why are my google adsense ads create errors in inspect console? - adsense

my page had no errors, no messages, no issues. I turned ad-blocker off. I added the auto adsense code from Google:
Let Google place ads for you
Add one piece of code to your site and Google will automatically show ads in all the best places.
The ads don't appear.
console says there are 5 errors now.
My html is skeletal. No js, no css. What is the problem with the snippet of Google javascript I added?
Below, new errors raised from adding google adsense snippet:
zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:17 [Violation] Avoid using document.write(). https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/08/removing-document-write
$a # zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:17
cb # zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:19
(anonymous) # zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:20
(anonymous) # zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:20
zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:17 [Violation] Avoid using document.write(). https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/08/removing-document-write
$a # zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:17
cb # zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:19
(anonymous) # zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:20
(anonymous) # zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:20
zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:21 [Violation] Avoid using document.write(). https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/08/removing-document-write
(anonymous) # zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:21
VM161541:1 [Violation] Avoid using document.write(). https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/08/removing-document-write
W # VM161541:1
VM161569:1 [Violation] Avoid using document.write(). https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/08/removing-document-write
W # VM161569:1
abg_lite_fy2019.js:8 [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'touchstart' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5745543795965952
E # abg_lite_fy2019.js:8
rb # abg_lite_fy2019.js:27
xb # abg_lite_fy2019.js:30
Gb # abg_lite_fy2019.js:33
yb # abg_lite_fy2019.js:32
zb # abg_lite_fy2019.js:32
Hb # abg_lite_fy2019.js:33
(anonymous) # VM161574:1
(anonymous) # zrt_lookup.html?fsb=1:21

These messages are not errors, but warnings. AdSense Ads use some legacy browser APIs such as document.write() and non-passive event listeners which are discouraged but they still work.


Powershell - Replace add_Click link on LinkLabel

I am creating a PowerShell GUI that uses a link label. My code for this link is
$ExLinkLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel
$ExLinkLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(15,130)
$ExLinkLabel.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,20)
$ExLinkLabel.LinkColor = "BLUE"
$ExLinkLabel.ActiveLinkColor = "RED"
$ExLinkLabel.Text = "Link Example"
Now say I want to change it another website later in the code based on certain conditions, I tried doing this:
The problem that this now has two links open, both google and then yahoo.
Is there a way to clear or just replace that first link with my new one?
Thank you
Adding an event handler with an .add_<EventName>() method call does just that: It adds an additional event handler, of which there can be many.
In order to replace an event handler, you must first remove its old incarnation with .remove_<EventName>(), and then add the new incarnation with .add_<EventName>().
To that end, you must store the original incarnation in a variable that you can later pass to the .remove_EventName>() call:
# Define the original event handler, store it in a variable,
# and add it to the control.
$currEventHandler = { Start-Process https://google.com }
# ...
# Remove the current event handler...
# ... and add the new one:
$currEventHandler = { Start-Process https://yahoo.com }
Note that I've replaced [system.Diagnostics.Process]::start($url) with a simpler, PowerShell-idiomatic call to the Start-Process cmdlet.
In your simple case, where the two event handlers only differ by the URL they open, consider the alternative recommended by Theo:
Retain the original event handler and make it retrieve the URL to open from a variable defined outside the event handler, namely in the script scope. That way, all you need to do is to update the variable.
# Set the original URL
$url = 'https://google.com'
# Due to PowerShell's dynamic scoping, the event-handler script
# block - even though it runs in a *child* scope - sees the
# script scope's definition of variable $url
# You can make this cross-scope access explicit by using $script:url
# (If you wanted to *update* the variable from inside the child
# scope $script:url *must* be used.)
$ExLinkLabel.add_Click({ Start-Process $url })
# ...
# Update the variable, after which the event handler will
# use the new URL.
$url = 'https://yahoo.com'

How to fix Verilog::VCD::Writer error: Can't locate object method addSignal?

I suspect I made an import error in Perl.
There is a Perl module Verilog::VCD::Writer to write a VCD file. However, when I copy its SYNOPSIS code to have a try, it always raises the error:
Can't locate object method "addSignal" via package
"Verilog::VCD::Writer" at tester.pl line 10.
The SYNOPSIS calls addComment and addModule before addSignal so there should be no problems in my installation.
addSignal is a function defined in Verilog/VCD/Writer/Module.pm, and the other two are defined in Verilog/VCD/Writer.pm. Even I add Verilog::VCD::Writer::Module, still the debugger go to package Writer to find the addSignal method.
If I call the addSignal function in this way:
Can't locate object method "signals_push" via package
"Verilog::VCD::Writer" at
line 41.
Module.pm defined signals_push in a hash, and clearly the debugger didn't find it.
I suspect there is something wrong, but I don't know where it is.
The webpage for this package is http://search.cpan.org/~jvs/Verilog-VCD-Writer-0.002/lib/Verilog/VCD/Writer.pm
This is a documentation bug.
The code in the SYNOPSIS section of the POD has a few problems. The error you see is from the line:
my $TX=$writer->addSignal("TX",7,0); #Add Signals to top
The code used the wrong object handle for the addSignal method. $writer is an object of the Verilog::VCD::Writer module, and it does not have an addSignal method. However, addSignal is a method of the Verilog::VCD::Writer::Module module. The code needs to use $top instead of $writer.
The next line has the same problem:
my $RX=$writer->addSignal("RX",7,0);
Finally, the following line has a syntax error because it is missing the comment delimiter (#) after the semicolon:
my $dut=$top->addModule("DUT"); Create SubModule
Here is a fixed version of the code which runs without errors and generates a VCD output file:
use Verilog::VCD::Writer;
my $writer = Verilog::VCD::Writer->new(timescale=>'1 ns',vcdfile=>"test.vcd");
my $top = $writer->addModule("top"); # Create toplevel module
my $TX = $top->addSignal("TX",7,0); #Add Signals to top
my $RX = $top->addSignal("RX",7,0);
my $dut = $writer->addModule("DUT"); #Create SubModule
$dut->dupSignal($TX,"TX",7,0); #Duplicate signals from Top in submodule
$writer->writeHeaders(); # Output the VCD Header.
$writer->setTime(0); # Time 0
$writer->addValue($TX,0); # Record Transition
$writer->setTime(5); # Time 1ns
I uploaded a patch to the bug report you opened:
Also, the Create SubModule comment seems misleading. Perhaps the author intended to use the addSubModule method instead of the addModule method.

creating GUI forms without variables

I am trying to find a way to create a form in PowerShell without using any variables unless they are temporarily or virtually assigned. I want to be able to run a command similar to this:
(New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form).ShowDialog()
where I can enter in a code into an event that is triggered once the form is created. That event will then be responsible for creating all the objects and other events inside the form. Once the form is launched, I will not need any variables accept for the ones that are virtually assigned within the events.
This to avoid using too much system resources from assigning and endless amount of variables for each object in the form. The script that I am currently working on in PowerShell is very possibly going to be really big, and even if it is not a very large script, efficiency and clean code is always the key to writing a good program or script.
add-type -ass System.Windows.Forms
$x = (New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form)
$x.Text = 'Message Box'
$x.Size = '300,150'
$x.Font = $x.Font.Name + ',12'
$x.Controls.Add((New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label))
$x.Controls[-1].Size = $x.Size
$x.Controls[-1].Text = 'Here is a message for you'
Remove-Variable x
It is very possible to access these objects still with the exact same kind of access when you define each object with a variable. It cost me many hours of research and just simply attempting random commands to find out how to do this. Here is all the commands you may need to relearn if you are interested in my solution:
# create item in form:
$x.Controls.Add((New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button))
# access the last created item in the form:
# change it's name to identify it easier
$x.Controls[-1].Name = 'button1'
# access the item by it's new name:
# delete the item by it's name:
If your familiar with form creation in PowerShell then this should all make sense to you and you should be familiar with how the rest of it works. Also, another note to make for those who are interested in what I am trying to do is that any of these commands can be done within an event by replacing $x with $this. If it is inside an event of an object inside the "controls" section of the form, then you would use $this.parent.
This is exactly what I mean by having the ability to create a form with virtually no variables. The only problem I am having with this is that I am unsure how to assign an event and call the method ShowDialog() at the same time.
I found an a very interesting solution to this, however I am not sure to what the limits are to this solution and it dose not quite work in the way that I would personally like it to.
add-type -ass System.Windows.Forms
$x = (New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form)
$x.Text = 'Message Box'
$x.Size = '300,150'
$x.Font = $x.Font.Name + ',12'
$x.Controls.Add((New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label))
$x.Controls[-1].Size = $x.Size
$x.Controls[-1].Text = 'Here is a message for you'
remove-variable x
command to execute the code:
(iex(Get-Content 'file.ps1'|out-string)).ShowDialog()

Why does this conditional redirect in Catalyst not work?

I have a Catalyst application and would like to redirect based on a conditional statement. I am having trouble with this and I'm wondering if anyone might have insight into why this seemingly easy task is proving difficult.
In my Root.pm module I have a sub begin and can redirect to another website, e.g. www.perl.org, but I am unable to redirect to a page within my application. Any thoughts on how to do a conditional redirect?
sub begin : Private {
my ( $self, $c ) = #_;
$c->stash->{client_id} = somenumber; # I'm setting this manually for testing
$c->res->redirect('http://www.perl.org/') unless $c->stash->{client_id};
$c->res->redirect('http://www.mysite.com/success') if $c->stash->{client_id}; #does not
Maybe you're getting stuck in an infinite loop, in which your begin sub redirects the user to another page in your Catalyst application; once "the controller that will run has been identified, but before any URL-matching actions are called" (from the Catalyst::Manual::Intro man page), begin will be called again, causing another redirect and so on.
Try moving this code out of begin entirely; perhaps, as Htbaa suggested, auto might be what you're looking for. The standard $c->detach case (in controller controller) is:
sub check_login :Local {
# do something
$c->detach('controller/login_successful') if($success);
# display error message
sub login_successful :Local {
# do something with the logged in user.
In this case, doing a $c->res->redirect('http://example.com/login_successful') should work perfectly as well. Hope that helps!

How can I access the Apache server configuration in a BEGIN block in mod_perl?

I've been trying to switch from using PerlSetEnv to using custom configuration directives. I have my configuration module with a copy of set_val from the docs:
sub set_val
local our ($key, $self, $parms, $arg) = #_;
$self->{$key} = $arg;
unless ($parms->path)
local our $srv_cfg = Apache2::Module::get_config($self, $parms->server);
$srv_cfg->{$key} = $arg;
...which is called by every custom directive sub. Then I have in my .conf:
PerlLoadModule MyModule::ServerConfig
MyCustomDirective 'hello'
This works fine in that httpd -t okays the file's syntax. The problem is that I can't seem to get at the value from the config file from within a BEGIN block, which I need to do.
I've tried tinkering with all sorts of things:
use Apache2::CmdParms ();
# use Apache2::Directive ();
use Apache2::Module ();
# use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
# use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Data::Dump;
warn ddx(Apache2::Module::get_config('MyModule::ServerConfig', Apache2::CmdParms->server));
# warn ddx(Apache2::Directive->as_hash);
# warn Apache2::ServerUtil->dir_config('MyCustomDirective);
# warn Apache2::CmdParms->server->server_hostname();
...but to no avail. Most of my efforts (trying to access CmdParms->server for instance) result in Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting and an automatic restart of Apache as it says. If I pass ServerUtil->server to get_config(), the server stays alive but the warning only prints out '1'.
I read somewhere that this is because you can't get at anything request-related within a BEGIN block, because requests vary. It kind of makes sense, except that with PerlOptions +GlobalRequest I have been able to see $ENV within a BEGIN block, so why wouldn't I be able to see my own directives, just as dependent as they are on how the request happens? Especially confusing is that if I try to pass Apache2::RequestUtil->request->per\_dir\_config() to get_config(), it says Global $r object is not available. If that's true in a BEGIN block, how is it I can get at $ENV?
Try add what you want to import function to other module and use this module in code where you usually put BEGIN block. It should work same. May be it helps.
Partly, Dump isn't being used correctly. This works better:
use Data::Dump qw(pp);
warn pp(Apache2::Module::get_config('MyModule::ServerConfig', Apache2::ServerUtil->server));
However, it doesn't show any directives that appear within <Directory> blocks.
In my particular case, though, I don't need that functionality, on second thought; that just happens to be where I had stuck them.