Eclipse doesn't show classes within packages - eclipse

After months of using Eclipse (latest Kepler release) on Ubuntu (13.10), after rebooting from to a sudden loss of power on my laptop, now Eclipse won't let me access java classes within their packages. It simply just shows the packages names but when I click on these the java classes are not showing.
Please note that even though I have several Maven projects working, this happens only on one specific project.
Steps so far:
1) I checked the permissions of all the java files and the directories.
2) Tried updating the project but no luck, also reverted back to my an earlier version (SVN) but didn't help either.
3) I tried deleting .eclipse and re-installing Eclipse and importing my projects, but unfortunately it didn't resolve the issue.
4) I have checked the .classpath file which seems ok.
5) Recursively 'touch' all the files, but still nothing.
I believe that this is a Maven + Eclipse related issue but I have ran out of options here, so I am open to suggestions. Thanks...

Probably it is not a problem of the project but of the workspace metadata. Please create a new workspace and important the project there. Are you able to browser the package explorer there?

Those are empty packages as you know. we need to right click on those packages and create class then you would probably see classes.
In case u still can't see classes then Go to Window->show view->Package explorer
you will be able to see packages along with classes tagged. if you have created any.
click here to see Image view of above settings


Issues with Liferay 7.1 workspace imported from Github

I have cloned my Liferay 7.1 workspace from my Github repository. When I try to get Assistance in Liferay IDE using Control+Space, I get error:
This compilation unit is not on the build path of a java project
This happens on the new module project created in the same workspace(that was cloned from Github).
But when I create/import module from my local workspace that was created by Liferay for first time, this issue is not there.
I feel like there is some extra workspace setting that I am not doing in my Github workspace. Like we had to create in the SDK folder for Liferay 6.2. Totally stuck and no solutions anywhere.
I tried fixing Project Build path and Project Facets but did not help.
The way you did it in your own answer obviously solved it. My take on this is: The problem was most likely the .project file, because it contains all the configuration that eclipse requires, and the error message you post is an indicator that eclipse doesn't know what to do with these files.
The .project file can be regenerated from gradle settings, typically by choosing "gradle / refresh" (from memory, from the context menu of the project/workspace in Project Explorer), which will read the gradle settings and apply them to the eclipse world. This might happen automatically, but it might also need some manual push - next time you might want to try this, because just copying random files rarely is a good idea. You might end up pointing to other directories far outside of your workspace, and wonder why a local change is not picked up.
There were some differences between the workspace that I imported from Github and the one that Liferay was creating on my local. I opened both the workspaces in Beyond Compare. Following are the files that had major differences. I made them same and it started working after Gradle Refresh in Eclipse.

How to make Eclipse show packages?

I recently upgraded my Eclipse and the workspace stopped working.
So I made a new one, copied all my projects over to it, then imported them.
However, now it shows them as folders instead of the actual packages like it used to:
How can I get the packages back?
Are you sure, you are using the Eclipse perspective Java or Java EE and within one of those perspectives, are using the view Package Explorer ?
Most of the times this happening because the Eclipse view Navigator is used, as show here.

One of my project subdirectories has disappeared from Eclipse PHP Explorer and refuses to reappear

The subfolder myproject/wp-content has dissapeared from the project explorer (of course the files are still there, I can see them on windows explorer).
All the other folders and files are still showing up.
I tried deleting the project files (.settings .buildpath .project) and deleting the project on eclipse and also deleting the index on .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core.index.sql.h2
What else can I do?
I'm using stock Eclipse Kepler 4.3.1 SR1 64-bit with the following add-ons:
Aptana Studio 3 Plugin Aptana
ChromeDevTools SDK The Chromium Authors
Chromium JavaScript Remote Debugger The Chromium Authors
Eclipse Standard/SDK epp.package.standard null
Line Number Ruler Fix (Eclipse Kepler 4.3) 0.0.1
Markdown Editor 0.2.3 Winterwell
Nodeclipse Nodeclipse organization
PHP Development Tools (PDT)
Show Window in Fullscreen Michael Scharf
Word Wrap Feature 0.0.3
[EDIT] I forgot to mention I've also tried to rebuild the project with the same results, and I've also checked explorer view filters in case something weird had happened but there are no filters set.
[EDIT 2] I deleted the Eclipse project files and the whole .metadata folder on the workspace and recreated the project. I had no problem at first, but it has happened again. I haven't touch any settings, just closed and reopened the project.
[EDIT 3] The less invasive fix by now seems to be a combination of deleting h2 database (.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core.index.sql.h2 workspace folder) and deleting also the project without deleting its files which doesn't delete .build or .settings or .buildpath either, so it can be recreated without much hussle. I can avoid the problem by not closing the project (I can still close Eclipse without loosing the folder), but I still don't know what's causing it.
[EDIT 4] I updated Eclipse and plugins today to their latest versions (Now runnning Kepler 4.3.2) and the problem persists (even if I delete org.eclipse.dltk.core.index.sql.h2 and .settings, .buildpath, .project before importing the project's folder contents as a new project): I just close the project after eclipse finishes indexing it and when I reopen it wp-content doesn't show up any more (unless I force reindexing by deleting org.eclipse.dltk.core.index.sql.h2 again). I do believe this is WordPress related, since it only happens when indexing this particular WordPress deployment (maybe it's one of the plugins/theme files installed inside wp-content or something related to one of the xml files in the root folder, like sitemap.xml?).
For me this happened multiple times, on different project and different folders. Opening+closing or refreshing the project yield no success.
In my case, I have found out that this is related to the Working sets. It seems by default new subfolders and files of a project are not marked belonging to the set, so the project has a mix of old folders (included) and new folders (excluded).
There are two fixes I am aware of:
disable the working sets
Moreover, on large projects, having this mixed state working set made opening the folder structure (and other operations) very slow (3-5 seconds per level). Turning off the working set filter made it instantaneous.
edit the active working set and check the project's checkbox (which will check all subfolders).
This happens to me all the time. I'm on OSX and my projects are accessed from a mounted samba volume. I've found that if I:
open the project in eclipse
eject the samba volume
refresh the project (it will say it cant find it and ask if you want to delete
it... click no)
remount the samba volume
refresh the eclipse project
And the missing files/folders show up. If your folders are local, maybe just moving the project folder would do the same. Unfortunately, this happens very often, and seemingly more often for wordpress projects for some reason.
I'm working with a UI project (Dynamic Web Project) and my web folder keeps dissapearing too. I didn't knew what causes that.
The only thing I knew was how to reset my projet; deleting it from workpsace and reimporting it.
I know now what causes that but I have no answer on why it actually does it. I keep refreshing my workspace because I have some compressing that is done outside eclipse and for my workspace to update them I need to refresh... somehow, the freaking Close Project option is right under the Refresh option, without prompting... and this is when my folder dissapear; when I reopen it.
Try the Import Existing Project would be my guess!
Maybe that can help you find the how of it !
Hi i solve this problem by unchecking "Group by Namespaces" in the little triangle on the top-right of the php explorer.
My app directory in my cake php application became invisible after some time. This is bad since all of my non-cakephp framework files reside therein!
My environment:
Eclipse Kepler
WebServer: built in macosx in Library/WebServer/Documents which is symlinked to a dir in my home directory.
PHP plugin
What I tried first:
Deleted old project from UI ( retaining files on the file system )
cd'ed to root project directory and deleted eclipse artifacts like .settings, .project, etc
Recreated php project to find that the app directory is still missing!
What worked for me:
I renamed the directory from app to app_back using the terminal/linux command rn.
Eclipse immediate saw the new dir after a clean rebuild.
I renamed the dir back to app and performed another clean rebuild.
Et Voila
It seems that by upgrading Eclipse to last version (Luna), removing the project files (.settings, .classpath and .project) and creating a new project on a new workspace, I can close and reopen the project without having the folder missing from the project explorer.
It's not the solution I wanted (and don't need any more) but it's also a solution, so I'm posting it :-)

Eclipse Crash "java was started but returned exit code = -805306369"

I'm aware there is an identical post here but none of the proposed solutions have changed anything and they are quite old (problems to do with Java6) and seem to be referring to a bug to do with Eclipse.
My problem is when I am developing in Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers; either making changes to java files or changing dependencies etc, Eclipse randomly hangs and then freezes. I have to force close eclipse and I get this message
Things I have tried so far:
Restarted eclipse and PC
Added the -clean command to the very beginning of the eclipse.ini file
Created a brand new work space and attempted to develop in that
I'm running on the latest version of Java (1.7.0_13) and haven't got a clue what to do next.
The problem has happened 4 or 5 times in a number of different occasions:
When I have tried to add a new package to the src folder
When I have tried to add a class to a package in the src folder
When I have tried to edit a class in a package in the src folder
When using Ctrl+Space in a class in the src folder
Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated! Need to get this problem sorted so I can get developing for my 3rd Year University Project :)
java was started but returned exit code = -805306369
is caused by Eclipse´s corrupted workspace, I solved my problem with these 3 steps:
1) Go to your workspace and rename it.
2) Start your eclipse and by default it will create a workspace.
3) Go to File -> Switch Workspace, choose your original workspace.
After a lot of researching and filing bug reports to no avail I tried one last clear out of Java and fresh installs of Eclipse to try and fix the error and it seems to have worked.
Here is what I did:
Un-installed Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers
Un-installed Java from my PC and deleted any old Java folders that were left behind (I didn't do this in previous clear outs so maybe there was an old version of Java messing something up)
Did a fresh install of Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers and a fresh install of the latest Java
I also deleted my old PATH variable for Java in Environment Variables and put the new one at the front of all the other entries
This seems to have fixed the error for now so hopefully it won't be a short term fix
I opened another instance of eclipse and it prompted me to choose a new workspace. I did so and there it was resolved. Then I closed the new workspace and resorted back to old workspace as usual.
If using Maven projects, check pom.xml, this may corrupted. Mine resolved by fixing pom file.
java was started but returned exit code = -805306369 caused by Eclipse´s currupted workspace, I solved my problem with this 4 steps:
Close Eclipse.
Kill the adb from task manager.
Start Eclipse and by default it will create a workspace or start with new workspace.
Go to File -> Switch Workspace, choose your original workspace.

Change in perspective name not appearing

I have a plugin in which I have created a perspective. Now I changed the name of the perspective in plugin.xml. It is working fine if I am running from sources. The name of the perspective still the older one when I export the plugin. I am using eclipse juno 4.2
I am completely lost no clue whatsoever. I checked the plugin.xml file in the exported plugin it is having the new name. What is the mistake I am making???
My problem was adding perspectives and views using the plugin.XML, changes didn't take effect because when running plugin projects in development environment eclipse creates a "runtime-(pluginProjectName).application" folder in the parent of the workspace directory.
If you delete this folder eclipse should run with the new changes made to Views and Perspectives structure.
Best of luck. This link helped me in solving it. I should have searched in this line earlier itself. I hope this helps for someone else. Do clean your eclipse in case of these kind of problems