Comments Vs RDBMS Comments in SQL Developer Data Modeller - oracle-sqldeveloper

I am beginner trying to learn data modelling using SQL Developer Data Modeler.
I am building a Logical Data Model for the first time. My model entities doesn't have many attributes.
However, I would like to see the entity definition as part of the model. When I tried entering my comments, I wasn't able to see them being displayed. When I tried putting in my comments in the RDBMS Comments, I was able to see them.
What is the difference in purpose between the Comments and RDBMS Comments ? When should comments be used and when should RDBMS Comments be used ?
Kindly throw some light on this.

Comments are for whoever has the model at their disposal. Meaning, if you have the model, you can read the comments.
RDBMS Comments will go into the database as table, view, column comments - so they're for anyone with access to the database. When you generate the object DDL, you'll seem them as COMMENT commands.
I talk about this more here


Firestore data model for posts and comments

I am currently watching a how-to create an instagram clone for Swift and want to understand the data model for the comments.
What is the purpose of using a model for the comments like:
post-comment (key = post-id) and comments
over something like this, where every comment has the post-id in it?
Without knowing what exactly they're building, and the types of queries they need to support for the app, one can only guess that this post-comments collection satisfies the need for a query to find out which comments are a part of which posts, while still allowing queries that search all posts or all comments. You should find the part of the tutorial that queries this collection to find out what it's trying to do.
This tutorial might be kind of old, because this sort of thing would be a little bit easier to express today using collection group queries.

How do I use with existing rows of data?

I have a lot of existing data that I would like to use as training data for a chatbot. The data is stored in a csv file where each row has a statement/question and a response to that statement/question.
I know that requires you to assign intents to comments made and so I'm wondering if there is a way to simply send over the data I have and have the chatbot start learning intents on its own.
Thanks for posting. We know this is not perfect yet but we release an import/export feature a few days ago. Looking at the structure of the json export, one can probably easily feed with existing data. It would require creating one story per statement/question and a response. More info here:
"Teaching" Wit.Ai is not exactly what some might think it is.
You will have to create stories for your User says column. The replies are irrelevant to be honest. You can't "teach" to reply. Replies are defined in the story or in your code.
What might need from your data are keywords and key-phrases which make the entity recognition better for
Here is the simplest example:
Entity color is recognized based on keywords listed. So if you have a lot of data as an example of user input - you can try to break it down first into "which entities which user input should produce" and then keywords from those input.
Using your data for "teaching" - would be a little difficult since it will require you to create a lot of Stories in to cover possible user input and entity identification. But you can still do it like this:
(rough example)
Make one story about user asking the time for example
Mark in the user input which entities should be derived from that input:
Sort your list you have to get all possible way of asking for the time:
How late is it?
Can you tell me the time?
I wonder what's the time now?
Use a script (Python) to "shoot" all these user inputs at your story.
Once done - go to Understanding time of and go through all input correcting\adding the entities you defined.
This process will "teach" entities if they are keywords based or some other algorithm.
That's the best I can think of about how to use your existing data. Wit.Ai is different from other language processing tool-sets and "teaching" it with existing data is somewhat "puzzling" :)

Zend Table relations saving / updating

Currently I'm working on a cms page module where I need to update pages after made some modifications on for instance the text. Because I'm getting multiple data from several tables, I also need to save / update the data to multiple tables.
Updating data to one particular table isnt a problem, but for some reason I cant figure out how to do the same trick with table relationships. One of my questions is how to do this and if you maybe need to create a single savePage method for every model and handle the particular data seperately. Or is their a better solution to handle the saving with options like ManyToManyRowsets.
I'm not sure if its me searching for the wrong thing or if the thing I want, just doesnt excist. Anyway, the following link seems to look a little like what I want. If someone could help me out, I would be very thanksfull.
this post should answer your question (there is no easy way) and provide you with an how to too:
Zend Many to Many Relationship

neo4j - graph database along with a relational database?

this is a question on best practice, i understand that there are a lot of different options for doing this, but i would like your opinions as to how you would approach solving this problem. Please take it as though performance is critical in this system, in other words scalable.
I have recently found the wonders of graph database, so i came up with a theoretical situation where a company wants to manage it's customers relationships, and in order to do so they are going to use neo4j which is great, and allows for really great management of the customers, different staff members and their relationships, which is all great, however the company now wants to create a web based interface which will need authentication, and anyone in the neo4j database should be able to login to the system in order to see how they are related to other people in the company's database, so each user must have a password/email/id associated with their name.
So my question is, in this case scenario, is it best to store the password_hash/password_salt/id/email in a mysql database and then based on the node look it up on the mysql database. Or is it better to store the password_hash/password_salt/id/email in the hash tables inside the nodes.
Also each store has 1000s of products, and they can be stored in the graph database or i can store the products in the mysql database and then look up the product there, and do the changes there, because the products are not related to each other, so no point in storing them in the graph database, so should they be not stored there to improve performance?
So my question boils down to this: is it best for large projects to use a graph database along with the more common rdms database such as mysql? if not, then what is the point at which you start to use these two database systems?
apologies in advance for my lack of knowledge regarding database terminology.
Graph DB is mainly used for maintaining relations. If app has a graph DB that does not mean that app needs to store everything in Graph DB.
Every node request on Graph is in memory and thus if you have unnecessary properties in your node it will be bloated and may make things slower and take more memory.I usually decide what needs to go in graph and what needs to go in DB by very simple rule.
High level property (that defines the relation and other important properties that defines the node) goes in graph whereas additional information goes in RDMS.
For example in FB may be FBID, Name goes in Graph as it defines the relationship of one node with another. But when user clicks on someones facebook ID, he/she gets to see other users DOB, Age , College .All these can go in RDBMS.
PS: RDMS has another advantage, it can be used for quick analytics. I know with graph also you can do that but i am not sure if its as scalable and easy as RDBMS.
Downside to this approach is : You need to maintain two DBS.
Unless you have a proven case for a two-DB solution, I'd say fewer moving parts would keep you more agile, more able to change things quickly. If later you find a use case that is difficult, then weigh up the cost/ benefit of introducing a second storage. A two-DB architecture is not unheard of, but comes with an overhead.
Specific to security, there is no reason why Neo4j or any other reasonable NOSQL solution couldn't do that:
You should use both in case there is data where it does not make much sense to store it in a graph DB such as neo4j/orientDB (and some data would be better off in a graph DB as opposed to a relational DB). Forcing data on one platform may cause issues with performance/scalability down the line.

Umbraco: Storing spatial data

I'm researching Umbraco for use as a base in a large CMS project, however the project calls for the SQL Server 2008 database to store spatial data against content.
Being new to Umbraco I'm still reading through the documentation and slowly building up an idea of it's architecture. However so far it doesn't look like Umbraco supports the storage of spatial data.
There only appears to be four database datatype options: date, integer, ntext, nvarchar
Is it possible to store spatial data to the database?
Update: Futher research into how Umbraco works has showed me I was on the wrong track. It seems the way to do this is store the lat/long data in the data inside the usual XML format Umbraco uses.
Then to use the extensions that have been built on top of, rather than use the limited search capabilities Examine exposes.
However this is all still theoretical, I've just not been able to achieve this. If I do before someone answers this question, I'll post my findings here to help others.
You could take a look at how to make user controls (with Visual Studio) in Umbraco.
It is also possible the versatility in Umbraco 'Document Types' is enough for you.
It is possible to extend Umbraco in any sort of way to get the solution you want. I don't know how you want the spatial data to interact with your frontend - so it is difficult to provide a direct solution.
Although there are ways to store spatial data and perform queries against it using, it's not a very elegant solution.
Instead I've created an additional table in SQL Server 2008 with the geometry/geography datatype and a reference to the Umbraco content it's connected with.
I've then got a event hook which updates this whether content is added/updated/deleted.