I am creating a custom marker tooltip:
However, after opening the custom one, after a while the "default" tooltip appears additionally.
How to hide the default tooltip?
Set the title option of your L.Marker to an empty string.
I'm very confused... If I pass draw: false. I get a toolbar. I need to customize this toolbar so I passed in the parameters to ensure only imperial units were being used at the time and well. Now I have 2 toolbars. How to disable the defualt one?
Had drawControl: true when initializing the map. That was the issue.
Hi Please see this Radar chart, I want to mouse hover the indicator to display the current value but not only the indicator name. Currently, the default display is only the name. It is enabled by triggerEvent: true .Please see this fiddle.
I'm looking for a way to get content (text) of the active tooltip on a Leaflet map.
I can bind new tooltip content, but I can't seem to find a method to get the text.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to identify an object that the user hovers over to trigger an additional action outside of Leaflet.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can get the Tooltip content with: marker.getTooltip().getContent();
I'm using tinyMCE on modal bootstrap, I want to use the custom color plugin to add color that doesn't exist on the tinyMCE..
I know the color code that I want to use, but I can't focus to the textbox to input my color code on custom color popup
How to fix this ?
The Bootstrap modal has code that stops anything else from getting focus while it is enabled (by design). You should be able to override this with code like the following:
$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function() {
(This assumes you are don't mind using jQuery)
I have a tree of nodes and each node has its own icon.
what I want to do is to add a tooltip for each node's icon.
In fact, using qtip will add a tooltip to the whole node (node row) and it is not what i need.
So is it possible to do that in somehow?
You should implement it in a similar way as it is done in this example.
Set a respective .Delegate for a ToolTip.
Define a custom attribute in a Node's CustomAttributes that contains a tooltip text for the icon and show that in a ToolTip's onShow.