Is it possible to have a scriptblock evaluated inside a string? - powershell

I would like for the resulting value in $s to be "now is then for today"
PS H:\> $s = "now is $({if (1 -eq 1){'then'}}) for today"
PS H:\> $s
now is if (1 -eq 1){'then'} for today

It's definitely possible, and pretty easy with subexpressions
You were close, just need to remove the outer set of curly braces
$s = "now is $(if (1 -eq 1){'then'}) for today"

Delay-bind script-block arguments are an implicit feature that:
only works with parameters that are designed to take pipeline input,
of any type except the following, in which case regular parameter binding happens[1]:
[object] ([psobject], however, does work, and therefore [pscustomobject] too)
(no type specified), which is effectively the same as [object]
whether such parameters accept pipeline input by value (ValueFromPipelineBy) or by property name (ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName), is irrelevant.
enables per-input-object transformations via a script block passed instead of a type-appropriate argument; the script block is evaluated for each pipeline object, which is accessible inside the script block as $_, as usual, and the script block's output - which is assumed to be type-appropriate for the parameter - is used as the argument.
Since such ad-hoc script blocks by definition do not match the type of the parameter you're targeting, you must always use the parameter name explicitly when passing them.
Delay-bind script blocks unconditionally provide access to the pipeline input objects, even if the parameter would ordinarily not be bound by a given pipeline object, if it is defined as ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName and the object lacks a property by that name.
This enables techniques such as the following call to Rename-Item, where the pipeline input from Get-Item is - as usual - bound to the -LiteralPath parameter, but passing a script block to -NewName - which would ordinarily only bind to input objects with a .NewName property - enables access to the same pipeline object and thus deriving the destination filename from the input filename:
Get-Item file | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name + '1' } # renames 'file' to 'file1'; input binds to both -LiteralPath (implicitly) and the -NewName script block.
Note: Unlike script blocks passed to ForEach-Object or Where-Object, for example, delay-bind script blocks run in a child variable scope[2], which means that you cannot directly modify the caller's variables, such as incrementing a counter across input objects.
As a workaround, use a [ref]-typed variable declared in the caller's scope and access its .Value property inside the script block - see this answer for an example.


Dot-sourcing a self-elevate script

I have a self elevate snippet which is quite wordy, so I decided instead of duplicating it at the top of every script that needs to be run as admin to move it into a separate .ps1:
function Switch-ToAdmin {
# Self-elevate the script if required
if (-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
if ([int](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BuildNumber) -ge 6000) {
$Cmd = #(
"-Command Set-Location `"$(Get-Location)`"; & `"$PSCommandPath`""
$ProcArgs = #{
FilePath = 'PowerShell.exe'
Verb = 'RunAs'
ArgumentList = $Cmd
Start-Process #ProcArgs
So for every script that needs elevation I'd prepend
. "$PSScriptRoot\self-elevate.ps1"
# rest of script
Doing above successfully procs the UAC prompt, but the rest of the script won't get executed.
Is this sorta stuff disallowed?
Darin and iRon have provided the crucial pointers:
Darin points out that the automatic $PSCommandPath variable variable in your Switch-ToAdmin function does not contain the full path of the script from which the function is called, but that of the script in which the function is defined, even if that script's definitions are loaded directly into the scope of your main script via ., the dot-sourcing operator.
The same applies analogously to the automatic $PSScriptRoot variable, which reflects the defining script's full directory path.
Also, more generally, the automatic $PSBoundParameters variable inside a function reflects that function's bound parameters, not its enclosing script's.
iRon points out that the Get-PSCallStack cmdlet can be used to get information about a script's callers, starting at index 1; the first object returned - index 0, when Get-PSCallStack output is captured in an array, represents the current command. Index 1 therefore refers to the immediate caller, which from the perspective of your dot-sourced script is your main script.
Replace $PSCommandPath with $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath, via the automatic $MyInvocation variable. $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath truly reflects the caller's full script path, irrespective of where the called function was defined.
Alternatively, use (Get-PSCallStack)[1].ScriptName, which despite what the property name suggests, returns the full path of the calling script too.
Replace $PSBoundParameters with (Get-PSCallStack)[1].InvocationInfo.BoundParameters
Note that there's also (Get-PSCallStack)[1].Arguments, but it seems to contain a single string only, containing a representation of all arguments that is only semi-structured and therefore doesn't allow robust reconstruction of the individual parameters.
As an aside:
Even if $PSBoundParameters contained the intended information, "-$($PSBoundParameters.Keys)" would only succeed in passing the bound parameters through if your script defines only one parameter, if that parameter is a [switch] parameter, and if it is actually passed in every invocation.
Passing arguments through robustly in this context is hard to do, and has inherent limitations - see this answer for a - complex - attempt to make it work as well as possible.

Powershell console different to script

Can anyone tell me why this command works fine in the Powershell console, returning a single thumbprint, but when run as a script it just returns all the certificate's thumbprints:
$crt = (Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\WebHosting\ | Where-Object {$_.Subject.Contains($certcn)}).thumbprint
$certcn is a string containing a domain. eg ""
I figured it out. $certcn was derived from $args[0]. It turns out $args[0] is not a string, and even though PS would quite happily use it as a string in other commands, it would not do this with Where-Object.
Not sure what type $args[0] actually is, but doing $certcn = $args[0].tostring() fixed it.
The only explanation for your symptom is that the value of variable $certcn:
either: is the empty string ('') because 'someString'.Contains('') returns $true for any input string.
or: is implicitly converted to the empty string, though that wouldn't happen often in practice; here are some examples (see GitHub issue # for the [pscustomobject] stringification bug mentioned below):
# An empty array stringifies to ''
'someString'.Contains(#()) # -> $true
# A single-element array containing $null stringifies to ''
'someString'.Contains(#($null)) # -> $true
# Due to a longstanding bug, [pscustomobject] instances, when
# stringified via .ToString(), convert to the empty string.
# This makes the command equivalent to `.Contains(#(''))`, which is again
# the same as `.Contains('')`
'someString'.Contains(#([pscustomobject] #{ foo=1 })) # -> $true
$args[0] is not a string
The automatic $args variable is an array that contains all positional arguments that weren't bound to declared parameters, if any.
$args can contain elements of any data type, and what that type is is solely determined by the caller.
However, if you formally declare a parameter, you can type it, which means that if the caller passes an argument of a different data type, an attempt is made to convert the argument to the parameter's type (which may fail, but at least the failure will be "loud", and the reason obvious).
A robust solution for your script:
[Parameter(Mandatory)] # Ensure that the caller passes a value.
[string] $CertCN # Type-constrain to a string.
# , ... declare other parameters as needed
# $CertCN is now guaranteed to be a *string* that is *non-empty*.
$crt =
(Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\WebHosting |
Where-Object { $_.Subject.Contains($CertCN) }).thumbprint
The use of the [Parameter()] attribute in the parameter declaration block (param(...)) makes your script an advanced one, which means that $args isn't supported, requiring all arguments to bind to explicitly declared parameters; however, you can define a catch-all parameter with [Parameter(ValueFromRemaningArguments)], if needed. (The other thing that makes a script or function an advanced one is use of the [CmdletBinding()] attribute above the param(...) block as a whole.)
[Parameter(Mandatory)], in addition to ensuring that the caller passes a value for the parameter, implicitly also prevents passing the empty string (or $null) - though you could explicitly allow that with [AllowEmptyString()]
Additionally, advanced scripts and functions automatically prevent passing arrays to [string]-typed parameters, which is desirable. (By contrast, simple functions and scripts simply stringify arrays, as would happen in expandable strings (string interpolation); e.g., & { param([string] $foo) $foo } 1, 2 binds '1 2', which is also what you'd get with "$(1, 2)")
When passing a value to a [string]-typed parameter, PowerShell accepts a scalar (non-collection) of any type, and any non-string type is automatically converted to a string, via .ToString(). This is usually desirable and convenient, but can result in useless stringifications; e.g.:
& { param([string] $str) $str } #{} # -> 'System.Collections.Hashtable'
Instances of hashtables (#{ ... }) stringify to their type name, which is unhelpful, and this behavior is the default behavior for any type that doesn't explicitly implement a meaningful string representation by overriding the .ToString() method.
If that is a concern, you can modify your script to ensure that the argument value being passed already is a string, using a [ValidateScript()] attribute.
# Ensure that the argument value is a [string] to begin with.
# Note: The `ErrorMessage` property requires PowerShell (Core) 7+
[ValidateScript({ $_ -is [string] }, ErrorMessage='Please pass a *string* argument.')]
$CertCN # Do not type-constrain, so that the original type can be inspected.
# , ... declare other parameters as needed
# ...
As stated in the code comments, use of the ErrorMessage property in the requires PowerShell (Core) 7+, unfortunately. In Windows PowerShell a standard error message is invariably shown, which isn't user-friendly at all.

Impossible to remove a variable in Powershell

I have come across the strangest behaviour that has been driving me nuts when writing scripts. It is impossible sometimes to remove the value of a variable in Powershell. I have tried:
Remove-Variable -Force
Also tried making it equal to an empty string or making it $null but the variable value and type remains.
Anyone have an idea how this can happen?
I am using Powershell version 5 on Windows Server 2016.
Here some screenshots:
To remove a variable, pass its name without the $ sigil to the Remove-Variable cmdlet's
-Name parameter (which is positionally implied); using the example of a variable $date:
Using an argument:
# Note the required absence of $ in the name; quoting the var. name is
# optional in this case.
Remove-Variable -Force -Name date
Using the pipeline would require you to specify objects whose .Name property contains the name of the variable to delete, because these property values implicitly bind to Remove-Variable's -Name parameter; the simplest way to achieve that is to use the Get-Variable cmdlet, which too requires specifying the name without the $:
# Works, but is inefficient.
Get-Variable -Name date | Remove-Variable -Force
However, this is both more verbose and less efficient than directly passing the name(s) as an argument.
As for what you tried:
You variable-removal command is conceptually flawed:
$date | Remove-Variable -Force
Except as the LHS of an assignment ($date = ...), referring to a variable with the $ sigil returns its value, not the variable itself.
That is, since your $date variable contains a [datetime] instance, it is that instance that is sent through the pipeline, and since only strings are supported as input - that is, variable names - the command fails.
In effect, your call is equivalent to the following, which predictably fails:
PS> Get-Date | Remove-Variable -Force
Remove-Variable : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command
either because the command does not take pipeline input
or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.
What the somewhat verbose, general error message is implying in this case is that the input object was of the wrong type (because only objects with a .Name property are accepted, which [datetime] doesn't have).
Contexts in which you need refer to a variable itself rather than to its value:
What these contexts have in common is that you need to specify the variable name without the $ sigil.
Two notable examples:
All *-Variable cmdlets expect the names of variables to operate on, such as the Get-Variable cmdlet that returns objects representing variables, of type System.Management.Automation.PSVariable; these objects include the name, value, and other attributes of a PowerShell variable.
# Gets an object describing variable $date
$varObject = Get-Variable date # -Name parameter implied
When you pass the name of an output variable to a -*Variable common parameter
# Prints Get-Date's output while also capturing the output
# in variable $date.
Get-Date -OutVariable date
As implied, above, assigning to a variable with = is the only exception: there you do use the $ sigil, e.g. $date = Get-Date.
Note that this differs from POSIX-compatible shells such as bash, where you do not use $ in assignments (and must not have whitespace around =); e.g., date=$(date).

Wrapper function for cmdlet - pass remaining parameters

I'm writing a function that wraps a cmdlet using ValueFromRemainingArguments (as discussed here).
The following simple code demonstrates the problem:
function Test-WrapperArgs {
Set-Location #args
Test-WrapperArgs -Path C:\
does not work
function Test-WrapperUnbound {
[Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $UnboundArgs
Set-Location #UnboundArgs
Test-WrapperUnbound -Path C:\
Set-Location: F:\cygwin\home\thorsten\.config\powershell\test.ps1:69
Line |
69 | Set-Location #UnboundArgs
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'C:\'.
I tried getting to the issue with GetType and EchoArgs from the PowerShell Community Extensions to no avail. At the moment I'm almost considering a bug (maybe related to this ticket??).
The best solution for an advanced function (one that uses a [CmdletBinding()] attribute and/or a [Parameter()] attribute) is to scaffold a proxy (wrapper) function via the PowerShell SDK, as shown in this answer.
This involves essentially duplicating the target command's parameter declarations (albeit in an automatic, but static fashion).
If you do not want to use this approach, your only option is to perform your own parsing of the $UnboundArgs array (technically, it is an instance of [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]), which is cumbersome, however, and not foolproof:
function Test-WrapperUnbound {
[Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $UnboundArgs
# (Incompletely) emulate PowerShell's own argument parsing by
# building a hashtable of parameter-argument pairs to pass through
# to Set-Location via splatting.
$htPassThruArgs = #{}; $key = $null
switch -regex ($UnboundArgs) {
'^-(.+)' { if ($key) { $htPassThruArgs[$key] = $true } $key = $Matches[1] }
default { $htPassThruArgs[$key] = $_; $key = $null }
if ($key) { $htPassThruArgs[$key] = $true } # trailing switch param.
# Pass the resulting hashtable via splatting.
Set-Location #htPassThruArgs
This isn't foolproof in that your function won't be able to distinguish between an actual parameter name (e.g., -Path) and a string literal that happens to look like a parameter name (e.g., '-Path')
Also, unlike with the scaffolding-based proxy-function approach mentioned at the top, you won't get tab-completion for any pass-through parameters and the pass-through parameters won't be listed with -? / Get-Help / Get-Command -Syntax.
If you don't mind having neither tab-completion nor syntax help and/or your wrapper function must support pass-through to multiple or not-known-in-advance target commands, using a simple (non-advanced) function with #args (as in your working example; see also below) is the simplest option, assuming your function doesn't itself need to support common parameters (which requires an advanced function).
Using a simple function also implies that common parameters are passed through to the wrapped command only (whereas an advanced function would interpret them as meant for itself, though their effect usually propagates to calls inside the function; with a common parameter such as -OutVariable, however, the distinction matters).
As for what you tried:
While PowerShell does support splatting via arrays (or array-like collections such as [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]) in principle, this only works as intended if all elements are to be passed as positional arguments and/or if the target command is an external program (about whose parameter structure PowerShell knows nothing, and always passes arguments as a list/array of tokens).
In order to pass arguments with named parameters to other PowerShell commands, you must use hashtable-based splatting, where each entry's key identifies the target parameter and the value the parameter value (argument).
Even though the automatic $args variable is technically also an array ([object[]]), PowerShell has built-in magic that allows splatting with #args to also work with named parameters - this does not work with any custom array or collection.
Note that the automatic $args variable, which collects all arguments for which no parameter was declared - is only available in simple (non-advanced) functions and scripts; advanced functions and scripts - those that use the [CmdletBinding()] attribute and/or [Parameter()] attributes - require that all potential parameters be declared.

For PowerShell cmdlets, can I always pass a script block to a string parameter?

I'm looking at the documentation of PowerShell's Rename-Item cmdlet and there is an example like this.
Get-ChildItem *.txt | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -Replace '\.txt','.log' }
This example shows how to use the Replace operator to rename multiple
files, even though the NewName parameter does not accept wildcard
This command renames all of the .txt files in the current directory to
The command uses the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to get all of the files in
the current folder that have a .txt file name extension. Then, it
uses the pipeline operator (|) to send those files to Rename-Item .
The value of NewName is a script block that runs before the value is
submitted to the NewName parameter.
Note the last sentence:
The value of NewName is a script block that runs before the value is submitted to the NewName parameter.
Actually NewName is a string:
[-NewName] <String>
So does that means I can always use a script block when the required parameter type is a string?
# Delay-bind script-block argument:
# The code inside { ... } is executed for each input object ($_) and
# the output is passed to the -NewName parameter.
... | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace '\.txt$','.log' }
The call above shows an application of a delay-bind script-block ({ ... }) argument, which is an implicit feature that:
only works with parameters that are designed to take pipeline input,
of any type except the following, in which case regular parameter binding happens[1]:
[object] ([psobject], however, does work, and therefore the equivalent [pscustomobject] too)
(no type specified), which is effectively the same as [object]
Whether such parameters accept pipeline input by value (ValueFromPipeline) or by property name (ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName), is irrelevant.
See this answer for how to discover a given cmdlet's pipeline-binding parameters; in the simplest case, e.g.:
Get-Help Rename-Item -Parameter * | Where pipelineInput -like True*
enables per-input-object transformations via a script block passed instead of a type-appropriate argument; the script block is evaluated for each pipeline object, which is accessible inside the script block as $_, as usual, and the script block's output - which is assumed to be type-appropriate for the parameter - is used as the argument.
Since such ad-hoc script blocks by definition do not match the type of the parameter you're targeting, you must always use the parameter name explicitly when passing them.
Delay-bind script blocks unconditionally provide access to the pipeline input objects, even if the parameter would ordinarily not be bound by a given pipeline object, if it is defined as ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName and the object lacks a property by that name.
This enables techniques such as the following call to Rename-Item, where the pipeline input from Get-Item is - as usual - bound to the -LiteralPath parameter, but passing a script block to -NewName - which would ordinarily only bind to input objects with a .NewName property - enables access to the same pipeline object and thus deriving the destination filename from the input filename:
Get-Item file | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name + '1' } # renames 'file' to 'file1'; input binds to both -LiteralPath (implicitly) and the -NewName script block.
Note: Unlike script blocks passed to ForEach-Object or Where-Object, for example, delay-bind script blocks run in a child variable scope[2], which means that you cannot directly modify the caller's variables, such as incrementing a counter across input objects.
As a workaround, use Get-Variable to gain access to a caller's variable and access its .Value property inside the script block - see this answer for an example.
[1] Error conditions:
If you mistakenly attempt to pass a script block to a parameter that is either not pipeline-binding or is [scriptblock]- or [object]-typed (untyped), regular parameter-binding occurs:
The script block is passed once, before pipeline-input processing begins, if any.
That is, the script block is passed as a (possibly converted) value, and no evaluation happens.
For parameters of type [object] or [scriptblock] / a delegate type such as System.Func that is convertible to a script block, the script block will bind as-is.
In the case of a (non-pipeline-binding) [string]-typed parameter, the script block's literal contents is passed as the string value.
For all other types, parameter binding - and therefore the command as a whole - will simply fail, since conversion from a script block is not possible.
If you neglect to provide pipeline input while passing a delay-bind script block to a pipeline-binding parameter that does support them, you'll get the following error:
Cannot evaluate parameter '<name>' because its argument is specified as a script block and there is no input. A script block cannot be evaluated without input.
[2] This discrepancy is being discussed in GitHub issue #7157.
So does that means I can always use a script block when the required
parameter type is a string? : NO
Here the technique is called Delay Binding, which is very useful this scenario.
What happens when you do delay binding ?
PowerShell ParameteBinder will understand the usage of delay binding and will execute the ScriptBlock first and the output is then converted to respective parameter's expected type, here it is string.
Below is an example.
#Working one
'Path'|Join-Path -Path {$_} -ChildPath 'File'
#Not working one
Join-Path -Path {'path'} -ChildPath 'File'
Join-Path : Cannot evaluate parameter 'Path' because its argument is specified as a script block and there is no input. A script block cannot be evaluated without input.
To know more about ParameterBinding, you can do a Trace-Command like below.
Trace-Command ParameterBinding -Expression {'Path'|Join-Path -Path {$_} -ChildPath 'File'} -PSHost
With Delay Binding, the parameter can receive a value from the pipeline using a scriptblock instead of the actual data type of the parameter.
In the scriptblock, $_ stands for the piped value.
It is only available when there is input coming on the pipeline.