Open api generator : change Client name - openapi

I am using the "OpenApi generator" to create the client library for an api.
openapi-generator generate -i -g ruby -o tmp/test/custom_name
This generate a class "OpenapiClient" but I need to change this name to "CustomApiClient". How can I pass this value?
This seems to me a standard thing to do, why is not so immediate? Am I following the best practice?
# Load the gem
require 'openapi_client'
# Setup authorization
OpenapiClient.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization: bearer
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'

This seemed way harder to find than it should have been, but if you run openapi-generator config-help -g ruby, it will show you all the options for ruby client configurations. Specifically, gemName. So you can simply create a config file like:
# config.yaml
gemName: custom_api_client
and provide -c /path/to/your/config.yaml when running the generate command.


How to decide Quarkus application arguments in Kubernetes at run-time?

I've built a Quarkus 2.7.1 console application using picocli that includes several subcommands. I'd like to be able to run this application within a Kubernetes cluster and decide its arguments at run-time. This is so that I can use the same container image to run the application in different modes within the cluster.
To get things started I added the JIB extension and tried setting the arguments using a configuration value quarkus.jib.jvm-arguments. Unfortunately it seems like this configuration value is locked at build-time so I'm unable to update this at run-time.
Next I tried setting quarkus.args while using default settings for JIB. The configuration value documentation makes it sound general enough for the job but it doesn't seem to have an affect when the application is run in the container. Since most references to this configuration value in documentation are in the context of Dev Mode I'm wondering if this may be disabled outside of that.
How can I get this application running in a container image with its arguments decided at run-time?
You can set quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint to any container entrypoint command you want, including scripts. An example in the doc is quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint=/deployments/ You could make use of $CLI_ARGUMENTS in such a script. Even something like quarkus.jib.jvm-entrypoint=/bin/sh,-c,'/deployments/ $CLI_ARGUMENTS' should work too, as long as you place the script at /deployments in the image. The possibility is limitless.
Also see this SO answer if there's an issue. (The OP in the link put a customer script at src/main/jib/docker/ (src/main/jib is Jib's default "extra files directory") so that Jib places the script in the image at /docker/
I was able to find a solution to the problem with a bit of experimenting this morning.
With the quarkus-container-image-docker extension (instead of quarkus.jib.jvm-arguments) I was able to take the template Dockerfile.jvm and extend it to pass through arguments to the CLI. The only line that needed changing was the ENTRYPOINT (details included in the snippet below). I changed the ENTRYPOINT form (from exec to shell) and added an environment variable as an argument to pass-through program arguments.
ARG JAVA_PACKAGE=java-11-openjdk-headless
# Install java and the run-java script
# Also set up permissions for user `1001`
RUN microdnf install curl ca-certificates ${JAVA_PACKAGE} \
&& microdnf update \
&& microdnf clean all \
&& mkdir /deployments \
&& chown 1001 /deployments \
&& chmod "g+rwX" /deployments \
&& chown 1001:root /deployments \
&& curl${RUN_JAVA_VERSION}/run-java-sh-${RUN_JAVA_VERSION} -o /deployments/ \
&& chown 1001 /deployments/ \
&& chmod 540 /deployments/ \
&& echo "securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom" >> /etc/alternatives/jre/lib/security/
# Configure the JAVA_OPTIONS, you can add -XshowSettings:vm to also display the heap size.
ENV JAVA_OPTIONS=" -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager"
# We make four distinct layers so if there are application changes the library layers can be re-used
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/lib/ /deployments/lib/
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/*.jar /deployments/
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/app/ /deployments/app/
COPY --chown=1001 target/quarkus-app/quarkus/ /deployments/quarkus/
USER 1001
# [== BEFORE ==]
# ENTRYPOINT [ "/deployments/" ]
# [== AFTER ==]
I have tried the above approaches but they didn't work with the default quarkus JIB's ubi8/openjdk-17-runtime image. This is because this base image doesn't use /work as the WORKIR, but instead the /home/jboss.
Therefore, I created a custom start-up script and referenced it on the properties file as following. This approach works better if there's a need to set application params using environment variables:
File: src/main/jib/home/jboss/
-jar quarkus-run.jar

Convert CloudFormation template (YAML) to Troposphere code

I have a large sized CloudFormation template written in Yaml, I want to start using Troposphere instead. Is there any easy way to convert the CF template to Troposphere code?
I have noticed this script here
This creates a Troposphere python object, but I am not sure if its possible to output it Troposphere code.
You can do it by converting the CF YAML to JSON and running the passing the JSON file in as an argument.
Adding to the good tip from #OllieB
Install dependencies using pip or poetry:
pip install 'troposphere[policy]'
pip install cfn-flip
poetry add -D 'troposphere[policy]'
poetry add -D cfn-flip
The command line conversion is something like:
cfn-flip -c -j template-vpc.yaml template-vpc.json
cfn2py template-vpc.json >
WARNING: it appears that the cfn2py script might not be fully unit tested or something, because it can generate some code that does not pass troposphere validations. I recommend adding a simple round-trip test to the end of the output python script, e.g.
if __name__ == "__main__":
template_py = json.loads(t.to_json())
with open("template-vpc.json", "r") as json_fd:
template_cfn = json.load(json_fd)
assert template_py == template_cfn
See also for an example of auto-generation of pydantic models from CFN json schemas.
from troposphere.template_generator import TemplateGenerator
import yaml
with open("aws/cloudformation/template.yaml") as f:
source_content = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.BaseLoader)
template = TemplateGenerator(source_content)
This snippet shall give you a template object from Troposphere library. You can then make modifications using Troposphere api.

Possible to change the package name when generating client code

I am generating the client scala code for an API using the Swagger Edtior. I pasted the json then did a Generate Client/Scala. It gives me a default root package of
I can't see any obvious way of specifying something different. Can this be done?
Step (1): Create a file config.json and add following lines and define package names:
"modelPackage" : "",
"apiPackage" : ""
Step (2): Now, pass the above file name along with codegen command with -c option:
$ java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i path/swagger.json -l java -o Code -c path/config.json
Now, it will generate your java packages like… instead of default one io.swagger.client…
Run the following command to get information about the supported configuration options
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar config-help -l scala
This will give you information about supported by this generator (Scala in this example):
Sort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters. (Default: true)
Whether to ensure parameter names are unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not). (Default: true)
package for generated models
package for generated api classes
Next, define a config.json file with the above parameters:
"modelPackage": "your package name",
"apiPackage": "your package name"
And supply config.json as input to swagger-codegen using the -c flag.

Download latest GitHub release

I'd like to have "Download Latest Version" button on my website which would represent the link to the latest release (stored at GitHub Releases). I tried to create release tag named "latest", but it became complicated when I tried to load new release (confusion with tag creation date, tag interchanging, etc.). Updating download links on my website manually is also a time-consuming and scrupulous task. I see the only way - redirect all download buttons to some html, which in turn will redirect to the actual latest release.
Note that my website is hosted at GitHub Pages (static hosting), so I simply can't use server-side scripting to generate links. Any ideas?
You don't need any scripting to generate a download link for the latest release. Simply use this format:
If for some reason you want to obtain a link to the latest release download, including its version number, you can obtain that from the get latest release API:
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/latest
$.get('', function (data) {
$('#result').attr('href', data.zipball_url);
<script src=""></script>
<a id="result">Download latest release (.ZIP)</a>
Github now provides a "Latest release" button on the release page of a project, after you have created your first release.
In the example you gave, this button links to
You can use the following where:
${Organization} as the GitHub user or organization
${Repository} is the repository name
curl -L${Organization}/${Repository}/tarball > ${Repository}.tar.gz
The top level directory in the .tar.gz file has the sha hash of the commit in the directory name which can be a problem if you need an automated way to change into the resulting directory and do something.
The method below will strip this out, and leave the files in a folder with a predictable name.
mkdir ${Repository}
curl -L${Organization}/${Repository}/tarball | tar -zxv -C ${Repository} --strip-components=1
Since February 18th, 2015, the GitHUb V3 release API has a get latest release API.
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/latest
See also "Linking to releases".
Still, the name of the asset can be tricky.
Git-for-Windows, for instance, requires a command like:
curl -IkLs -o NUL -w %{url_effective} \|\
grep -o "[^/]*$"| sed "s/v//g"|\
xargs -I T echo \ \
-o PortableGit-T-64-bit.7z.exe| \
sed "s/.windows.1-64/-64/g"|sed "s/.windows.\(.\)-64/.\1-64/g"|\
xargs curl -kL
The first 3 lines extract the latest version
The rest will build the right URL
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
Maybe could you use some client-side scripting and dynamically generate the target of the link by invoking the GitHub api, through some JQuery magic?
The Releases API exposes a way to retrieve the list of all the releases from a repository. For instance, this link return a Json formatted list of all the releases of the ReactiveUI project.
Extracting the first one would return the latest release.
Within this payload:
The html_url attribute will hold the first part of the url to build (ie.{owner}/{repository}/releases/{version}).
The assets array will list of the downloadable archives. Each asset will bear a name attribute
Building the target download url is only a few string operations away.
Insert the download/ keyword between the releases/ segment from the html_url and the version number
Append the name of the asset to download
Resulting url will be of the following format:{owner}/{repository}/releases/download/{version}/name_of_asset
For instance, regarding the Json payload from the link ReactiveUI link above, we've got html_url: "" and one asset with name: "".
As such, the download url is
If you using PHP try follow code:
function getLatestTagUrl($repository, $default = 'master') {
$file = #json_decode(#file_get_contents("$repository/tags", false,
stream_context_create(['http' => ['header' => "User-Agent: Vestibulum\r\n"]])
return sprintf("$repository/archive/", $file ? reset($file)->name : $default);
Function usage example
echo 'Download';
As I didn't see the answer here, but it was quite helpful for me while running continuous integration tests, this one-liner that only requires you to have curl will allow to search the Github repo's releases to download the latest version
I use it to run PHPSTan on our repository using the following script
If you are trying to download form any linux — even old or tiny versions — or are trying to download from a bash script then the failproof way is using this command:
wget$OWNER/$REPO/releases/latest -O - | awk -F \" -v RS="," '/browser_download_url/ {print $(NF-1)}' | xargs wget
do not forget to replace $OWNER and $REPO with the right owner and repository names. The command downloads a json page with the data of the latest release. then awk gets the value from the browser_download_url key.
If you are in a really old linux or a tiny embedded system with a small wget, the download name can be a problem. In such case you can always use the ultra-reliable:
URL=$(wget$OWNER/$REPO/releases/latest -O - | awk -F \" -v RS="," '/browser_download_url/ {print $(NF-1)}'); wget $URL -O $(basename "$URL")
As noted by #Dan Dascalescu in a comment to accepted answer, there are some projects (roughly 30%) which do not bother to file formal releases, so neither "Latest release" button nor /releases/latest API call would return useful data.
To reliably fetch the latest release for a GitHub project, you can use lastversion.

Creating/Duplicating a Certificate Template with Powershell

I want to create a template using powershell but I cannot seem to figure out how to set a Minimum Supported CA for the template. I was never able to figure out how to duplicate a template, just create a new one.
My code is as follows
$temp = ([ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE".ConfigurationNamingContext
$ADSI = [ADSI]"LDAP://CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services, CN=Services,$config"
$temp = $ADSI.Create("pKICertificateTemplate","CN=Web Server 2008-2")
$temp.put("distinguishedName","CN=Web Server 2008-2,CM=Certificate Template,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services.$Config)
This works to create an actual template, but I want the template to be created using Windows Server 2008 Enterprise as the Minimum Supported CAs
In ADCS, a version 1 cert is Win200, version 2 is 2003, and version 3 is 2008.
I don't have a lab to verify in, but I think you need to set the template schema to 3:
$temp.put("msPKI-Template-Minor-Revision","0") # Not sure if you actually need this.
As a workaround (not for every scenario), you can duplicate/set a certificate template manually once (on your CA) and export that template using ldifde (on your DC). E. g., you duplicated the Webserver template and called it Webserver Custom:
ldifde -m -d 'CN=WebserverCustom,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com' -f .\webservercustom.ldf
Later, in some kind of automation, you can import that template by issuing:
ldifde -i -f .\webservercustom.ldf