Use NUnit Prefilter by nunit3-console - nunit

I'm developing data driven tests using Nunit3 and .Net Core 3.1 and I have many tests with more different data sources, which sometimes have complex logic inside. When I want start only one tests I want to start only one data provider, but I run all. In 3.15.1 ver of NUnit framework was released PreFilter, which solve this problem.
But this feature available only on .runsettings file as I understood docs.
In this question Charlie Poole says that .runsettings is only for VS adapter. But the VS adapter takes a long time to run my tests.
I found info for configuration file but don't undestand what I can configure in this file 0_o
Can I run my tests by NUnit Console Runner 3.12.0-beta1 with PreFilter?

I'm afraid not, no.
There's an open issue to implement it here: You'll see from the VS adapter docs there's several edge-case bugs around this, which will be more visible in the adapter than in the console. At this point in time, nobody has yet taken on that task of implementing this feature in the console.


When is jUnit4 going to be deprecated?

Since junit5 out there, how long jUnit4 going to be supported? Any plans for deprecation, when is it going to be? We are just trying to gauge whether we need to migrate existing jUnit4 test cases to jUnit5 now or later at some point. The user guide says the following but wanted know more clearly how long (a year, two or more from now)? Appreciate your response.
"since the JUnit team will continue to provide maintenance and bug fix releases for the JUnit 4.x baseline, developers have plenty of time to migrate to JUnit Jupiter on their own schedule."
JUnit 4 hasn’t seen any functional upgrade in a decade. What the JUnit team does is maintain the JUnit 4 engine, called Vintage, which runs JUnit 4 on the JUnit 5 platform. As long as the platform engine API stays downwards compatible this is very likely to work. The two events that could break JUnit 4 are:
The platform changes in a highly incompatible way and the Vintage engine will no longer be supported. This is not to be expected in the near future.
Java changes in an incompatible way so that the original JUnit 4 code no longer works. I don’t see that looming either.
That said, using just JUnit 4 decouples you from all innovation in the field of Java test automation. Many extensions already do not support JUnit 4 anymore. My recommendation: Start using the platform at once using Vintage. Write all new tests with Jupiter and the other test engines you need. Migrate old JUnit 4 tests when you have to adapt them anyway.

Can I Integrate Web Tests (written in visual studio) in Azure Devops build pipeline

I have a web api (REST) project that is written in .NET and I have written a few webtests (.webtest) that test those apis.
While those tests run fine locally from visual studio, I want to integrate them into my VSTS (Azure Devops) build pipeline, so as to identify and breaking changes that could break any of those APIs.
I am not able to find any task in build pipeline which can run the webtests as part of build. I see option for running unit-tests though.
So, wanted to check what am I missing here.
You might want to find an alternative approach as this link implies it has been deprecated.
Visual Studio web performance test (.webtest file) is tied to the load
test functionality and is deprecated. Some customers have used
.webtest for other purposes such as running API tests, even though it
was not designed for that purpose. Many API testing alternatives are
available in the market. SOAP UI is a free, open source alternative to
consider, and is also available as a commercial option with additional
You could try to use cmd task command line to run MSTest with arguments.
Add Run Command Line step/task to execute MSTest command
Add Publish Test Results step/task
On the other hand, you can do test in Unit Test too, just send the request and check the response, related thread.
Also as Matt mentioned, since Visual Studio web performance tests (.webtest files) are tied to the load test functionality and is also deprecated. You could take a look at this blog here: Cloud-based load testing service end of life

VSO Release Management - Tests will not run

I have a VSO release management definition in which I'm deploying a cloud service and then running some tests. The deployment executes without issues, but then the tests don't run, I recieve the following message in the logs:
Warning: No test is available in My DLL Path. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again.
Now, the strange thing is that this release is triggered by a build, which runs exactly the same set of tests and they all run happily.
I've included a runsettings file specifying the framework version (based on some SO posts I found from a year ago with a similar issue) but its made no difference. Been messing with this for nearly 2 days now with no progress. Any suggestions happily accepted!
Arrrrgh! So it turns out, if I deleted the whole project, created it again and added my tests again, it just works. Gremlins apparently!
Admins, if this needs to be deleted, go ahead

.net application throwing TypeLoadExceptions or saying that side-by-side configuration is invalid, etc

I post this merely as a reference for others that might end up being in the same situation and since I spent almost 3 days trying to figure out the root cause of the problem, I thought it would be a good idea to post the solution here.
My situation was as follows:
I tried to build a deployment package for a .net application and got TypeLoadExceptions, FileNotFoundExceptions (regarding DLLs), Side-By-Side configuration errors, etc. once I tried to run it on a vanilla test machine.
[edit]: stackoverflow won't let me answer my own question within 8 hours of it being posted, the answer follows in ~8 hours ;)
The problem was that one of the dependency projects of my application was set to "Debug" build in the Visual Studio configuration manager, therefore the debug dll of the dependency ended up being used for release builds as well. On any development machine this was no problem after all since all debug runtimes were available.
On the vanilla test machine however only the release runtimes were present which caused so much trouble to me and gave me unmeaning exceptions that lead me to so many wrong directions via google, etc.
In my case it was SlimDX that was set to build a debug build in the VS configuration manager, even when doing release builds. Since SlimDX makes use of the VC runtimes I got the above problem, but this could happen with any .net assembly that uses the VC runtimes.
I hope this will eventually safe someone some hours ;) deployment

We are currently working on a custom APEX project that involves a lot of apex classes, triggers and Visualforce pages. We also have numerous applications from AppExchange that are part of the system.
We develop all the Apex Classes, Visualforce pages, etc in test environment and then deploy it to the live environment using Eclipse IDE. What happens is that every time we deploy changes to the live environment, all the test methods of all the classes (including those from AppExchange Apps) seems to be executing. So deployment of a simple change could end up taking couple of minutes.
Is there a way in apex to "package" classes by namespace or something like that so that when we try to deploy a change, only the test methods relevant to that package are executed. If something like that exists, our deployment can happen much faster.
Unfortunately no, there is no partial testing for deployment of apex code, every change, no matter how minute or self-contained triggers a full test run. This among other things enforces code metrics (minimum total code coverage for instance)
IMHO, this is proving to be a two-sided coin when it comes to enforcing code reliability. When we started using apex all of our tests were very comprehensive performing actual testing of the code with lots of asserts and checks. Then we started having very very long deploy times so now our tests serve one and only function, satisfying minimum code coverage, and even with that simplification it takes almost 3 minutes to deploy anything and we only use 20% of our apex code allowance.
IMHO2, Apex is way too slow of a coding platform to be enforcing this kind of testing. I cant even imagine how long the tests would run if we reach 50% allowance, not to mention any more.
This is possible but you'll need to learn about Apache Ant and have a look at the Migration Toolkit. You can then use a Build file to determine which files are deployed as well as which tests are run.
I'm busy writing a whitepaper that'll touch on this and other related development strategies... I'll post to my blog when it's done.
If we use the apache ant migration tool we have many options for deployment
deployCodeFailingTest which will skip the test classes
and if you want to run only specific test classes
please use : something similar to this in ur build.xml
<target name="deployCode">
for detailed reference please use this link
I would recommend the following approach:
Git as repository for all your sf code
jenkins to deploy your code as CI/CD
PMD as the static code analyser
sfdx as the deployment method in jenkins for deployment.
Refer the trailhead link: