurrently (e.g. get the number of total visitors and get the frequently used User-Agent header to our web site). Combine the result in some other operation (which in this case Unit method that simply throws the values)
Note I'm familiar with actors and testing actors, but given the above code I wonder what should be the most suitable approach (refactoring included)
EDIT What I'm doing at the moment
implicit value context = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(testExecutor)
def testExecutor = {
new Executor {
def execute(runnable : Runnable) =
This ExecutionContext implementation will not run the Future as a separate thread and the entire execution will be done in sequence. This kinda feels like a hack but based on Electric Monk answer, it seems like the other solution is more of the same.
One solution would be to use a DeterministicExecutor. Not a scalaesque solution, but should so the trick.
If you are using ScalaTest, take a look at:
Specs2 also has support for testing Futures:
ScalaTest 3.x supports asynchronous non-blocking testing.