Tell agent to not cross a road in Netlogo model - netlogo

I'm trying to add a condition that doesn't allow an agent to cross over a road. The road patches are set to color red. I can't seem to figure out how to get this condition to work. I ultimately want the agent to turn around if the road is in the patch ahead. Here is my net logo code so far.
to go
ask turtles [
if ticks >= 60 [stop]
to move
ifelse random-float 1 < q
ifelse random-float 1 < w
[let target-patch max-one-of neighbors [veg-suitability]
face target-patch]
[let target-patch max-one-of neighbors [pelev]
face target-patch]
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = red
[lt random-float 180]
move-to one-of neighbors
to ldd-normal
let ldd-distance (ldd-scale)
fd ldd-distance

The logic of your move procedure is a bit confused I think. First you have a random chance to either move to a patch with a higher value of a variable of interest (with the uphill primitive) or, if the random draw fails, it moves to a random neighbour. If you don't want it to move onto a red patch then you need to test if the patch that is chosen is red, but you just move it without checking.
After you have moved the turtle, you then check the colour of patch-ahead. Your problem here is that patch-ahead depends on the direction the turtle is facing, which has nothing to do with the direction it has already been moving. You either make it turn (though it may not turn enough) OR move forward. So it never actually moves away.
I can't give you an actual answer because I don't know what your logic is supposed to be. But you could look at structures like:
move-to one-of neighbors with [pcolor != red]
Or, if there are enough red patches that it is possible that there aren't any non-red neighbours (which would cause an error if you tried to move to one), you could use:
let okay-patches neighbors with [pcolor != red]
if any? okay-patches [move-to one-of okay-patches]
Another option is that you only meant to face rather than move to the patch in the first sections of code, then test whether it is facing a red patch and turn around if it is.


Can't run Netlogo code - asking turtles to look around themselves and select the lowest patch variable

I am trying to get my turtles to look around themselves in netlogo and select a patch with the lowest slope variable in radius 2 - and if there isn't one to just select any patch.
I check my code, and it says everything is fine, but when I run it I keep getting this error: this code can't be run by a patch - error while patch X X running ifelse - called by procedure move - called by procedure go - called by button "go"
This is my move code:
to move
ask turtles [ask patches in-radius 2
[ifelse slope < 5
[fd 1]
[move-to one-of patches in-radius 2]
I have already tried downhill and downhill4 but my agents seemed to get stuck at the bottom of the slope and couldn't move anywhere.
Thank you for any help and advice!
Thank you - my code now works!
Because you are asking turtles to ask patches, the code inside the ask patches is run by the patch! A patch can’t use turtle variables, and doesn’t know that you mean to refer to the variables of the turtle that asked the patch.
This is what “of myself” is for. It lets an agent (self) talk to the agent that is telling it what to do. You’ll see stuff like “set heading [heading] of myself” But that’s not what you need here.
we could use an ask patches like you are doing here, but we really don’t want them to do anything, and it’s going to make the code much more complex looking. Anyway, We just want to find a patch that meets the turtle’s needs and move to it.
So instead. We can query the nearby patches using a WITH and store the set of patches found in a “patch set” variable.
If there are any, we can move to one of them.
Else, we can just move forward.
To move
Ask turtles
;; here the turtle tells patches to test the patch’s own slope
Let good-spots patches in-radius 2 with [ slope < 5 ]
;; are there some patches that pass the test?
If-else any? Good-spots
[ ;; Yes, pick one and go there
move-to one-of good-spots
[ ;; No, just move forward
Fd 1
Edit to add : Matteo’s answer correctly identifies the actual requirement, based on the question: move directly to the flattest patch, versus what the code above does, move to one of the flatter patches, if there is one.
Move-to min-one-of patches in-radius 2 [ slope ]
As you noted, This is similar but not identical to
Downhill slope
And neither of these may prevent turtles from getting stuck in a pit. You may need more code to detect pits and jump out of them.
The problem is not about variables but about commands: you are asking patches to run forward or to run move-to, while these are turtles' commands.
Now, for the purpose of the question, there is another issue: you said that you want
turtles to look around themselves in netlogo and select a patch with the lowest slope variable in radius 2 - and if there isn't one to just select any patch
However, even if we ignore the problem about asking patches to run forward or move-to, the structure of your code implies something very different. Your code seems to intend:
Turtles, check if there are any nearby patches with slope lower than a specific threshold;
If there are, move forward in whatever direction you are already facing;
If there are not, move to a random nearby patch.
The solution below is based on the assumption that what you want is what you said, and not what your code seems to imply.
The solution is very simple and only needs min-one-of (check it here):
to move
ask turtles [
move-to min-one-of patches in-radius 2 [slope]
As a demonstration, consider this full example:
patches-own [
to setup
ask patches [
set slope random 10 + 5
set pcolor scale-color green slope 5 14
create-turtles 10 [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set color yellow
to go
ask turtles [
move-to min-one-of patches in-radius 2 [slope]
You will see that turtles tend to go to darker patches, that are those with lower slope.

Finding the distance to the next patch ahead of a given color in Netlogo

I'm trying to model predators hunting prey through a world filled with obstacles. In an obstacle free world, the predators go on random walks until prey fall within a certain detection radius (react-D), and then move towards the prey to capture. I guess there may be several ways to handle obstacles that block line of sight, but my initial efforts are along the following lines:
ifelse any? prey in-radius react-D
[let target min-one-of prey in-radius react-D [distance myself]
face target
...move towards target if it's closer than the nearest obstacle (blue patch) ahead
[continue to random walk, avoiding obstacles
The first condition of ifelse may need another ifelse. In any case I think I just need a distance of the nearest blue patch ahead to compare with the target distance, but it's not clear to me how I can get that from patch-ahead.
It would be nicer if I could put all this into the test of the first ifelse, but something like the following doesn't allow for patches that aren't blocking line of sight to the prey:
ifelse any? prey in-radius react-D and min-one-of (patches in-radius react-D with [pcolor = blue])[distance myself] > min-one-of (prey in-radius react-D) [distance myself]
Line of sight is actually really tricky to model in NetLogo. At the moment I do it by creating a turtle (invisible, separate breed called crawler) where the agent is that is looking and have the crawler move ahead in small steps checking the colour of the patch that it is on. That goes inside a while loop and the crawler stops when it finds the wrong colour or when it gets to the target distance. the crawler has to take small steps because crossing over the corner of a patch should still block it and it's a trade-off between resolution (how small the crawler step is) against efficiency.
You can almost certainly do the same thing by creating a patch-set as the union of patches found with patch-ahead of multiple distances like 0.1, 0.2, .... and then checking any? over that patch-set
My current solution, giving patches-own [ ob ] values of 1 to all obstacle patches, then using while to detect obstacles ahead:
to detect-ahead
let dist 1
let last-patch patch-here
while [dist <= react-D] [
let p patch-ahead dist
if p != last-patch and [ob] of p = 1 [
ask p [ sprout-markers 1 [ set color yellow ] ]
set last-patch p
set dist dist + 1
Then it should simply be a case of comparing min-one-of the marker agent set with the target. Obviously smaller increments would be good, as JenB says.

How to move turtles back to the patches that it come from

I have built the road shapefile which already intersected with patches. I want the turtle to move on the road that I had assigned.
to go
ask turtles
to-report coinflip?
report random 2 = 0
to avoid-wall
if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 3 = black [set heading heading - 180]
to step
ifelse coinflip? [rt random 60] [lt random 60]
fd random 3
Actually, I intend to let the turtle move out of the assigned patches. But I still want them to come back in the next tick or just the few tick later. Some turtles come back and some do not (according to my code). How should I fix the code?
I have tried to use this code in Turtles moving in a pattern (Netlogo) but it does not work (I think that it does not work because my patches are a narrow road, not an area.)

bounce turtle from green patches in netlogo world

I'm trying to implement a bounce turtle logic. When any turtle move towards green patches, I want to set turtles head = set head ( - head)
My code is:
ask turtles [ask turtles [
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 2 !=[move]
[ set heading ( - heading) ]
Question: but it gives error ( OF expected input to be a turtle agentset or patch agentset or turtle or patch but got NOBODY instead).
How to solve this error?
There appear to be a number of typos in your code sample, but the answer to your immediate question is that if the patch that would be ahead 2 lies outside the world, patch-ahead 2 will return nobody, as there is no such patch. So, when you get nobody, your turtle is very close to the edge of the world. I assume you would want to turn around in that instance as well, so your ifelse might look something like
ifelse (patch-ahead 2 != nobody and [pcolor] of patch-ahead 2 != green)
[set heading (- heading)]
Note that you need to check for nobody before checking for the color.

Multi-variate turtle movement

I need some help with some coding that has me stumped!
I have flies (a turtle breed) on a field. The field has green patches (grass) and brown and grey patches (two types of dung). There is a "patches own" which is the age of the dung (green patches = 0 and brown and grey patches increase +1 per tick).
This is what I need to happen: the flies need to move to the freshest dung within a certain radius and remain there until the dung disappears. If there is no dung within the radius they must move about randomly.
The way I have been looking about it is to use some combination of an IF statement, radius function and the downhill function (however I am not sure if that lets me select a radius or not).
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
*I have recently made some advances. I can get the flies to move randomly within a radius, but I can't specify which patches within that area the flies are allowed to go to.
[move-to one-of patches in-radius 892]
I can also make it so the flies go to the patch with the lowest patches own, but cannot specify that this patch must be of a certain colour and within a certain radius.
[move-to min-one-of patches [dung-score]]*
It might help if you combine in-radius, min-one-of and with. eg:
move-to min-one-of patches in-radius 10 with [member? pcolor [brown green]] [dung-score]
if there's a chance that the with block might return an empty agentset, you might want to test for condition to avoid an error. eg:
let candidates patches in-radius 10 with [member? pcolor [brown green]]
if any? candidates [move-to min-one-of candidates [dung-score] ]