Microsoft Edge address bar no longer autofill - autocomplete

I have loved Edge and have convinced others to use it - until 2 days ago. Out of the blue I can no longer begin typing a web site in the address bar and have it autofill. I have to type every single character.
I went into settings and found one called "Show me suggestions from my typed characters" and "Show me suggestions from history" but both are greyed out and cannot be turned on! And they say "This setting is managed by your organization."
I have tried everything to fix this - including going back to the previous Windows.
I was going to actually uninstall Edge but found out I CANNOT DO THIS! This is crazy. Then - when going to uninstall Edge - I saw what might be the culprit (though I have no clue - I'm not an expert). On October 7 something called "Microsoft Edge Update" was added and probably part of a Windows update and is in my list of add/remove programs, which of course as I stated above, cannot be done. I will disable Edge and stop using it if I cannot get this fixed.
What's going on? And there were a few other weird glitches, like the most commonly used function for me is alt-tab and that was taking me weird places. Can you please help me?

Same thing happened to me at the same time. Just delete the keys besides the default one in the following registry path:

Just delete the keys besides the default one in the following registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge
This worked for restoring the autocomplete function but my Edge still claims it's managed by an organization while it's installed on a home PC. I installed the insider beta just to install another version of Edge and it has the same issues.


vim emulation extension in VScode causing problems

I've been using VS Code in "VIM mode" for years now without a problem. I'm on v1.46 now. I fired it up today and immediately couldn't type and other keys like escape failed to register. In the lower left corner, I'd intermittently see the following:
I went into extensions and disabled the Vim Emulator which now allow me to edit the file normally... without the vim functionality, of course.
I saw a bug filed through GitHub that looked like it might have addressed it, but it was closed due to lack of info provided.
Any ideas what might be going on or how I can get my vim functionality back?
Here's a bit more info:
I reinstalled and updated both VSCode and plugin - same behavior
Sometimes the whole thing failed from the get and other times (after restarting), it seemed to fail 1 key at a time - for example I'd be typing along and then all of a sudden hitting backspace produces an error message in the lower right corner to the effect of command 'extension.vim_backspace' not found - here's the closed issue on github - for that specific message, but I also got errors with the escape and other keys
I also tried switching to NeoVim (on mac) which I thought was working, but eventually ended up going the same route (esc stopped working first typically)
I was having a similar problem with Vim in VS Code, and I noticed at the bottom-left when it reads --NORMAL-- or --VISUAL-- I typed the letter "i" and --INSERT-- appeared and allows me to type. I typed "i" because when I could type that is what I saw in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
Hope this is helpful.

How do I turn off "Contains emphasized items" in Visual Studio code?

I need to figure out how to turn off emphasized items in Visual Studio Code
This might sound like a strange requirement, but in my workflow vscode functions as less an IDE than a cross-platform ViM-esque frontend with lots of remote development tools built-in.
Due to this use case, I don't need or want the linting features to show up in the file browser. How might I accomplish this?
Attempts to solve the problem
I've run out of search terms here and cannot find an answer.
Searches including terms in this question's title yielded little
SO-specific search queries also yielded little
This seems to be somewhat related, at least as a representation of the "feature" I'm referencing: VS code containes emphasized items but no error
VSCode "preferences" do not appear to show what I'm looking for, likely an issue with me not searching for the right variable name.
In my experience with VSCode it has been wonderfully customize-able, so I'm guessing there's a setting somewhere ready to be modified to accomplish this. Any help much appreciated, thanks!
My use case was a bit different: after viewing some files in a git submodule those files became linted, and errors and warnings cluttered up my VS Code Explorer file browser window on files I had no intention of ever handling. I basically wanted a way to clear out those lint warnings, and found it here. The solution is to reload the window:
CtrlShiftP on Windows/Linux, ⌘ShiftP on Mac -- then select "Developer: Reload Window"
One by-product of reloading the window is that it clears out those unwanted warnings (at least until the next time I visit the file). It also has the effect of clearing out warnings on files that I would normally want to see, of course, but chances are I'll be visiting those files again soon, so it's fine. Not a perfect solution, but it works for me and my use-case; hopefully it can help others.
I don't know how to turn it off, but I had this on multiple folders and I fixed it by renaming the folder to a random name, then naming it back to the name it was before and the error would go away.
If you have this issuse then uninstall extention then CtrlShiftP on Windows/Linux, ⌘ShiftP on Mac -- then select "Developer: Reload Window" then type developer: relode page this issuse automatically resovle
i have this issuse then i uninstall extension then this issuse resolve.
I was able to permanently prevent this by adding the files to the .gitignore file. It seems that this happens in a cloned repository when you add new files.

How to track down source of weird code insertion

In VS Code 1.10.2 running on macOS Sierra (10.12.3), whenever I type an open paren ( ( ) followed by two spaces in quick succession, a period ( ( . ) is inserted in my code. If I type the spaces with a momentary delay in between, nothing happens (no period is inserted).
I recently reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled my OS, so I know I'm working with a very clean box.
I've got 4 plugins installed: Apex, ESLint, ForceCode and Visualforce. I tried disabling all of them and reloading my editor, but that didn't fix the issue.
Is this a bug, a configuration setting, or something else? It's getting really annoying, so I'd like to find a way to make this stop.
I found the answer. Apparently this is a new MacOS Sierra feature. It's supposed to be turned off by default, but apparently it was enabled, perhaps because I installed a clean copy rather than upgrading.
You can disable this feature by opening Settings > Keyboard > Text and unchecking the "Add period with double-space" option:
Why on earth anyone would have thought that this feature would be useful I cannot fathom. It doesn't make sense in the context of sentence (since it places a space before and after the period)... but there it is.

How to avoid Eclipse blocking keyboard shortcuts

I installed a plugin that allowed me to create UML diagram from my code. Everything was working fine until I found that now all keyboard shortcuts (like CTRL-X, CTRL-Z, CTRL-SPACE, CTRL-SHIFT-F,..) except for CTRL-C and CTRL-V now require a click on a small square that appear on the bottom right corner. And this is required every single time.
This are few examples of the square that appears:
If I click on the message or press Enter I can access the functionality. Does anyone know how to get rid of this annoying thing or at least reset Eclipse related configurations?
Thanks in advance
I obviously tried uninstalling the plugin but nothing changed.
Try Window / Reset Perspective as the duplicate shortcuts may be still in the perspective.
Also try restart specifying -clean option to rebuild the workspace metadata.
The pop-ups you are seeing are the "keybinding conflict" popups. These are common when you have two different plugins defining the same keybinding and looks like these. Still in your case there's only one option to choose from and it definitely looks like a bug.
In the Eclipse bugtracker database there are two issues that are looking like the one you have: #377048 and #374942.
These issues are marked as fixed in 4.2-I20120410-0633. So if you are having Eclipse 4.2 without any service releases installed, you would probably have this. The solution is - to use a newer Eclipse version. Eclipse 4.3.1 is available to download since today, and it should contain a lot of other fixes since 4.2. So I encourage you to install it.
The other solution could be to try playing with keybinding dialog (Window->Preferences->General->Keys) and trying to unbind and re-bind the commands that you are having issues with.

Get XP to automatically "press" the default button on a dialog box

Some time ago, I came across an online article that described how to configure Windows XP to automatically accept the default option on a dialog box. As I (vaguely) recall, it was some sort of oddball registry configuration that did this, and it amazingly worked. Yeah - it's dangerous, but it would be very helpful right now with a problem where I'm trying to run Windows XP in an unattended situation. I'm trying to suppress any kind of interaction.
So if you can point me to the magic incantation to repeat this, I'd appreciate it. I'm sure I saved the link, only it's at least 2 hard disk crashes ago.
I found this again later. There's a registry entry called "EnableDefaultReply" that can be used to control this functionality. An MSDN article with extensive detail, cleverly called "Enabling Default Reply" can be found at that link.
Not sure if XP can do that, but give Buzof from Basta Computing a try. Works very well for what you have in mind.
Maybe you recall setting the option of the mouse pointer to the default button?