Flux Error: Invalid configuration: "vendorName" is not set after upgrade to Flux 9.4 and Typo3 9.5 - typo3

I have to make an update from Typo3 8 to Typo3 9.5 LTS. And i have some trouble with the Flux extension which causes some strange errors. I have used Flux 9.4.2 (latest) and Typo3 LTS (9.5.22). I have used Composer for the new version perhaps that causes the problem.
I have followed all the steps in this tutorial and some others instructions but all of them ends in the same error.
In Backend i get the following error:
And in the Frontend i get this error:
This depends on the Flux element which is on that page the Slider element. The Plug & Play configuration is disabled because of some other errors. Perhaps now i missed something in my configuration but i can't find something in the documentation to configure.
I have made some more tests an i think the problem is that the newest version of Flux is not really compatible with Typo3 9.5. So i changed to version 9.3.2 which is working better but has other bugs.

Make sure these 3 things in your template provider extension are set correct:
Register the provider extension key using the Vendor.ExtName syntax, not ext_name. Here is an example:
\FluidTYPO3\Flux\Core::registerProviderExtensionKey('Nng.MyExtname', 'Page');
\FluidTYPO3\Flux\Core::registerProviderExtensionKey('Nng.MyExtname', 'Content');
Place the above code in the ext_localconf.php of your extension, not the ext_tables.php. You can find this hint hidden in the documentation.
In older versions of FLUX you might also need to create a ClassAliasMap in EXT:myextensionkey/Migrations/Code/ClassAliasMap.php. Here is a simple example.

Did you try to set a small condition for the used parameter if it's null? that maybe can give an error message instead of the error in the page.
Or you should see if there's any error in the namespace

After upgrading Flux to Typo3 9.5 then you have to register "VendorName" with your content element using Typoscript like i did below.
tt_content {
mytemplate_wrapelement.20.vendorName = <vendorname>
here mytemplate is my template provider extension.
Wrapelement is the content element.
I was getting same error.


Typo3 error 'There is no column with name 't3ver_oid' on table 'tx_news_domain_model_news'.'

I updated all dependencies according to this post but still get the same error.
Since I'm new to TYPO3 I don't know what else I can do.
Can somebody help me with this problem?
if you have a composer based typo3 installation you need to add the requirements to composer.json and not ext_emconf.php as in newer typo3 version composer is the only truth in loading order.
and ext_emconf.php is only considered if you running a non composer installation

when Migrating typo3 version 9 to typo3 version 10.4.2 ,storagepid=0

Our project which was migrated from typo3 version 9 to version 10. The issue is storagepid = 0. I can hardcode the pid value to configuration. But that’s not a permanent solution. If I use same plugin in different project again I have to hardcode storagepid value. So I need a permanent solution to fix it out.Can anyone help me to find out the solution?
There is no need to hardcode the storagePid in PHP code, since TYPO3 Extbase plugins typically will fetch the storagePid(s) from configuration (either TypoScript, starting point or plugin settings).
This blogpost I wrote some years ago explains, how and in which order Extbase will determine the storagePid.
The most suitable way is to use the starting point setting in the plugin, which automatically will be taken into account when data is fetched (e.g. in a Extbase repository). This way, you can use the plugin in several projects and the editor can select the storagePid(s) directly in plugin settings.

pibase Extension not working after Upgrade to TYPO3 9

I'm currently upgrading an old TYPO3 6.2 Installation to 9.5. I'm also using fluidtypo3 (flux 9.3.2 and fluidpages 5.0.0). There are several pibase Extensions, that I can't get to work. One of them has the following error:
Oops, an error occurred! Code: 20200320122044742c5a45 - {"exception":"TYPO3Fluid\\Fluid\\Core\\ViewHelper\\Exception: No Content Object definition found at TypoScript object path \"tt_content.list.20.edxdownload_pi1\"
Any hints what is causing the error? Did I forget anything to register?
I added the plugin in tt_content.php, registered it in localconf.php
and added the config in sys_template.php
(TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addStaticFile('edx_download','Configuration/TypoScript/PluginSettings/', 'Edx Download Settings');)
If I make a new element using the new element wizard, I get the following error in frontend:
Content Element with uid "9887" and type edx_download_pi1 has no rendering definition!
Where do I have to set the rendering definition?
Do pibase extensions still work with TYPO3 9?
It's working now. I put the method "addPItoST43" back into "ext_localconf.php" and now the extension is loaded. It says you should put it into "TCA/Overrides/tt_content.php", but that doesn't work for me with TYPO3 9.5.

The page is not configured! [type= 0][]

I've migrated from typo3 4.1 to 4.5 LTS now I got this error.
The page is not configured! [type= 0][]
I've checked DB analyser and fixed the table issues any ideas. Please revert
Apparently TYPO3 can't find TypoScript use Web > Template tool and check if record exists, also if it includes TS from external files, make sure the files exists.

Typo3 4.7.0 update breaks my FE login?

I've updated my Typo3 from 4.5.5 to 4.7.0 and I get several deprecated errors:
ERROR: Content Element type "login" has no rendering definition!
call to undefined error in t3lib_div::view_array
fail to include class.t3lib_htmlmail.php
The install tool gives me "typo3/ext/ directory not writable" but I've the correct right. I've even allow all?????
When I select a CType Element in the BE it give me this warning: PHP Warning
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/typo3_src-4.7.0/t3lib/l10n/parser/class.t3lib_l10n_parser_llphp.php line 95
The solution for 2. is to use the new class t3lib_utility_debug but what is with the other errors?
Edit: 1. http://lists.typo3.org/pipermail/typo3-english/2011-November/078129.html
Edit 2: The solution for the missing class t3lib_htmlmail is to include another class t3lib_mail_message: require_once(PATH_t3lib .'mail/class.t3lib_mail_message.php');
You solved allready: install system extension "felogin"
you solved allready: use t3lib_utility_debug
check where the error is from. Often it is helpfull to search for that file in typo3conf/temp_*.
You could check your filesystem, if your webserver is allowed to write to typo3/ext/. I guess, it is not. But you do not need to. Usually you install extensions to typo3conf/ext/.
Update your language files via the extension manager.
Well, i know it is to late now, but for all others wo think about an update: just activate the deprecation log in the isntall toll and fix that problems first!
Updating from 4.5.X to 4.7.x broke my felogin as well. The reason was that there has been a local extension installation that has been of higher priority than the system one. So if you suffer the same update issue, check for an local installation of felogin in "typo3conf/ext" - and delete it in case it is there. This solved my problem!