nftables blocking local unix sockets - unix-socket

I can't seem to find any documentation that explains how to configure nftables to allow unix sockets for passthrough. I've got a CentOS 8 box running an LDAP server, and local commands like ldapsearch/ldapwhoami fail unless I disable nftables or manually direct it at the loopback IP address. Any step in the right direction is greatly appreciated.


VirtualBox port redirection issues with non standard HTTPS ports

I have setup a CentOS VM to test Hadoop. I set a network interface in NAT mode with a paravirtualized network type interface. Port redirection for SSH (TCP 22) works without issues. However some other ports do not seem to fully work (9870, 8042, 9864). I can see some "action" happening. Let me give an example for port 9870.
These are my rules (remember I said the SSH rule works without issues):
RulesX TCP 59870 9870
When I try to access I get automatically redirected to but eventually I get a ERR_TIMED_OUT error.
Tracing the traffic on the VM, I can see the traffic coming in but I cannot see any response back (I have one single network interface):
I am not sure what else to look at.
Any idea is highly welcome. Thank you!
More than likely, you need to open the non-standard ports on Centos firewall.
Open firewall port on CentOS 7

Which server will be best for website Xampp or Windows Server 2008

I'm using Xampp server (Apache server ) for my website however it has some connectivity issues with the internet and I can't access it online. So I was advised that I must use Windows server 2008. Let me know if this is a good idea or not. The Xampp has issue with port forward through Dynamic IP. Let me know the best option that I have.
To connect your Apache webserver to the internet you don't need to do any local port-forwarding, you should try port-forwarding with your router. If you're runing linux, you should type ifconfig and look for your default gateway, that's the ip your router is using.
Some ISP's force you to use their own website to port-forward though. Standard, apache always runs on port 80, which you should allow in your firewall using the TCP protocol.
Perhaps you could explain your situation more, Windows Server won't make the hosting easier though. You will most likely encounter the same problems.

not able to open port in googlecloud

i am configuring voip server on centos 7 (google cloude) but some ports are blocked .
I disabled Firewall in centos
I added firewall rule to google networking.1
plz help m new to it.
You are doing it properly. Also, you can enable your Firewall in centos and just open the required ports.
To make sure that these ports are in fact open now and available to you, you should try running a small sample server on that port and try to access it from outside on that same port. If you can do so, then the networking part is done. Rest should be configured on your VOIP side.

Developer exception starting a client-server model on Eiffel net

I'm trying to establish a connection using sockets between 2 PC's on the same LAN using the Eiffel Programming Language. I'm trying to run the examples that are by default on the installation directory of Eiffel Studio. However right now I'm trying to make it on the same machine by addressing to localhost (
It works perfectly on Linux (Ubuntu 15.10) but on windows 7 I'm getting an exception when I try to run the client program. The code of the exception is 24 Unable to establish connection. The server program runs just fine and I already got a connection between a client on linux and a server on windows. I didn't find a solution to this exception on the documentation nor on other sites. Here is a screencap:
Screencap of the debugger
Here is a link to the doc:
Thank you in advance.
The issue might be caused by the fact that some ports are used and others are reserved by the system. In particular the port range 0-1023 is designated for use by common system and network services. Ports beyond this range can also be registered (e.g., Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry or List of TCP and UDP port numbers). System security settings could also prevent applications from using specific port numbers.
The solution is to look for and to use port numbers that are available for user applications. Ports currently used on Windows can be found with netstat -an, what can be used is related to TCP/IP and firewall settings. The simplest approach is to try using some other port numbers, e.g. in the range 1024-49151.

oVirt engine 3.6 in local Internet **connectionless** network

I wanna use oVirt engine 3.6 in my Internet connectionless network. I installed oVirt with yum over internet. After that I tried to work offline. When I go offline Web Interface it still works fine. But I connected it to my local netowork Interface starts not to respond. I check POST/GET requests that made by it and I see it stuck on request/respond to/from GenericApiGWTService. For example, normally time between request and respond takes 1 to 600ms but when I connect it to local network it take up to 300.000ms second and eventually it fails. I use CentOS 7 x86_64. I couldn't figure out what is it cause to that.
I fix the problem by;
Use another IP from different address group then the one you use for
internet connection. Example: I used for internet
connection. When I connect pc to local I changed it to
Delete all Gateway and DNS IPs.
Then it works fine.