Remove array element from document matching a field in array element - mongodb

I have a document looking like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5f60ffc5aefd067a9ff9345c"),
"_class" : "",
"number1" : NumberLong(923211105469),
"numbers2" : [
"field1" : "20200915532E888",
"number2" : NumberLong(923018565627),
"field2" : "abcd",
"datefield" : ISODate("2020-10-10T17:54:09.886Z")
"field1" : "2020092570A6948",
"number2" : NumberLong(923018565627),
"field2" : "efgh",
"datefield" : ISODate("2020-10-06T15:23:04.891Z")
"field1" : "2020092570A6948",
"number2" : NumberLong(923018565627),
"field2" : "ijkl",
"datefield" : ISODate("2020-10-03T15:23:04.891Z")
"optInCount" : 0
I want to delete array indices containing datefield value greater than 2020-10-04
After executing the command document must be updated like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5f60ffc5aefd067a9ff9345c"),
"_class" : "",
"number1" : NumberLong(923211105469),
"numbers2" : [
"field1" : "2020092570A6948",
"number2" : NumberLong(923018565627),
"field2" : "ijkl",
"datefield" : ISODate("2020-10-03T15:23:04.891Z")
"optInCount" : 0

You can use updateMany() or update(), and $pull to remove matching record form array,
$pull: {
numbers2: { datefield: { $gt: ISODate("2020-10-04T00:00:00.000Z") } }


I Want add if data in element array not exists

I have this data in database.
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6ef287370ff5dc3d6fda7b"),
"name" : "Jhones Crows",
"hobbies" : [
"name" : "swim",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6ef287370ff5dc3d6fda7b")
"name" : "run",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6ef287370ff5dc3d6fda7c")
And I try to add data into hobbies if data in hobbies not exist. I try this :
{'_id' : ObjectId("5a6ef287370ff5dc3d6fda7b"), '' : 'sport'},
{ $addToSet : { 'hobbies' : {
'name' : 'sport',
{upsert : true}
And I want data result like this :
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6ef287370ff5dc3d6fda7b"),
"name" : "Jhones Crows",
"hobbies" : [
"name" : "swim",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6ef287370ff5dc3d6fda7b")
"name" : "run",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6ef287370ff5dc3d6fda7c")
"name" : "sport",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a6ef287370ff5dc3d6fda7a")
so suppose the value of sport is not in will add a new name object in the hobbies. but if there is not change anything

Mongodb - Return all the associative documents with value for the key derived from another query

I have a document of following structure:
"Type" : "Request",
"Cat" : "A",
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Processed",
"Cat" : "A",
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Receieved",
"Cat" : "A",
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Receieved",
"Cat" : "B",
"ID" : 11
"Type" : "Processed",
"Cat" : "C",
"ID" : 12
I want documents:
Those documents with Type: "Processed" and get its ID
And all the associated documents with the ID got from above (1st step).
I need the results to be like this:
"Type" : "Request"
"Cat" : "A"
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Processed"
"Cat" : "A"
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Receieved"
"Cat" : "A"
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Processed"
"Cat" : "C"
"ID" : 12
Can someone help me on how to achieve this ? I used elemmatch under $match in aggregate - but its not working as expected.
You can try something like
{$project : {
"doc.Type" : "$Type",
"doc.Cat" : "$Cat",
"doc.ID" : "$ID"
{$group : {
_id : "$ID",
docs : {$push : doc}
{$match : {
{$unwind : "$docs"},
{$project : {
_id : 0,
docs : 0,
"Type" : "$docs.Type",
"Cat" : "$docs.Cat",
"ID" : "$docs.ID"

MongoDB find documents if a property array doesn't contain an object

I have a list of documents like this.
"name" : "test",
"data" : [
{ "code" : "name", "value" : "Diego" },
{ "code" : "nick", "value" : "Darko" },
{ "code" : "special", "value" : true }
"name" : "another",
"data" : [
{ "code" : "name", "value" : "Antonio" },
{ "code" : "nick", "value" : "Tony" }
now I need to find all the documents that:
a) don't contain a "data" item with code "special"
b) contains a "data" item with code "special" and value false
It's like I needed the opposite of $elemMatch or I'm missing something?
I'm assuming that you're inserting each document in your list of documents as a separate member of a collection test.
For a,
db.test.find({ "data.code" : { "$ne" : "special" } })
For b.,
db.test.find({ "data" : { "$elemMatch" : { "code" : "special", "value" : false } } })
Combining the two with $or,
db.test.find({ "$or" : [
{ "data.code" : { "$ne" : "special" } },
{ "data" : { "$elemMatch" : { "code" : "special", "value" : false } } }
] })
Hope this $nin will solve your issues.
I insertd your docs into "so" collection{}).pretty();
"_id" : ObjectId("5489cd4f4cb16307b808d4b2"),
"name" : "test",
"data" : [
{ "code" : "name",
"value" : "Diego"
{ "code" : "nick",
"value" : "Darko"
{ "code" : "special",
"value" : true
"_id" : ObjectId("5489cd674cb16307b808d4b3"),
"name" : "another",
"data" : [
{"code" : "name",
"value" : "Antonio"
{ "code" : "nick",
"value" : "Tony"
don't contain a "data" item with code "special"
"_id" : ObjectId("5489cd674cb16307b808d4b3"),
"name" : "another",
"data" : [
{ "code" : "name",
"value" : "Antonio"
{ "code" : "nick",
"value" : "Tony"
contains a "data" item with code "special" and value false{$and:[{"data.code":"special"},{"data.value":false}]}).pretty();

Mongodb pull data from subarray

Hi I have below mongodb collection
"_id" : ObjectId("53ce993639203f573671d3f5"),
"user_id" : NumberLong(51),
"buses" : [
"slot_id" : NumberLong(50),
"status" : NumberLong(3),
"bus_id" : NumberLong(8)
"slot_id" : NumberLong(67),
"status" : NumberLong(3),
"bus_id" : NumberLong(12)
i want to pull sub array where bus_id=8.
Final result i want to be like this
"_id" : ObjectId("53ce993639203f573671d3f5"),
"user_id" : NumberLong(51),
"buses" : [
"slot_id" : NumberLong(67),
"status" : NumberLong(3),
"bus_id" : NumberLong(12)
When i tried with below query
db.collectionname.update({},{$pull: {buses: {bus_id:8}}},{multi: true})
I got below error in console,
Cannot apply $pull/$pullAll modifier to non-array
Can any one please suggest me how to achieve this,and also need php mongodb query also.
Thanks in Advance
Worked fine for me for your sample document:
> db.bus.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("53ce993639203f573671d3f5"),
"user_id" : NumberLong(51),
"buses" : [
"slot_id" : NumberLong(50),
"status" : NumberLong(3),
"bus_id" : NumberLong(8)
"slot_id" : NumberLong(67),
"status" : NumberLong(3),
"bus_id" : NumberLong(12)
> db.bus.update({}, { "$pull" : { "buses" : { "bus_id" : 8 } } }, { "multi" : true })
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
> db.bus.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("53ce993639203f573671d3f5"),
"user_id" : NumberLong(51),
"buses" : [
"slot_id" : NumberLong(67),
"status" : NumberLong(3),
"bus_id" : NumberLong(12)
The cause of the problem is that some buses element is not an array. What does the query
> db.bus.find({ "buses.0" : { "$exists" : 0}, "buses" : { "$ne" : [] } })
return? This query finds documents where there is no 0th element of the array and the array is not empty, so it should return documents where buses is not an array.

$elemMatch dosen't work after $unwind in MongoDB Aggregation Framework

I have a collection of the following data:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f1fcc08188d3117c6da351"),
"cust_id" : "abc123",
"ord_date" : ISODate("2012-10-03T18:30:00Z"),
"status" : "A",
"price" : 25,
"items" : [{
"sku" : "ggg",
"qty" : 7,
"price" : 2.5
}, {
"sku" : "ppp",
"qty" : 5,
"price" : 2.5
I am using the query:
cmd { "aggregate" : "orders" , "pipeline" : [
{ "$unwind" : "$items"} ,
{ "$match" : { "items" : { "$elemMatch" : { "qty" : { "$in" : [ 7]}}}}} ,
{ "$group" : { "price" : { "$first" : "$price"} , "items" : { "$push" : { "sku" : "$items.sku"}} , "_id" : { "items" : "$items"}}} ,
{ "$sort" : { "price" : -1}} ,
{ "$project" : { "_id" : 0 , "price" : 1 , "items" : 1}}
Not able to understand what is going wrong
It's because you're doing $match after $unwind. $unwind generates a new stream of documents where items is no longer an array (see docs).
It emits each document as many times as there are items in it.
If you want to select documents with desired element in it and then process all of its documents, you should call $match first:
{ "$match" : { "items" : { "$elemMatch" : { "qty" : { "$in" : [ 7]}}}}},
{ "$unwind" : "$items"},
If you want to select items to be processed after $unwind, you shoul remove $elemMatch:
{ "$unwind" : "$items"},
{ "$match" : { "items.qty" : { "$in" : [7]}}},
In first case you'll get two documents:
"price" : 25,
"items" : [
{"sku" : "ppp"}
"price" : 25,
"items" : [
{"sku" : "ggg"}
and in second case you'll get one:
"price" : 25,
"items" : [
{"sku" : "ggg"}
Update. After $unwind your documents will look like:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f1fcc08188d3117c6da351"),
"cust_id" : "abc123",
"ord_date" : ISODate("2012-10-03T18:30:00Z"),
"status" : "A",
"price" : 25,
"items" : {
"sku" : "ggg",
"qty" : 7,
"price" : 2.5
For small number of documents, unwind and match is fine. But large number of documents, it better to do - match ($elemMatch), unwind, and match again.
{ "$match" : { "items" : { "$elemMatch" : { "qty" : { "$in" : [ 7]}}}}},
{ "$unwind" : "$items"},
{ "$match" : { "items.qty" : { "$in" : [7]}}}
The first match will filter only documents that match qty criteria. Among the selected documents, the second match will remove the subdocuments not matching the qty criteria.