What is the oldest visual studio version in which monogame's latest version is eligible? - monogame

I have a low end pc for thelatest versions of visual studio and want to work on monogame so please tell me what version is the last which i should use for the latest monogame version

You might want to use VS Code. It's lighter than any Visual Studios. The only downside is that building/deploying to iOS and Android might be difficult. But you can certainly build your games on PC/Linux.
Using VS Code and the .NET CLI will require you to know the basics of command-line tools.
Next, You would need to install .NET Core SDK 5.0.
After the installation is complete, You need to set up Monogame using the following scripts.
dotnet new --install MonoGame.Templates.CSharp
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-mgcb-editor
mgcb-editor --register
(Taken from here)
Now you're ready to build a project. Open a terminal (CMD or use VS Code) and run
dotnet new mgdesktopgl -o MyGame
This will create a folder "MyGame" and load a Monogame project. You can run it by heading inside the folder and using
dotnet run
I wrote an answer on this here as well.


Can't use intellisense for Unity because VS code can't find .NETWORK,Version=v4.71 even though it's installed?

Sorry, I'm a newbie here. I've spent a few hours now trying to get intellisense to work on VS code and have followed multiple Youtube guides. No luck. I've installed and uninstalled everything multiple times. I keep getting this message.
F:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.401\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(1220,5): Error: The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1 were not found. To resolve this, install the Developer Pack (SDK/Targeting Pack) for this framework version or retarget your application. You can download .NET Framework Developer Packs at https://aka.ms/msbuild/developerpacks
It tells me to install the developer pack, but it already is installed? Any idea of how to fix this? Please help.
Primarily, this has to do with the VS code extensions and Installation of the Unity editor on Unity HUB.
In VS code, install the extension: C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp).
While installing the unity editor through Unity HUB, make sure you are installing Microsoft visual studio community.

.NET Maui - You are using a preview version of .NET - Where is this coming from and what version am I using?

I am running VS 17.3 Preview 6 on windows11. I have a .net maui app. when i load the app into vs, I get a message saying that I am using a preview version of .net. I don't think I've installed a preview of .net6 on this machine since it is pretty much brand new. i am using
.net 6.0 - ios for ios.
.net 6.0 - android for android.
.net 6.0 - windows 10.0.10941.0 for windows, but don't plan to build for windows.
Basically, why am i getting a message about using a preview version of .net? Is this some artifact message because I am using VS17.3 preview x? any idea how to make this go away since it is annoying? Is this due to .net 7 preview being installed with vs17.3?
To find out what version of MAUI you are using
Open solution or project in Visual Studio (Currently you should use Visual Studio Preview)
Right click on Project
Select Manage NuGet Packages...
Go to the register Installed
Check the versions of the packages Microsoft.Maui.Dependencies and Microsoft.Maui.Extensions
To find out what version of dotnet SDK you are using
Open PowerShell or cmd
Change directory to the path of your project
Execute dotnet --version

Visual Studio not installed and Install Desktop Development with C++ [duplicate]

My Flutter Doctor is saying:
Visual Studio - develop for Windows
X Visual Studio not installed; this is necessary for Windows development.
Download at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/.
Please install the "Desktop development with C++" workload, including all
of its default components.
How can I fix this problem?
It's basically saying that if you want to develop your Flutter application for Windows you will need to install Visual Studio 2022 and while installing Visual Studio 2022 you will need to download this: Desktop development with C++
Also, you have to install the third link in this: Visual-studio
You could also get desktop development with the C++ tool after installing Visual Studio and then navigating to tool → Get tools and features → Desktop development with C++.
The error means install Visual Studio, and this is different from Visual Studio Code. It's an IDE from Microsoft.
For those who may be using a weak computer and can't afford to install the full Visual Studio, you only need to install a few components from Visual Studio to get Flutter to run on your computer without errors. These components are:
MSVC v142 - Visual Studio 2022 C++ x64/86 build tools.
Windows 10 SDK (for Windows 10 users)
C++ CMake tools for Windows.
In total, they should occupy around 8 GB or so.
As it states, you need to download Visual Studio (which is different from Visual Studio Code).
When installing it, remember to select the required package Desktop development with C++:
This will not prevent you from developing Mobile apps, but it's a requirement only for Windows Development.
Is unnecessary to install the "Desktop development with C++" if you don't want to develop desktop applications for Windows using Flutter.
If you only want to develop mobile apps using Flutter, you can run
flutter config --no-enable-windows-desktop
to disable the desktop support for your Flutter projects. After that, when you run the flutter doctor command again, you will no longer see the warning.
Read more at: https://fig.io/manual/flutter/config
Only two steps are required.
Install Visual Studio 2022 (Link: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/)
Install Visual Studio Code (Link: https://code.visualstudio.com/)
Your code will run smoothly.
My solution was a bit simpler. Uninstall everything all build system's from VS. Then reinstall Visual Studio Community 2022, restart then try again. Might get a warning about nuget but it should fix the issue.
With the newest android installer "android-studio-2022.1.1.19-windows" there would be a jbr and jre folder existing, hence creating a link from jre to jbr would not work.
What you can do is copy the contents of the items in jbr into the jre folder and this would resolve the error.
Make sure to install Visual Studio Code.
Open the Visual Studio download page:

Visual Studio not installed; this is necessary for Windows development

My Flutter Doctor is saying:
Visual Studio - develop for Windows
X Visual Studio not installed; this is necessary for Windows development.
Download at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/.
Please install the "Desktop development with C++" workload, including all
of its default components.
How can I fix this problem?
It's basically saying that if you want to develop your Flutter application for Windows you will need to install Visual Studio 2022 and while installing Visual Studio 2022 you will need to download this: Desktop development with C++
Also, you have to install the third link in this: Visual-studio
You could also get desktop development with the C++ tool after installing Visual Studio and then navigating to tool → Get tools and features → Desktop development with C++.
The error means install Visual Studio, and this is different from Visual Studio Code. It's an IDE from Microsoft.
For those who may be using a weak computer and can't afford to install the full Visual Studio, you only need to install a few components from Visual Studio to get Flutter to run on your computer without errors. These components are:
MSVC v142 - Visual Studio 2022 C++ x64/86 build tools.
Windows 10 SDK (for Windows 10 users)
C++ CMake tools for Windows.
In total, they should occupy around 8 GB or so.
As it states, you need to download Visual Studio (which is different from Visual Studio Code).
When installing it, remember to select the required package Desktop development with C++:
This will not prevent you from developing Mobile apps, but it's a requirement only for Windows Development.
Is unnecessary to install the "Desktop development with C++" if you don't want to develop desktop applications for Windows using Flutter.
If you only want to develop mobile apps using Flutter, you can run
flutter config --no-enable-windows-desktop
to disable the desktop support for your Flutter projects. After that, when you run the flutter doctor command again, you will no longer see the warning.
Read more at: https://fig.io/manual/flutter/config
Only two steps are required.
Install Visual Studio 2022 (Link: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/)
Install Visual Studio Code (Link: https://code.visualstudio.com/)
Your code will run smoothly.
My solution was a bit simpler. Uninstall everything all build system's from VS. Then reinstall Visual Studio Community 2022, restart then try again. Might get a warning about nuget but it should fix the issue.
With the newest android installer "android-studio-2022.1.1.19-windows" there would be a jbr and jre folder existing, hence creating a link from jre to jbr would not work.
What you can do is copy the contents of the items in jbr into the jre folder and this would resolve the error.
Make sure to install Visual Studio Code.
Open the Visual Studio download page:

correct way to install latest VS Code + .Net SDK + Omnisharp ext, and avoid error: "Attempted to update project that is not loaded"

I have a clean install of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I want to install Visual Studio Code, .NET SDK 5.0, and what seems to be the best suggested C# extension, this, the OmniSharp one.
I first tried to install with the Ubuntu Software app. In Visual Studio Code I installed the suggested OmniSharp extension. When trying to build a project, I got the mentioned error.
I tried installing using the terminal with this tutorial which seems good and straighforward - same error, when at the console app example stage after running dotnet new console.
This SO question has three proper suggestions, though I would like to use the latest SDK, and I do not have Mono installed, also I want to use Visual Studio Code, as far as I know, that is a newer approach than Mono.
The omnisharp.path": "latest solution does not work.
i faced the same problem and in the end i find the solution here
file->preferences->settings-> search for "Omnisharp: Use Global Mono" and make it never