Zend Table relations saving / updating - zend-framework

Currently I'm working on a cms page module where I need to update pages after made some modifications on for instance the text. Because I'm getting multiple data from several tables, I also need to save / update the data to multiple tables.
Updating data to one particular table isnt a problem, but for some reason I cant figure out how to do the same trick with table relationships. One of my questions is how to do this and if you maybe need to create a single savePage method for every model and handle the particular data seperately. Or is their a better solution to handle the saving with options like ManyToManyRowsets.
I'm not sure if its me searching for the wrong thing or if the thing I want, just doesnt excist. Anyway, the following link seems to look a little like what I want. If someone could help me out, I would be very thanksfull.

this post should answer your question (there is no easy way) and provide you with an how to too:
Zend Many to Many Relationship


How to limit results by user globally in Eloquent?

I am using eloquent as part of a slim 3 project with slim-jwt-auth (https://github.com/tuupola/slim-jwt-auth), outside of Laravel. There are many situations where I want to control the items returned based on the user who is making the request.
From what I understand though, there is no way to add extra parameters such as user_id for use in eloquent global scope.
I found one blog post that initially looked helpful,
as it does exactly what I am trying to achieve (http://www.sdavara.com/Eloquent-Global-Scopes-A-cool-and-easy-way-to-fetch-loggedin-user-data/), but it relies on Laravel Auth.
The fact that my solution needs to work globally is important, as I have many nested relationships that should also be filtered by user id when queried.
Could anyone suggest what might be the best approach for achieving this?

Add record in core data with array of entity with editable functionality

Please look at the issue I'm facing.
I have one activity to perform with following features.
With CoreData I like to add employees records. Records having following attributes:
employee name(NSString)
attendance(array type).
and after I save these record if I'd like to edit phonenumber ao attendence i can do so and save back to CoreData.
Please help me out. What is the good approach of doing this?
If I understand your question correct, you haven't done anything to work with core data in your project? I really think the best way to learn how to work with core data is to read AND follow one of the many excellent tutorials found on google.
Follow something like this tutorial http://timroadley.com/2012/02/09/core-data-basics-part-1-storyboards-delegation/ and I believe you will be able to get your project started.

Yelp API displaying data

I've been looking up and down and there doesn't seem to be much documentation on this. I am just beginning development, and have no prior programming experience aside from HTML which doesn't really count.
I am able to successfully pull data with URL queries as I can see in my console. My question is, if I wanted to send a query for restaurant reviews, as an example, how do I get that data from the console to the iPhone view, right on the screen? If someone were able to provide a simple example I would appreciate it.
I'll give you the general steps:
1) Parse the JSON (which is probably an array of dictionaries) so loop through the array with an inner loop iterating the dictionaries. You could also use JSONKit.
2) Optionally cache the data somewhere (NOTE: If you use core data, there is a nice NSManagedObject method that will basically create an NSManagedObject directly from JSON).
3) Display it using UIKit (i.e. a Table view, where each cell displays the text and images your are retrieving).
If you need any specific help with any of those steps, please post new questions as you go along -- Break it down and tackle one problem at a time.
Also, if you use Core Data to persist this JSON data, you could use the NSFetchedResultsController as the datasource for your table view, which simplifies that some too.
I know you probably wanted me to write the code for you, but you've asked a very ambiguous question, whose scope is really too broad. If you follow those steps and have specific questions, we will help you work through it as you go.

How to get suggestion text from database for a MooTools auto-completer?

I need a textarea multi auto-completer like this.
However, in the example, the options are local. Does anyone know how I could get my options from a database?
You can simply initialize the tokens array fetching all the values from the database. Be careful, this is good only if the number of words fetched fromm the database is not too big (hundreds, half a thousand maximum).
If it's not your case, and you have lots of words in your database, you have to think about an AJAX autocompleter solution.
I've just released one since a lot of people seem to be after this kind of tagging (I blame google+) and I had it written and in my github repos already.
If you can work it out from the source as I have no time to document and support this, good luck: http://mootools.net/forge/p/mootagify
hint: you pass on the configured Request.JSON instance, which you setup to get the tags - the onSuccess event is handled by the autoCompleter class (which is a standalone).
github sources: https://github.com/DimitarChristoff/mooTagify/

K2 Blackpearl - populating SmartObject attributes

I'm very new to learning how to use K2 Blackpearl and am trying to understand how to effectively use SmartObjects.
Basically I have a list of questions I want to ask a user so currently I've created a smartObject with 2 attributes (Question, Answer). I have a list of all the questions I want to ask stored in a SQL server db.
Is it possible to auto-create either an InfoPath form or as ASP.NET page (At this stage I'm not too bothered which one I use - just want to see something working so please feel free to recommend which one is easiest) which will get the questions from the database and auto-create the 'fields' which the user will need to place an answer to the question... Then save this back to the smart object?
Thanks in advance for any help, much appreciated!
I see this question is very old and the suggestion of using InfoPath was probably good back then. For the record, as of today, InfoPath is no longer the recommended option.
Today, using SmartForms, I would create one SmartObject (smo) for your question/answer table (assuming there is a single answer per question, one table it enough). In your table, don´t forget colums to store whether the question is answered or not, by whom and when.
I would then suggest making 2 views: one list view to see all the questions and one item view mainly to answer a question.
When the user clicks on a question in the list view, you load it into the item view. The user can type/select and answer in the item view and click a button to 'send the answer' which effectively calls the update method of the smo.
This is s standard pattern, similar to listing updating users or pretty much any data in your DB. You just need to think about your data model to ensure you won´t stuck later on.
InfoPath is easiest to go, there's no real development, just clicking.
You can use a smartObject on the SQL database (using the Dynamic SQL Service Broker) to get the questions and load them in the InfoPath form. On the submit of the form, you can push the questions and answers to the SmartObject.
I would suggest making the 'answer' smartobject also based on a sql table, so you're data is nicely placed together.