How to retrieve associated value from second CSV in Foreach - powershell

How would I go about obtaining the value of a secondary field in a CSV, while foreaching results in another CSV?
Ex: List of computers, then search for serial in list, then get response.
CSV1 has list of computer names, serials ,and vendor IDs.
CSV2 has list of vendor IDS, and responsible party
Sample code:
$systems = import-csv -path "K:\systems.csv"
$vendors = import-csv -path "K:\vendors.csv"
$vendortable= #{}
$vendors | ForEach-Object {
$vendortable[$_.vendorid] = New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property #{
'ID' = $_.vendorid
'Managed' = $_.Managed
Foreach ($computer in $systems){
$host = $system.Host
if ($vendortable.key -match $system.vendorid){
$xvendor = $vendortable.Managed
$vendorobj = New-Object PSObject -property #{
$vendorobj |Select-object "Host","Mgr" |Export /////////
This returns an object of All values System.Object[] in the vendor table, not just one.

Let's break this down into steps.
You want to iterate over the entire vendor list.
You want to retrieve the associated host from CSV1 and combine with manager (based on your select statement)
What you can do is make a lookup table of CSV1 using Group-Object and the -AsHashTable parameter specifying the "key" as vendorid.
$csv1 = #'
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv | Group-Object -Property vendorid -AsHashTable
Now you can run through each item of CSV2 and extract the required info.
$csv2 = #'
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv
$csv2 | foreach {
Host = $csv1[$_.vendorid].host
Managed = $_.managed
Host Managed
---- -------
A15 Trancom
C15 Stratus
T15 Psycorp
S15 Dell
If you wanted to get all the properties
$csv2 | foreach {
Host = $csv1[$_.vendorid].host
Managed = $_.managed
VendorID = $_.vendorid
Serial = $csv1[$_.vendorid].serial
Host Managed VendorID Serial
---- ------- -------- ------
A15 Trancom 9001 gtjk123
C15 Stratus 6402 gtjk456
T15 Psycorp 2301 gtjk678
S15 Dell 0101 gtjk103


How would I use powershell to pull data from two different csv files and then use that data to create a new csv file with the data I've pulled?

I'm not sure if I'm on the right track for this or not. So I've been given an assignment where I have two reports on two different cvs files that hold the information below:
One csv holds payment information under these headers:
The other holds employee information using the following headers:
The primary key here is id in the employee.csv file while the foreign key is employee_id in the payments.csv file. This means that id on the employee.csv file should match up with employee_id on the payment.csv.
With this information I am supposed to create 2 classes. One will be an employee class that creates objects using the information from the employee.csv file. The other will be a payments class that creates objects using the payments.csv.
I will then need to compare both sets of objects where id on employee.csv equals employee_id on payments.csv. Then I'd like to use this data to create a new csv that consolidates the data on both csv files into one file where employees on employee.csv are linked to their payments on payments.csv.
Any assistance or guidance is appreciated! This is what I've go so far. I might be way off so please no judgement. Just trying to learn. I've hit a road block on exactly what to do after being able to create employee and payment objects.
#Class that creates employee object
class Employee {
Employee ([Int]$id,[String]$first_name,[String]$last_name,[String]$email,[String]$city,[String]$ip_address){
$ = $id
$This.first_name = $first_name
$This.last_name = $last_name
$ = $email
$ = $city
$This.ip_address = $ip_address
#Class that creates payment object
class Payment{
Payment ([Int]$id,[Int]$employee_id,[String]$payment,[String]$code){
$ = $id
$This.employee_id = $employee_id
$This.payment = $payment
$This.code = $code
#Importing spreadsheets w/ data being used
$ImportedEmployees = Import-Csv ".\Employee.csv"
$ImportedPayments = Import-Csv ".\Payment.csv"
$FinalEmployeeReport = #{}
#Calling [Employee] to create new objects using the employee.csv
Foreach ($Employee in $ImportedEmployees){
$NewEmployeeEntry = [Employee]::new([Int]$,[String]$Employee.first_name,[String]$Employee.last_name,[String]$,[String]$,[String]$Employee.ip_address)
#Adding object to $FinalEmployeeReport
Foreach ($Payment in $ImportedPayments)
$NewPayment = [Payment]::new([Int]$,[Int]$Payment.employee_id,[String]$Payment.payment,[String]$Payment.code)
Foreach($Payment in $ImportedPayments){
$NewPayment = [Payment]::new([Int]$,[Int]$Payment.employee_id,[String]$Payment.payment,[String]$Payment.code)
Foreach($NewEmployeeEntry in $Payment){
if($NewPayment.employee_id -eq $ ){
One way of achieving this is by using a simple loop and inside find matching records based on the employee id.
If these are your input fies
Then try
# load both csv files
$payments = Import-Csv -Path 'D:\Test\payments.csv'
$employees = Import-Csv -Path 'D:\Test\employee.csv'
# loop through the employees records
$result = foreach ($emp in $employees){
# find a record in the payments.csv where the .employee_id is equal to the .id in the employee.csv
$payments | Where-Object { $_.employee_id -eq $ } | ForEach-Object {
# create an object with properties from both csv files combined
$obj = $emp | Select-Object #{Name = 'employee_id'; Expression = {$}}, * -ExcludeProperty id
# add the details from $payments to this
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'payment_id' -Value $
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'payment' -Value $_.payment
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'payment_code' -Value $_.code
# output the combined object to be collected in variable $result
# now you can show the results in the console
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
# and save as new csv file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\Test\EmployeePayments.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Output on screen:
employee_id first_name last_name email city ip_address payment_id payment payment_code
----------- ---------- --------- ----- ---- ---------- ---------- ------- ------------
9007 John Doe Miami 456 100 xyz456
9007 John Doe Miami 999 200 def666
8765 Joe Bloggs Salem 123 1500 abc123

Check if a value exists in one csv file and add static text to another csv field with Powershell

I need to check if the column value from the first csv file, exists in any of the three other csv files and return a value into a new csv file, in order of precedence.So if the username field from allStaff.csv exists in the list of usernames in the sessionVPNct.csv file, put the static text into the final csv file as 'VPN'. If it does not exist, check the next csv file: sessionCRXct.csv then put the static text 'CRX', if not check the last csv file: sessionTMSct.csv then put the static text: TM if not the put the static text 'none' into the final csv file.
I have four csv files as below:
1. allStaff.csv
2. VPN.csv
3. CRX.csv
4. TMS.csv
I have imported the csv files into variables as below:
$allUsers = Import-Csv -Path "C:\allStaff.csv"
$vpn = Import-Csv -Path "C:\VPN.csv" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName
$crx = Import-Csv -Path "C:\CRX.csv" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName
$tms = Import-Csv -Path "C:\TMS.csv" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName
The $allUsers variable displays the following:
Firstname LastName Username Position Area
--------- -------- -------- -------- ----
Joe Bloggs jbloggs Gardener Maintenance
Jim Smith jsmith Accountant Finance
Bob Seger bseger HR Advisor Human Resources
Adam Boson aboson Customer Support IT
Adele bree abree Payroll Finance
The $vpn variable displays the following:
The $crx variable displays the following:
The $tms variable displays the following:
Then I have the following line to start the result csv file
$result = $allUsers | Select-Object *,ConnectionMethod
Not quite sure how to do the final query, which I believe should be an if else loop to go through all rows in the $result variable, and check the other csv if the username field exists, then return the static text.
$result | Export-Csv -Path "C:\allStaffConnections.csv"
This is how I need the final allStaffConnections.csv file to be displayed.
Firstname LastName Username Position Area ConnectionMethod
--------- -------- -------- -------- ---- --------------
Joe Bloggs jbloggs Gardener Maintenance VPN
Jim Smith jsmith Accountant Finance VPN
Bob Seger bseger HR Advisor Human Resources CRX
Adam Boson aboson Customer Support IT TMS
Adele bree abree Payroll Finance none
Am I on the right track with the below code?
$allUsers = Import-Csv -Path "C:\allStaff.csv"
$vpn = Import-Csv -Path "C:\VPN.csv" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName
$crx = Import-Csv -Path "C:\CRX.csv" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName
$tms = Import-Csv -Path "C:\TMS.csv" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserName
$vpnText = 'VPN'
$crxText = 'CRX'
$txsText = 'TMS'
$noneText = 'none'
$allUsersExtended = $allUsers | Select-Object *,ConnectionMethod
$results = $allUsersExtended.ForEach(
if($vpn -Contains $PSItem.UserName) {
# add $vpnText to ConnectionMethod column for that row in the $result
$PSItem.ConnectionMethod = $vpnText
}elseif($crx -Contains $PSItem.UserName) {
# add $crxText to ConnectionMethod column for that row in the $result
$PSItem.ConnectionMethod = $crxText
}elseif($tms -Contains $PSItem.UserName) {
# add $txsText to ConnectionMethod column for that row in the $result
$PSItem.ConnectionMethod = $tmsText
}else {
# add $noneText to ConnectionMethod column for that row in the $result
$PSItem.ConnectionMethod = $noteText
$results | Export-Csv -Path "C:\allStaffConnections.csv" -NoTypeInformation
This gives me an empty allStaffConnections.csv file.
I have run the code line by line and can get as far as:
$allUsersExtended = $allUsers | Select-Object *,ConnectionMethod
Which gives me the extra column "ConnectionMethod", but after running the loop, it gives me an empty allStaffConnections.csv file.
here is one way to do the job. [grin] it presumes that you only want to 1st connection type found. if you want all of them [for instance, JBloggs has all 3 types listed], you will need to concatenate them.
what it does ...
fakes reading in the CSV files
when ready to use real data, comment out or remove the entire #region/#endregion section and use Get-Content.
iterates thru the main collection
uses a switch to test for membership in each connection type list
this breaks out of the switch when it finds a match since it presumes you only want the 1st match. if you want all of them, then you will need to accumulate them instead of breaking out of the switch block.
sets the $ConnectionType as appropriate
builds a PSCO with all the wanted props
this likely could be shortened by using Select-Object, a wildcard property selector, and a calculated property.
sends it out to the $Results collection
shows it on screen
saves it to a CSV file
the code ...
#region >>> fake reading in CSV files
# in real life, use Import-CSV
$AllUsers = #'
FirstName, LastName, UserName, Position, Area
Joe, Bloggs, jbloggs, Gardener, Maintenance
Jim, Smith, jsmith, Accountant, Finance
Bob, Seger, bseger, HR Advisor, Human Resources
Adam, Boson, aboson, Customer Support, IT
Adele, bree, abree, Payroll, Finance
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv
$Vpn = #'
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv
$Crx = #'
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv
$Tms = #'
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv
#endregion >>> fake reading in CSV files
$Results = foreach ($AU_Item in $AllUsers)
# this presumes you want only the 1st connection type found
# if you want all of them, then you will need to concatenate them
switch ($AU_Item.UserName)
{$_ -in $Vpn.UserName}
$ConnectionType = 'VPN'
{$_ -in $Crx.UserName}
$ConnectionType = 'CRX'
{$_ -in $Tms.UserName}
$ConnectionType = 'TMS'
$ConnectionType = 'None'
FirstName = $AU_Item.FirstName
LastName = $AU_Item.LastName
UserName = $AU_Item.UserName
Position = $AU_Item.Position
Area = $AU_Item.Area
ConnectionTYpe = $ConnectionType
# on screen
# send to CSV
$Results |
Export-Csv -LiteralPath "$env:TEMP\brokencrow_-_UserConnectionType.csv" -NoTypeInformation
truncated on screen output ...
FirstName : Joe
LastName : Bloggs
UserName : jbloggs
Position : Gardener
Area : Maintenance
ConnectionTYpe : VPN
FirstName : Adele
LastName : bree
UserName : abree
Position : Payroll
Area : Finance
ConnectionTYpe : None
the CSV file content from brokencrow_-_UserConnectionType.csv ...
"Bob","Seger","bseger","HR Advisor","Human Resources","CRX"
"Adam","Boson","aboson","Customer Support","IT","TMS"

Powershell Compare-object IF different then ONLY list items from one file, not both

I have deleted my original question because I believe I have a more efficient way to run my script, thus I'm changing my question.
$scrubFileOneDelim = "|"
$scrubFileTwoDelim = "|"
$scrubFileOneBal = 2
$scrubFileTwoBal = 56
$scrubFileOneAcctNum = 0
$scrubFileTwoAcctNum = 0
$ColumnsF1 = Get-Content $scrubFileOne | ForEach-Object{($_.split($scrubFileOneDelim)).Count} | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum
$ColumnsF2 = Get-Content $scrubFileTwo | ForEach-Object{($_.split($scrubFileTwoDelim)).Count} | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum
$useColumnsF1 = $ColumnsF1-1;
$useColumnsF2 = $ColumnsF2-1;
$fileOne = import-csv "$scrubFileOne" -Delimiter "$scrubFileOneDelim" -Header (0..$useColumnsF1) | select -Property #{label="BALANCE";expression={$($_.$scrubFileOneBal)}},#{label="ACCTNUM";expression={$($_.$scrubFileOneAcctNum)}}
$fileTwo = import-csv "$scrubFileTwo" -Delimiter "$scrubFileTwoDelim" -Header (0..$useColumnsF2) | select -Property #{label="BALANCE";expression={$($_.$scrubFileTwoBal)}},#{label="ACCTNUM";expression={$($_.$scrubFileTwoAcctNum)}}
$hash = #{}
$hashTwo = #{}
$fileOne | foreach { $hash.add($_.ACCTNUM, $_.BALANCE) }
$fileTwo | foreach { $hashTwo.add($_.ACCTNUM, $_.BALANCE) }
In this script I'm doing the following, counting header's to return the count and use it in a range operator in order to dynamically insert headers for later manipulation. Then I'm importing 2 CSV files. I'm taking those CSV files and pushing them into their own hashtable.
Just for an idea of what I'm trying to do from here...
CSV1 (as a hashtable) looks like this:
Name Value
---- -----
000000000001 000000285+
000000000002 000031000+
000000000003 000004685+
000000000004 000025877+
000000000005 000000001+
000000000006 000031000+
000000000007 000018137+
000000000008 000000000+
CSV2 (as a hashtable) looks like this:
Name Value
---- -----
000000000001 000008411+
000000000003 000018137+
000000000007 000042865+
000000000008 000009761+
I would like to create a third hash table. It will have all the "NAME" items from CSV2, but I don't want the "VALUE" from CSV2, I want it to have the "VALUE"s that CSV1 has. So in the end result would look like this.
Name Value
---- -----
000000000001 000000285+
000000000003 000004685+
000000000007 000018137+
000000000008 000000000+
Ultimately I want this to be exported as a csv.
I have tried this with just doing a compare-object, not doing the hashtables with the following code, but I abandoned trying to do it this way because file 1 may have 100,000 "accounts" where file 2 only has 200, and the result I was getting listed close to the 100,000 accounts that I didn't want to be in the result. They had the right balances but I want a file that only has those balances for the accounts listed in file 2. This code below isn't really a part of my question, just showing something I've tried. I just think this is much easier and faster with a hash table now so I would like to go that route.
#Find and Rename the BALANCE and ACCOUNT NUMBER columns in both files.
$fileOne = import-csv "$scrubFileOne" -Delimiter "$scrubFileOneDelim" -Header (0..$useColumnsF1) | select -Property #{label="BALANCE";expression={$($_.$scrubFileOneBal)}},#{label="ACCT-NUM";expression={$($_.$scrubFileOneAcctNum)}}
$fileTwo = import-csv "$scrubFileTwo" -Delimiter "$scrubFileTwoDelim" -Header (0..$useColumnsF2) | select -Property #{label="BALANCE";expression={$($_.$scrubFileTwoBal)}},#{label="ACCT-NUM";expression={$($_.$scrubFileTwoAcctNum)}}
Compare-Object $fileOne $fileTwo -Property 'BALANCE','ACCTNUM' -IncludeEqual -PassThru | Where-Object{$_.sideIndicator -eq "<="} | select * -Exclude SideIndicator | export-csv -notype "C:\test\f1.txt"
What you are after is filtering the Compare-Object function. This will show only one side of the result. YOu will need to place this before you exclude that property for it to work.
| Where-Object{$_.sideIndicator -eq "<="} |
Assuming that you have the following hash tables:
$hash = #{
'000000000001' = '000000285+';
'000000000002' = '000031000+';
'000000000003' = '000004685+';
'000000000004' = '000025877+';
'000000000005' = '000000001+';
'000000000006' = '000031000+';
'000000000007' = '000018137+';
'000000000008' = '000000000+';
$hashTwo = #{
'000000000001' = '000008411+';
'000000000003' = '000018137+';
'000000000007' = '000042865+';
'000000000008' = '000009761+';
you can create the third hash table by iterating over the keys from the second hash table and then assigning those keys to the value from the first hash table.
$hashThree = #{}
ForEach ($key In $hashTwo.Keys) {
$hashThree["$key"] = $hash["$key"]
The output of $hashThree is:
Name Value
---- -----
000000000007 000018137+
000000000001 000000285+
000000000008 000000000+
000000000003 000004685+
If you want the order of the data maintained (and you are using PowerShell 6 Core), you can use [ordered]#{} when creating the hash tables.

Find matches in two different Powershell objects based on one property

I am trying to find the matching names in two different types of Powershell objects
$Object1 has two properties - Name (string), ResourceID (uint32)
$object2 has one noteproperty - Name (system.string)
This gives me a list of the matching names but I also want the corresponding resourceID property from $object1.
$computers = Compare-Object $ $WSD_CM12 | where {$_.sideindicator -eq "=>"} | foreach {$_.inputobject}
These are big objects with over 10,000 items so I'm looking for the most efficient way to accomplish this.
If I'm understanding what you're after, I'd start by creating a hash table from your Object1 collection:
$object1_hash = #{}
Foreach ($object1 in $object1_coll)
{ $object1_hash[$object1.Name] = $object1.ResourceID }
Then you can find the ResourceID for any given with:
Test bed for creating hash table:
$object1_coll = $(
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Name = 'Name1';ResourceID = 001}
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Name = 'Name2';ResourceID = 002}
$object1_hash = #{}
Foreach ($object1 in $object1_coll)
{ $object1_hash[$object1.Name] = $object1.ResourceID }
Name Value
---- -----
Name2 2
Name1 1
Alternative method:
# Create sample list of objects with both Name and Serial
$obj1 = New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property:#{ Name = "Foo"; Serial = "1234" }
$obj2 = New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property:#{ Name = "Cow"; Serial = "4242" }
$collection1 = #($obj1, $obj2)
# Create subset of items with only Name
$objA = New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property:#{ Name = "Foo"; }
$collection2 = #($objA)
#Everything above this line is just to make sample data
# replace $collection1 and $collection2 with $Object1, $WSD_CM12
# Combine into one list
($collection1 + $collection2) |
# Group by name property
Group-Object -Property Name |
# I only want items that exist in both
Where { $_.Count -gt 1 } |
# Now give me the object
Select -Expand Group |
# And get the properties
Where { $_.Serial -ne $null }

How do you export objects with a varying amount of properties?

Warning - I've asked a similar question in the past but this is slightly different.
tl;dr; I want to export objects which have a varying number of properties. eg; object 1 may have 3 IP address and 2 NICs but object 2 has 7 IP addresses and 4 NICs (but not limited to this amount - it could be N properties).
I can happily capture and build objects that contain all the information I require. If I simply output my array to the console each object is shown with all its properties. If I want to out-file or export-csv I start hitting a problem surrounding the headings.
Previously JPBlanc recommended sorting the objects based on the amount of properties - ie, the object with the most properties would come first and hence the headings for the most amount of properties would be output.
Say I have built an object of servers which has varying properties based on IP addresses and NIC cards. For example;
ServerName: Mordor
NIC2: Broadcom
ServerName: Rivendell
Initially, if you were to export-csv an array of these objects the headers would be built upon the first object (aka, you would only get ServerName, IP1, IP2, NIC1 and NIC2) meaning for the second object you would lose any subsequent IPs (eg IP3 and IP4). To correct this, before an export I sort based on the number of IP properties - tada - the first object now has the most IPs in the array and hence none of the subsequent objects IPs are lost.
The downside is when you then have a second varying property - eg NICs. Once my sort is complete based on IP we then have the headings ServerName, IP1 - IP4 and NIC1. This means the subsequent object property of NIC2 is lost.
Is there a scalable way to ensure that you aren't losing data when exporting objects like this?
$o1 = New-Object psobject -Property #{
$o2 = New-Object psobject -Property #{
$arr = #()
$arr += $o1
$arr += $o2
#Creating output
$prop = $arr | % { Get-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty | Select -ExpandProperty Name } | Select -Unique | Sort-Object
$headers = #("ServerName")
$headers += $prop -notlike "ServerName"
$arr | ft -Property $headers
ServerName IP1 IP2 IP3 IP4 NIC1 NIC2
---------- --- --- --- --- ---- ----
Mordor VMXNET Broadcom
Rivendell VMXNET
If you know the types(NICS, IPS..), but not the count(ex. how many NICS) you could try:
#Creating output
$headers = $arr | % { Get-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty | Select -ExpandProperty Name } | Select -Unique
$ipcount = ($headers -like "IP*").Count
$niccount = ($headers -like "NIC*").Count
$format = #("ServerName")
for ($i = 1; $i -le $ipcount; $i++) { $format += "IP$i" }
for ($i = 1; $i -le $niccount; $i++) { $format += "NIC$i" }
$arr | ft -Property $format
What about getting a list of all unique property headers and then doing a select on all the objects? When you do a select on an object for a nonexistent property it will create a blank one.
$allHeaders = $arrayOfObjects | % { Get-Member -inputobject $_ -membertype noteproperty | Select -expand Name } | Select -unique
$arrayOfObjects | Select $allHeaders
Granted you are looping through ever object to get the headers, so for a very large amount of objects it may take awhile.
Here's my attempt at a solution. I'm very tired now so hopefully it makes sense. Basically I'm calculating the largest amount of NIC and IP note properties, creating a place holder object that has those amounts of properties, adding it as the first item in a CSV, and then removing it from the CSV.
# Create example objects
$o1 = New-Object psobject -Property #{
$o2 = New-Object psobject -Property #{
# Add to an array
$servers = #($o1, $o2)
# Calculate how many IP and NIC properties there are
$IPColSize = ($servers | Select IP* | %{($_ | gm -MemberType NoteProperty).Count} | Sort-Object -Descending)[0]
$NICColSize = ($servers | Select NIC* | %{($_ | gm -MemberType NoteProperty).Count} | Sort-Object -Descending)[0]
# Build a place holder object that will contain enough properties to cover all of the objects in the array.
$cmd = '$placeholder = "" | Select ServerName, {0}, {1}' -f (#(1..$IPColSize | %{"IP$_"}) -join ", "), (#(1..$NICColSize | %{"NIC$_"}) -join ", ")
Invoke-Expression $cmd
# Convert to CSV and remove the placeholder
$csv = $placeholder,$servers | %{$_ | Select *} | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
$csv | Select -First 1 -Last ($csv.Count-2) | ConvertFrom-Csv | Export-Csv Solution.csv -NoTypeInformation