How to Check if the Two Turtles are on the Same Y Coordinate in NetLogo - netlogo

I am working on a NetLogo project and I want my pupil turtles to move straight until they come to be on the same Y coordinate as their relevant link neighbour and from there move towards them (the link neighbour).
Note that each pupil has only one link neighbour.
This is the code that I have come up with,
to go
ask pupils [
let target one-of link-neighbors
ifelse [ycor] of myself != [ycor] of target
set heading 0
fd 1
face target
fd 1
This does not work, the turtles keep moving straight. Can someone please help. I just want the turtles to get to their link neighbours, but there are walls that they must avoid.

Your issue is that ycor is a decimal value. So, For example turtle 1 may be on 3.2 and turtle 2 may be on 3.3.
Instead, I think you want to use turtles-here.
to go
ask pupils [
let target one-of link-neighbors
ifelse member? target turtles-here
[set heading 0]
[face target]
fd 1
On a side note, how many link-neighbors does each target have? My concern is that let target one-of link-neighbors will reset the target each tick.


Tell agent to not cross a road in Netlogo model

I'm trying to add a condition that doesn't allow an agent to cross over a road. The road patches are set to color red. I can't seem to figure out how to get this condition to work. I ultimately want the agent to turn around if the road is in the patch ahead. Here is my net logo code so far.
to go
ask turtles [
if ticks >= 60 [stop]
to move
ifelse random-float 1 < q
ifelse random-float 1 < w
[let target-patch max-one-of neighbors [veg-suitability]
face target-patch]
[let target-patch max-one-of neighbors [pelev]
face target-patch]
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = red
[lt random-float 180]
move-to one-of neighbors
to ldd-normal
let ldd-distance (ldd-scale)
fd ldd-distance
The logic of your move procedure is a bit confused I think. First you have a random chance to either move to a patch with a higher value of a variable of interest (with the uphill primitive) or, if the random draw fails, it moves to a random neighbour. If you don't want it to move onto a red patch then you need to test if the patch that is chosen is red, but you just move it without checking.
After you have moved the turtle, you then check the colour of patch-ahead. Your problem here is that patch-ahead depends on the direction the turtle is facing, which has nothing to do with the direction it has already been moving. You either make it turn (though it may not turn enough) OR move forward. So it never actually moves away.
I can't give you an actual answer because I don't know what your logic is supposed to be. But you could look at structures like:
move-to one-of neighbors with [pcolor != red]
Or, if there are enough red patches that it is possible that there aren't any non-red neighbours (which would cause an error if you tried to move to one), you could use:
let okay-patches neighbors with [pcolor != red]
if any? okay-patches [move-to one-of okay-patches]
Another option is that you only meant to face rather than move to the patch in the first sections of code, then test whether it is facing a red patch and turn around if it is.

Comparing patches

I want to compare the patches in a certain radius regarding the amount of a certain class of agents on them. The agents should move to the patch where the most agents (in this case humans) are. If they are already on the patch with the most humans then they must not move. I coded it and the humans group but most of them don't stay and run around in lines (one behind the other). Would be great if anyone of you could have a quick look at my code. Thanks
if Strategy = "Gathering-Simple" [
if ((count(humans-on max-one-of patches in-radius rad [count(humans-here)] )) ) >= count(humans-here) [
if count(humans-on patches in-radius rad) - count(humans-here) > 0 [
face max-one-of patches in-radius rad [count(humans-here)]
fd 1
This is a complete working example that uses your code. Is this displaying the behaviour you mean? It does have turtles chasing each other.
to setup
create-turtles 100 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
to go
let rad 5
ask turtles
[ let target-patch max-one-of patches in-radius rad [count turtles-here]
if count turtles-on target-patch >= count turtles-here ; comment 1
[ if count turtles-on patches in-radius rad > count turtles-here ; comment 2
[ face target-patch
forward 1
If so, have a look at the two lines I have comments on.
Comment 1: The >= means that, even if the turtles are already on the highest count patch, this condition will be satisfied because count turtles-here will be equal to the count of the turtles on the highest count patch (this patch).
Comment 2: This line means that as long as there are any turtles on any patch within the radius but not on the particular patch where the asking turtle is located, then the turtle will move forward.
If you want to only have turtles move if not on a maximum count patch, try this instead:
to setup
create-turtles 100 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
to go
let rad 5
ask turtles
[ let target-patch max-one-of patches in-radius rad [count turtles-here]
if count turtles-on target-patch > count turtles-here
[ face target-patch
forward 1
I took out the = in the comment 1 line and removed the second condition entirely so now the turtles move if their current patch has fewer (strictly, not <=) turtles than the patch they've spotted.
I agree with the previous post, but have some additional information.
If you want to move entirely to the target patch on each iteration, instead of moving just one step towards the target patch, in the above answer you could replace the code which produces one step of motion
[ face target-patch
forward 1
move-to target-patch
I confirmed by experimentation that the results of the two methods of moving will produce similar but somewhat different results.

How could I set turtles heading to the destination by go along the road

Recently I have discovered the code that helps the turtles to walk along the road that I have assigned the color which is not black.
let target one-of patches in-cone 1.5 180 with [pcolor != black]
if target != nobody
face target
move-to target
But my problem is that
When the turtles meet the dead end, it stops right there and not moving anymore.
My turtles already have its own destination to go to (This model is another one). If I use the code that I have mentioned before, maybe it doesn't work. So how could I fix this?
Here is some code that I wrote (Another model).
ask turtles
set wlocation one-of patches with [pcolor = pink]
move-to wlocation
set myhome wlocation
After this, I will let turtles wander around in the model. Then in some specific time, turtles will go back to its home by the following code. When the turtles reach its home, it will stay still.
ifelse distance myhome > 2
[face myhome fd random 3]
to wander
ifelse random 2 = 0 [rt random 30] [lt random 30]
Does anyone have any idea or suggestion?

How should i modify this code to allow me to let turtles turn randomly down paths at a junction?

I have created a new patch type which allows turtles to turn randomly down various paths while one a junction patch ( with pcolor 6 ). How should I modify this code so that I do not get the error "Towards expected input to be an agent but got nobody instead." The code is as follows :
if pcolor = 6 [ set heading towards one-of neighbors in-cone 1 180]
Any help would be much appreciated.
To specifically answer your question, you need to check if there are any patches that fulfill your criteria. To do that, you can do
ask a-turtle [if any? neighbors in-cone 1 180 [face one-of neighbors in-cone 1 180]]
Doing it this way, you will create the same turtle set twice (when you check if there are any, and before you face one of them), so a more optimized way of doing this is:
ask a-turtle [
let eligible-neighbors neighbors in-cone 1 180
if any? eligible-neighbors [face one-of eligible-neighbors]
That said, I think Alan is right that you are getting this error because you have wrapping off and your turtles are either in a corner or facing a wall. If this is the case, you need to figure out what to do in that case. If you just want them to turn around and keep going, you could use ifelse like this:
ask a-turtle [
let eligible-neighbors neighbors in-cone 1 180
ifelse any? eligible-neighbors
[face one-of eligible-neighbors] ;; face a neighboring patch if there are any
[rt 180] ;; else, turn around 180 degrees
try first making a temporary variable with 'let', then setting the heading towards that.
let FaceHere one-of neighbors in-cone 1 180
face FaceHere
haven't tried that - just an idea.
by the way, you can replace
set heading towards

How to ensure turtles follow heading to leader's heading and avoid the obstacles at the same time

I'm trying to set turtles heading equal to leader's heading and at the same all turtles including leaders must avoid obstacle( avoid_obstacles function). My problem is, when i add the set heading code
in flock function:
[set heading [heading] of one-of nearby-leaders ]
it cause my avoid-obstacle code to break. if i comment out this code, avoid obstacle work fine. below is my complete code.
to go
set time-to-evacuate time-to-evacuate + 1
ask turtles [check fd 0.1]
ask turtles [avoid_obstacles fd 0.1]
ask turtles with [pcolor = red][die] ;;turtles exit thru red door will die
if all? turtles [ pcolor = red ] ;; stop simulation
[ stop ]
to check
if not leader?
[let beings-seen patches in-cone vision vision-angle with [pcolor = red]
ifelse any? beings-seen
[let target one-of beings-seen face target fd 1 ]
if leader?
[let beings-seen patches in-cone leader-vision leader-vision-angle with [pcolor = red]
ifelse any? beings-seen
[let target one-of beings-seen face target fd 1 ]
to flock
let nearby-leaders turtles with [leader? ]
if any? nearby-leaders in-radius vision
[ set heading [heading] of one-of nearby-leaders ]
to avoid_obstacles ;; all obstacles set as green patches
let i 1
while [[pcolor] of patch-ahead i != green and i <= vision]
[set i (i + 1) ]
if ([pcolor] of patch-ahead i = green)
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance (heading - 20) i + 1 = green
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance (heading + 20) i + 1 = green
ifelse random 1 = 0
[ rt 30 ]
[ lt 30 ]
[ rt 60 ]
[lt 60]
can somebody point what wrong with my code
First of all, consider abandoning the concept of having "leaders" as such. In crowd escape panic situations, they don't stop and hold elections. LOL. I don't know what your model is trying to model, so I have no suggestions here. My model "
Anyway, what your "followers" need to do is integrate to desires, the desire to go the same way as the leader, and the desire to avoid obstacles.
For the first, the follower simply needs a place to remember the "desired" direction. So, rather than set heading directly, you store the heading of the leader./ Then you perhaps use that heading to influence the movement around obstacles.j
For the second, well, obstacle avoidance is a complex discussion on its own. Whatever you have put together, you need to modify it so that it takes the "desired" heading into account, while still effectively avoiding obstacles. This is can be very difficult to do simply.
My model "homing particles 2009" uses one method. This model is designed to explore a particular homing/avoidance behavior. When a particle can't move in the desired direction, it is allowed to move in a limited number of other directions, instead.
Here is the link:
Unless you have added to your list of allowed sites in your Configure Java console (not recommended, but you can trust me, right?), you will not be able to run my models in the browser. I haven't checked what that model needs to run in NetLogo 5.
The ultimate solution to that problem may be to use a path-finding algorithm, like a* (a-star).
In that case you provide your follower with a preferred destination (and that can be vaguely defined as "a point somewhere in 'that' direction"), and the route-planner algorithm plots a route. You can make the route-planner unaware of obstacles until they are "visible" or whatever you define (for example, in a press of bodies, a follower might not be aware of an obstacle until stumbled upon).
Hope this helps!