Dart future blocking main thread - flutter

I'm working on an app that captures and processes an image. A simplified version of the code is:
build() {
return FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: processImage,
child: Icon(
color: color,
processImage(Camera image) async {
await image.process();
And in another class:
Future<image> process() {
return Future(() {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
//process image
But when process() is running, the UI freezes.
Why is this happening? Isn't that function passed to Future constructor running in the background?

As Dart uses an event loop, all code (synchronous and asynchronous) will simply be run on the same isolate (think thread in other languages as an analogy), just at different points in time. As such, when your process method is dequeued and executed, it will block the thread and cause frames to be dropped due to a longer execution time, despite being asynchronous. The optimal solution to the problem is to spawn another isolate in a new thread, and carry out the computation there. Flutter provides a convenience method for this exact use case, called compute. It takes a top-level function (not in a class, nor anonymous) that can have a primitive type parameter (including Map and List) as an argument and will return at some point in the future. For more information on compute, see its documentation linked above.
If you have multiple parameters that you need to pass to compute, a common pattern (outside of just this use case) is making a method that serializes a class' fields to a Map<String, dynamic>, and a factory constructor that creates an object from a Map<String, dynamic>. This process would be easier with reflection, but Flutter disables it due to performance reasons.
For a full example on compute from the Flutter documentation, see here: https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/networking/background-parsing

You can insert the gap into the event loop.
Simple way:
Future<image> process2() {
return Future(() async {
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
// process
if (x % 100 == 0) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 100));


How to insert delay in event loop to avoid blocking UI during image processing in Flutter?

I'm working on an image processing app. I have an animated gif to show progress. As Dart is a single thread, every time the image is being processed, it locks UI, including the animated gif. I don't want to use isolates to avoid potential memory leaks. I want to implement something using event loop, similar to the link below.
I have tried to insert some delay during pixel looping as suggested in this thread but it doesn't work.
Dart future blocking main thread
Future<image> process2() {
return Future(() async {
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
// process
if (x % 100 == 0) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 100));

When to use Dart/Flutter Isolate?

I read about dart concurrency. CMIIW, we should use isolate to not block UI render in flutter. But, I found that isolate.spawn is significantly slower.
So, why we should isolate? isn't it better to just use the main than to wait a whole lot longer?
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:isolate';
void main() async {
final jsonStr = '{'
'"name": "alif",'
'"age": 26,'
'"gender": "male",'
'"office": "work from home"'
Future asyncRun<Q>(Function(Q) function, Q message) async {
final stopwatchA = Stopwatch()..start();
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
print('100 sync run : ${stopwatchA.elapsed}');
final stopwatchB = Stopwatch()..start();
await Future.wait(
[for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) asyncRun(jsonDecode, jsonStr)],
print('100 async run : ${stopwatchA.elapsed}');
final stopwatchC = Stopwatch()..start();
await Future.wait(
[for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) Isolate.spawn(jsonDecode, jsonStr)],
print('100 isolate.spawn: ${stopwatchC.elapsed}');
after i read comment from jamesdlin about spawn time.
I update the code. I expand the json and use only a single isolate. I found the isolate run much faster. But I don't understand, why is that happened? I expect slightly worse or similar time at best.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:isolate';
void main() async {
final N = 1000;
String content = '';
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
content += '"content$i": $i';
if (i != N - 1) content += ',';
final jsonStr = '{$content}';
Future asyncRun<Q>(Function(Q) function, Q message) async {
final stopwatchA = Stopwatch()..start();
print('$N content sync run : ${stopwatchA.elapsed}');
final stopwatchB = Stopwatch()..start();
await asyncRun(jsonDecode, jsonStr);
print('$N content async run : ${stopwatchA.elapsed}');
final stopwatchC = Stopwatch()..start();
await Isolate.spawn(jsonDecode, jsonStr);
print('$N content isolate run : ${stopwatchC.elapsed}');
When do somthing which use a lot of cpu time,
if it run on main isolate, the UI will blocked.
isolate.spawn is the best way.
Using isolates, your Dart code can perform multiple independent tasks at once, using additional processor cores if they're available. Isolates are like threads or processes, but each isolate has its own memory and a single thread running an event loop.
The main isolate
You often don’t need to think about isolates at all. A typical Dart app executes all its code in the app’s main isolate,
Even single-isolate programs can execute smoothly by using async-await to wait for asynchronous operations to complete before continuing to the next line of code. A well-behaved app starts quickly, getting to the event loop as soon as possible. The app then responds to each queued event promptly, using asynchronous operations as necessary.
The isolate life cycle
As the following figure shows, every isolate starts by running some Dart code, such as the main() function. This Dart code might register some event listeners—to respond to user input or file I/O, for example. When the isolate’s initial function returns, the isolate stays around if it needs to handle events. After handling the events, the isolate exits.
Event handling
In a client app, the main isolate’s event queue might contain repaint requests and notifications of tap and other UI events. For example, the following figure shows a repaint event, followed by a tap event, followed by two repaint events. The event loop takes events from the queue in first in, first out order.
Official Documentation

Understanding Flutter's SchedulerBinding in the context of an animated timeline

I'm trying to understand the part of this code below that uses SchedulerBinding.instance.scheduleFrameCallback(beginFrame);. beginFrame is listed in the other code block below.
The code comes from here, which is an animated timeline for Flutter. I don't expect anyone to read all this, obviously. But given some context, can you understand what for it is being used?
Context: this part of the code is inside a function called setViewport. The viewport of a timeline is simply the visible part of that timeline. So, once a viewport is set (a start and end point in the timeline are given), it ends animating something in the timeline. You can see that in the process of doing it, it calls SchedulerBinding.instance.scheduleFrameCallback, which is what I want to know what is used for. I obviously went into the page for SchedulerBinding but the explanation is so generic that I don't have an idea what it is used for.
if (!animate) {
_renderStart = start;
_renderEnd = end;
advance(0.0, false);
if (onNeedPaint != null) {
} else if (!_isFrameScheduled) {
_isFrameScheduled = true;
_lastFrameTime = 0.0;
Here's beginFrame:
/// Make sure that all the visible assets are being rendered and advanced
/// according to the current state of the timeline.
void beginFrame(Duration timeStamp) {
_isFrameScheduled = false;
final double t =
timeStamp.inMicroseconds / Duration.microsecondsPerMillisecond / 1000.0;
if (_lastFrameTime == 0.0) {
_lastFrameTime = t;
_isFrameScheduled = true;
double elapsed = t - _lastFrameTime;
_lastFrameTime = t;
if (!advance(elapsed, true) && !_isFrameScheduled) {
_isFrameScheduled = true;
if (onNeedPaint != null) {
According to the project README, it's used to keep the Flare animations in sync:
"To have the animation reproduce correctly, it's also necessary to call advance(elapsed) on the current FlutterActor each frame. Moreover, the current ActorAnimation requires that the function apply(time) is called on it to display it's correct interpolated values.
This is all made possible by relying on Flutter's SchedulerBinding.scheduleFrameCallback()."

Why Future block the ui but network requests don't in flutter

I know Future will run in event queue.But event queue are also running on main isolate, if i do some heavy task (for example, calculate sum from 1 to 1000000) in future, it will block my ui code.
But Future in network operation will not block ui (such as await httpClient.getUrl(uri)).
Why does a network request using future take several seconds without blocking the UI, while computational operations block the UI?
void initState() {
var result;
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
result = 'result is $i';
if i do some heavy task using Future in initState(), the ui will be blocked.
Isolates in Dart are single-threaded. An isolate can do only one thing at a time.
Asynchronous functions are basically a form of cooperative multitasking. A function must yield (usually via await) to allow other operations to execute in the isolate.
Your computation doesn't yield, so it must run in its entirety before the UI can resume processing events, and the UI will be unresponsive. If you altered it:
Future(() async {
var result;
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
result = 'result is $i';
await Future.delayed(Duration.zero);
then you should find that the UI can process events regularly and should have the appearance of remaining responsive. (Note that your computation will take much longer to complete because of the additional extra overhead.)
Let me answer briefly, the network request (HttpClient in dart:io) actually ended up in another isolate.
find _NativeSocket section inside socket_patch.dart file, keep searching down and you will see this statement (the link is likely to point to the wrong line as the SDK is constantly updated in the future):
_EventHandler._sendData(this, eventPort!.sendPort, fullData);
Does it look familiar?

Howto sub class a Clutter.Actor (involves Cairo/Clutter.Canvas)

Can anyone help me get this to run? I'm aiming for a custom Actor. (I have only just started hacking with Vala in the last few days and Clutter is a mystery too.)
The drawme method is being run (when invalidate is called) but there doesn't seem to be any drawing happening (via the Cairo context).
ETA: I added one line in the constructor to show the fix - this.set_size.
Working from the sample code at:
public class AnActor : Clutter.Actor {
public Clutter.Canvas canvas;
public AnActor() {
canvas = new Clutter.Canvas();
this.set_content( canvas );
//Connect to the draw signal.
private bool drawme( Cairo.Context ctx, int w, int h) {
stdout.printf("Just to test this ran at all: %d\n", w);
//Rect doesn't draw.
//paint doesn't draw.
return true;
int main(string [] args) {
// Start clutter.
var result = Clutter.init(ref args);
if (result != Clutter.InitError.SUCCESS) {
stderr.printf("Error: %s\n", result.to_string());
return 1;
var stage = Clutter.Stage.get_default();
//Make my custom Actor:
var a = new AnActor();
//This is dodgy:
//This works:
var r1 = new Clutter.Rectangle();
r1.width = 50;
r1.height = 50;
r1.color = Clutter.Color.from_string("rgb(255, 0, 0)");
return 0;
you need to assign a size to the Actor as well, not just the Canvas.
the size of the Canvas is independent of the size of the Actor to which the Canvas is assigned to, as you can assign the same Canvas instance to multiple actors.
if you call:
a.set_size(300, 300)
you will see the actor and the results of the drawing.
Clutter also ships with various examples, for instance how to make a rectangle with rounded corners using Cairo: https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/rounded-rectangle.c - or how to make a simple clock: https://git.gnome.org/browse/clutter/tree/examples/canvas.c