Looking for some feedback - I am building a social networking type software- one of the features allows users to post news stories and have friends comment. I have in the past kept different tables for things like news, comments, calendar events, etc. However a friend has turned me to the wordpress-type database structure of "POSTS" and "post_types" where everything is in one table and has a "post_type".
This would mean that news stories, comments, events, etc are all in the same table. I love the efficiency of creating functions that are updating one table. HOWEVER, a single table in my old software was 1.5MILLION rows, I'd expect this new table to grow to about 10Million in the first year.
Does mysql handle this size of data okay as long as indexes are properly set, or is it smarter to break everything into seperate tables for this reason?
There is no general answer. It depends.
MySQL has no problem dealing with large tables. However, it will not do miracles for you. In the end, it's all about efficiency. It means you need to optimize your design for multiple, mutually exclusive goals. What you want to find is a sweet spot between complexity, performance, extensibility and maintenance costs. This is different for every project and is kind of an art.
Generally don't want to mix things that are too different. This is why they teach about data normalization in just about every database book or CS course. If your data is small, this does not really matter. But if you have a lot of data and a lot of requests, you will almost certainly want to squeeze every last drop of performance from your database. So not only will you be separating tables, scrutinizing indexes, inspecting execution plans, updating statistics, defragmenting pages and measuring performance, but you will also be using partitioning, clustering, materialized views, read-only replicas, I/O and CPU parallelism, SSDs, Memcached and a variety of other tools. This will all be much more challenging if you have started with a bad data model. In my personal experience, locking is something that really bites you in the ass with large tables, unless you can somehow live without transactions.
To make any kinds of estimations, you need to have some performance baseline. Just knowing number of records is not enough. How many requests will there be? What will the queries be doing? Where do you expect the heaviest load? Can you prepare the most common queries that the system will be running most of the time? What about peak hours? What hardware will be available to run this load? What is the ratio of reads to writes? Etc.
To make optimizations, you need some kind of goal. As always, you will find out that in order to get there, you have to sacrifice something. Because you probably don't have all those answers yet, try following the principle of minimalism - start small, measure, analyze, improve, repeat.
I'd like to know when you should consider using multiple table in your query store.
For example, consider the problem where a product has it's description changed. This change could potentially have a massive impact on the synchronisation of the read only query store if you had many aggregates that included the product description.
At which point should you consider a slight normalization of the data to avoid lengthy synchronisation issues? Is this a no-no or an acceptable compromise?
CQRS is not about using table-per-view, rather table-per-view is an aspect of a system that CQRS makes easier.
It's up to you and depends on your specific context and needs. I would look at it this way, what is the cost of the eventual consistency of that query vs. the need for high query performance. You may want to consider the following two characteristics of your system:
1) The avg. consistency of that command, i.e., how long it takes to update all of the read models affected by the command (also consider whether an optimized stored-proc for the change would outperform say using an ORM or other abstraction to update your database in this way).
My guess is unless you are talking millions, upon millions of records the consistency here is sufficient to meet your requirements and user expectations for consistency, maybe a few seconds.
2) The importance of query performance. How many queries are you getting per second? Can you handle doing a SQL join every time?
In most practical scenarios the optimization of either of these things is moot. You can probably do the update, regardless of records, using a good SP in seconds which is more than enough consistency for a UI refresh (keep in mind the UI that issued the command can be consistent as soon as they know the command succeeded).
And you usually don't need so much query scaling in a system that a single join will hurt you. What you may not want is the added internal complexity of performing these joins in your code and stored procs.
As with all things in CQRS, you don't need to use and optimize every aspect of it from day one. You can optimize these things incrementally. Use joins today, and fully denormalize tomorrow, or vice-versa.
Can we get a list of basic optimization techniques going (anything from modeling to querying, creating indexes, views to query optimization). It would be nice to have a list of these, one technique per answer. As a hobbyist I would find this to be very useful, thanks.
And for the sake of not being too vague, let's say we are using a maintstream DB such as MySQL or Oracle, and that the DB will contain 500,000-1m or so records across ~10 tables, some with foreign key contraints, all using the most typical storage engines (eg: InnoDB for MySQL). And of course, the basics such as PKs are defined as well as FK contraints.
Learn about indexes, and use them properly. Generally speaking*, follow these guidelines:
Every table should have a clustered index
Fields used for filters and sorts are good candidates for indexing
More selective fields are better candidates for indexing
For best performance on crucial queries, design "covering indexes" for those queries
Make sure your indexes are actually being used, and remove those that aren't
If your table has 15 fields, and you make 15 indexes, each with only a single field, you're doing it wrong :)
*There are some exceptions to these rules if you know what you're doing. My experience is Microsoft SQL Server, but I would presume most of this advice would still apply to a different RDMS.
IMO, by far the best optimization is to have the data model fit the problem domain for which it was built. When it does not, the resulting symptom is difficult-to-write or convoluted queries in order to get the information desired and that typically rears itself when reports are built against the database. Thus, in designing a database it helps to have an idea as to the types and nature of the information, such as reports, that the users will want from the system.
When talking database design, check out the database normalization, e.g. the wikipedia article: Normal forms.
If you have a good design and still you need to optimize for performance, try Denormalisation.
If you have specific needs which are not covered by relational model efficiently, look at other models covered by the term NoSQL.
Some query/schema optimizations:
Be mindful when using DISTINCT or GROUP BY. I find that many new developers will use DISTINCT in places where it really is not needed or could be rewritten more efficiently using an Exists statement or a derived query.
Be mindful of Left Joins. All too often I find new SQL developers will ignore the schema in place and use Left Joins where they really are not necessary. For example:
From Orders
Left Join Customers
On Customers.Id = Orders.CustomerId
If Orders.CustomerId is a required column, then it is not necessary to use a left join.
Be a student of new features. Currently, MySQL does not support common-table expressions which means that some types of queries are cumbersome and probably slower to write than they would be if CTEs were supported. However, that will not be true forever. Keep up on new syntax features in MySQL which might be used to make existing queries more efficient.
You do not have to use surrogate keys everywhere. There might be tables better suited to an intelligent key (e.g. US State abbreviations, Currency Codes etc) which would enable developers to avoid additional joins in many cases.
If possible, find ways of archiving data to an OLAP or reporting server. The smaller you can make the production data, the faster it will run.
A design that concisely models your problem is always a good start. Overgeneralizing the data model can lead to performance problems. For example, I've heard reports of projects striving for uber-flexibility that use the RDBMS as a dumb "name/value" store - and resulting performance was appalling.
Once a good design is in place, then use the tools provided by the RDBMS to help it achieve good performance. Single field PKs (no composites), but composite business keys as an index with unique constraint, use of appropriate data types, e.g. using appropriate numeric types for numeric values rather than char or similar. Physical attributes of the hardware the RDBMS is running on should also be considered, since the bulk of query time is often disk I/O - but of course don't take this for granted - use a profiler to find out where the time is going.
Depending upon the update/query ratio, materialized views/indexed views can be useful in improving performance for slow running queries. A poor-man's alternative is to use triggers to invoke a procedure that populates the table with a result of a slow-running, infrequently-changed view.
Query optimization is a bit of a black art since it is often database-dependent, but some rules of thumb are given here - Optimizing SQL.
Finally, although possibly outside the intended scope of your question, use a good data access layer in your application, and avoid the temptation to roll your own - there are surely tested and performant implementations available for all major languages. Use of caching at the data access layer, middle tier and application layer can help improve performance considerably.
Do use less query whenever possible. Use "JOIN", and group your tables so that a single query gives your results.
A good example is the Modified Preorder Tree Transversal (MPTT) to get all of a tree node parents, ordered, in a single query.
Take a holistic approach to optimization.
Consider the impact of slow disks, network latency, lack of memory, and server load.
I am very eager to know the real cause though earned some knowledge from googling.
Thanks in adavnce
Because SQL is a really poor language for writing procedural code, and because the SQL engine, storage, and optimizer are designed to make it efficient to assemble and join sets of records.
(Note that this isn't just applicable to SQL Server, but I'll leave your tags as they are)
Because, in general, the hundreds of man-years of development time that have gone into the database engine and optimizer, and the fact that it has access to real-time statistics about the data, have resulted in it being better than the user in working out the best way to process the data, for a given request.
Therefore by saying what we want to achieve (with a set-based approach), and letting it decide how to do it, we generally achieve better results than by spelling out exactly how to provess the data, line by line.
For example, suppose we have a simple inner join from table A to table B. At design time, we generally don't know 'which way round' will be most efficient to process: keep a list of all the values on the A side, and go through B matching them, or vice versa. But the query optimizer will know at runtime both the numbers of rows in the tables, and also the most recent statistics may provide more information about the values themselves. So this decision is obviously better made at runtime, by the optimizer.
Finally, note that I have put a number of 'generally's in this post - there will always be times when we know better than the optimizer will, and for such times we can provide hints (NOLOCK etc).
Set based approaches are declarative, so you don't describe the way the work will be done, only what you want the result to look like. The server can decide between several strategies how to complay with your request, and hopefully choose one that is efficient.
If you write procedural code, that code will at best be less then optimal in some situation.
Because using a set-based approach to SQL development conforms to the design of the data model. SQL is a very set-based language, used to build sets, subsets, unions, etc, from data. Keeping that in mind while developing in TSQL will generally lead to more natural algorithms. TSQL makes many procedural commands available that don't exist in plain SQL, but don't let that switch you to a procedural methodology.
This makes me think of one of my favorite quotes from Rob Pike in Notes on Programming C:
Data dominates. If you have chosen the right data structures and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming.
SQL databases and the way we query them are largely set-based. Thus, so should our algorithms be.
From an even more tangible standpoint, SQL servers are optimized with set-based approaches in mind. Indexing, storage systems, query optimizers, and other optimizations made by various SQL database implmentations will do a much better job if you simply tell them the data you need, through a set-based approach, rather than dictating how you want to get it procedurally. Let the SQL engine worry about the best way to get you the data, you just worry about telling it what data you want.
As each one has explained, let the SQL engine help you, believe, it is very smart.
If you do not use to write set based solution and use to develop procedural code, you will have to spend some time until write well formed set based solutions. This is a barrier for most people. A tip if you wish to start coding set base solutions is, stop thinking what you can do with rows, and start thinking what you can do with collumns, and do practice functional languages.
We used Drools as part of a solution to act as a sort of filter in a very intense processing application, maybe running up to 100 rules on 500,000 + working memory objects.
turns out that it is extremely slow.
anybody else have any experience using Drools in a batch type processing application?
Kind of depends on your rules - 500K objects is reasonable given enough memory (it has to populate a RETE network in memory, so memory usage is a multiple of 500K objects - ie space for objects + space for network structure, indexes etc) - its possible you are paging to disk which would be really slow.
Of course, if you have rules that match combinations of the same type of fact, that can cause an explosion of combinations to try, which even if you have 1 rule will be really really slow.
If you had any more information on the analysis you are doing that would probably help with possible solutions.
I've used a Drools with a stateful working memory containing over 1M facts. With some tuning of both your rules and the underlying JVM, performance can be quite good after a few minutes for initial start-up. Let me know if you want more details.
I haven't worked with the latest version of Drools (last time I used it was about a year ago), but back then our high-load benchmarks proved it to be utterly slow. A huge disappointment after having based much of our architecture on it.
At least something good I remember about drools is that their dev team was available on IRC and very helpful, you might give them a try, they're the experts after all: #drools
I'm just learning drools myself, so maybe I'm missing something, but why is the whole batch of five hundred thousand objects added to working memory at once? The only reason I can think of is that there are rules that kick in only when two or more items in the batch are related.
If that isn't the case, then perhaps you could use a stateless session and assert one object at a time. I assume rules will run 500k times faster in that case.
Even if it is the case, do all your rules need access to all 500k objects? Could you speed things up by applying per-item rules one at a time, and then in a second phase of processing apply batch level rules using a different rulebase and working memory? This would not change the volume of data, but the RETE network would be smaller because the simple rules would have been removed.
An alternative approach would be to try and identify the related groups of objects and assert the objects in groups during the second phase, further reducing the volume of data in working memory as well as splitting up the RETE network.
Drools is not really designed to be run on a huge number of objects. It's optimized for running complex rules on a few objects.
The working memory initialization for each additional object is too slow and the caching strategies are designed to work per working memory object.
Use a stateless session and add the objects one at a time ?
I had problems with OutOfMemory errors after parsing a few thousand objects. Setting a different default optimizer solved the problem.
We were looking at drools as well, but for us the number of objects is low so this isn't an issue. I do remember reading that there are alternate versions of the same algorithm that take memory usage more into account, and are optimized for speed while still being based on the same algorithm. Not sure if any of them have made it into a real usable library though.
this optimizer can also be set by using parameter