No Includes directory in Project Explorer - eclipse

I have just installed Eclipse CTD v2020.6 and ESP-IDF v4.1 and configured it in Windows 10. I can build and flash without any problem. But I don't know why I can't see the Includes directory in Project explore. Is it normal, if so is there any way I can add it there?
Along with that, I have noticed there is not C/C++ build section in Project Properties. :?: I am attaching the screenshots for reference.
If someone can help me with this, I will be grateful.


Import Eclipse C++ Workspace Into Visual Studio Code for Linux

I have a workspace in Eclipse on Linux Mint. This project builds for and ARM platform device running Debian linux.
I am not an expert on this. We have a guru who set it all up for us. I am not sure which method the project uses to build the apps, but I do know all I have to do it right click the project in Eclipse and select build on any of the apps and they build.
I would like to use VS Code to develop this app. Is there any way to import the whole workspace into VS Code and have it actually build and debug on the target device?
If so can someone please give me the steps?
I just clicked menu item File->Open Folder...
Then navigate to the parent folder of your workspace, which is actually your Eclipse workspace folder. Highlight it, then click the Select Folder button. Then it just loaded all my Source files in. I can't tell you how to convert to building your code, as I only did this to search files and hopefully find variable's definitions. And this worked! I didn't even need to do a full scan of my source files or anything (or maybe it did this automatically at some point). I just went to the definition-unknown variable's location I know about, highlighted it, and right-clicked and selected Go to definition, and it went and opened the file with its definition.

Eclipse doesn't show classes within packages

After months of using Eclipse (latest Kepler release) on Ubuntu (13.10), after rebooting from to a sudden loss of power on my laptop, now Eclipse won't let me access java classes within their packages. It simply just shows the packages names but when I click on these the java classes are not showing.
Please note that even though I have several Maven projects working, this happens only on one specific project.
Steps so far:
1) I checked the permissions of all the java files and the directories.
2) Tried updating the project but no luck, also reverted back to my an earlier version (SVN) but didn't help either.
3) I tried deleting .eclipse and re-installing Eclipse and importing my projects, but unfortunately it didn't resolve the issue.
4) I have checked the .classpath file which seems ok.
5) Recursively 'touch' all the files, but still nothing.
I believe that this is a Maven + Eclipse related issue but I have ran out of options here, so I am open to suggestions. Thanks...
Probably it is not a problem of the project but of the workspace metadata. Please create a new workspace and important the project there. Are you able to browser the package explorer there?
Those are empty packages as you know. we need to right click on those packages and create class then you would probably see classes.
In case u still can't see classes then Go to Window->show view->Package explorer
you will be able to see packages along with classes tagged. if you have created any.
click here to see Image view of above settings

How to convert cocos2d-x android project to c++ in eclipse ADT

Hi I'm fairly new with Eclipse. I'm trying to work on my cocos2d-x project on Eclipse, but for some reason I couldn't convert the android project to a c/c++ project and so I couldn't open the c++ files inside the Classes folders as you can see on the image here.
cocos2d-x: cocos2d-x v3.0 alpha0
eclipse: (ADT)Android Developer Tools - Build: v22.2.1-833290
os: windows 7
What I did:
ran in cmd
opened eclipse(ADT) then File->New->Other->Android Project from Existing Code->browsed to {cocos2d-x v3}/projects/mygame/
built the project.
tried to convert the project. Right-clicked project->New->Other->Under C/C++ tree, select Convert to a C/C++ project (Adds C/C++ nature)
but then the candidates for conversion is empty, meaning I couldn't convert my project to c++. I have installed the C++ plugins as seen here. Obviously I'm missing something here but I can't figure out what. I've been following tutorials on setting up cocos2d-x android development on eclipse windows os but I'm stuck with the converting to c++ step. Please could someone point out what I'm missing. Thanks in advance.
It will already be having c++ nature, so it wont show you that option (You can verify this by checking if you have C/C++ build in your project properties)...
You can open the cpp files by adding a reference to the source folder, to do so follow the below steps:
Right Click your project and select properties
Goto Resource->Linked Resources
In Path Variables Tab, Click New...
Give some name and choose the folder where you have your source code
It will now show a link to the source code folder in the project
Here are one by one steps, You may setup easily!

Change in perspective name not appearing

I have a plugin in which I have created a perspective. Now I changed the name of the perspective in plugin.xml. It is working fine if I am running from sources. The name of the perspective still the older one when I export the plugin. I am using eclipse juno 4.2
I am completely lost no clue whatsoever. I checked the plugin.xml file in the exported plugin it is having the new name. What is the mistake I am making???
My problem was adding perspectives and views using the plugin.XML, changes didn't take effect because when running plugin projects in development environment eclipse creates a "runtime-(pluginProjectName).application" folder in the parent of the workspace directory.
If you delete this folder eclipse should run with the new changes made to Views and Perspectives structure.
Best of luck. This link helped me in solving it. I should have searched in this line earlier itself. I hope this helps for someone else. Do clean your eclipse in case of these kind of problems

Why am i not able to link my C/C++ libraries with NetBeans?

I've downloaded C/C++ libraries from Cygwin, and set the environment variables according to the instructions here, in NetBeans.
I've also gone through this.
Actually I followed the same steps on a different machine and everything worked out fine.
But on my machine the associations aren't made.
for example: #include<stdio.h> says No such file or directory.
Any idea what the problem might be?
The Cygwin package I downloaded is also fine, I downloaded it twice.
If it's complaining about a #include, that's a compile issue, not a linking issue.
What happens if you create a new C/C++ application project and try to build it?
In the Build node of the project properties, is the correct Tool Collection selected? (Cygwin in your case). And the Tools -> Options, on the C/C++ tab, is that tool collection set up correctly?
You should check whether you have a file c:\cygwin\usr\include\stdio.h.