How do I make an email event invitation show up in the iOS Mail and Calendar apps? - html-email

I added EventReservation markup as documented here to the purchase confirmation emails for my e-commerce ticketing site. The event now appears above the email in my desktop Gmail inbox:
However, when I open the email in the Mail app on my iPhone, I don't get an option to add this event to my calendar. The Calendar app says that I have no invitations in my Inbox. Is there a separate API or registration process to make my event invitations work with the iOS Mail and Calendar apps?


Facebook Unity SDK AppRequest not showing notification [Android]

I am making game with Unity v5.2.1 + Facebook Unity SDK v7.2.0 for android. My game have feature to invite friends. This feature implemented by calling FB.AppRequest() function.
It works quite well, but the problem is my friend not receiving an android notification. The only way to know that the invitation is sent, is by opening facebook android app and click the world icon (notification page) on facebook.
How can i show an android notification when invitation is sent to friend?
Facebook does not do that for you automatically. You need to implement this system yourself.
Here is how I would do it:
A sends AppRequest to B in you app
In the callback, you know the target ids from the "to" list, report that to your server if you have one (and it is required for this system to work)
Server sends a push notification to the target device that is associated to the target facebook user id

Mobile Email Tracking

I'm an email marketer, and have a question. I'm looking for a way to see which app mobile readers are using to open my emails in.
Currently, I embed a pixel from Returnpath, so I know that the majority of my mobile readers are using iOS devices, but I'm wondering how many of them are using the native apple app or are using mailbox or the gmail app. This would help me develop adaptive/responsive mobile friendly emails or just reduce the template size to be mobile friendly.
I can track through GA if that helps.
Normally with tracking you get email client tracking, device or OS tracking is secondary if at all. I know on both Campaign Monitor and Litmus it is all about the email client.
If something says iOS, and it is in a list with gmail, outlook, yahoo etc, it is the native app by mac, not gmail. Not sure if mailbox would fall under 'other' as a client.

Facebook Mobile Notifications

I'm trying to send notifications to user through an app, but they don't show in any mobile device.
For example, the user makes an action that sends a notification o other user. If he is on a Computer browser he can see the notification, but in iOS/Android/Mobile Facebook the notification don't show up.
Can you guys help me?
Are you talking about the Notifications API where you make a POST request to /{recipient_userid}/notifications?
If so, this is intended behaviour. From the docs:
Note: Only apps on can use the Notifications API. Also
these notifications are only surfaced on desktop version of

jQuery Mobile mailto - cancel email stays in mail app

I'm developing a web app with a mail option in jQuery Mobile.
The web app is added to my homescreen.
When you press the mail button my iPhone opens a new email with the email address filled in but when I press cancel and delete draft it stays in the mail app.
Can I force it to go back to the web app ?
This only occurs when using the web app from homescreen. In safari it works fine.
<a href="" data-role="button" data-inline="true"
data-theme="d" rel="external" data-mini="true">Mail</a>
No you can not. Since you are developing a webapp, the only way to send an email is to open the mail app.
After the mail app is started it will display a new mail composer. Which if you user cancel you will go back to the mail client.

On FACEBOOK ios app can't got "push notification" via sent apprequests?

In my app, I can send the apprequests to my friends via FB api, and they can receive the Notification on iOS Facebook app. But here is a difference between "apprequest" and "postToWall". If I posted to my friend's wall something via Web, my friend would receive "Push notification" on his iPhone immediately. If I sent the apprequests to him, he wouldn't receive "Push notification" and just only "Facebook notification". Moveover, he needs to run the iOS Facebook app to update the data to receive the "Facebook notification".
Does anyone know this ?
For the app requests to work fully, you need to have a canvas app specified. Otherwise the notifications won't work as expected. From
Requests are only available for Desktop Canvas apps and not websites.
Accepting a request will direct the user to the Canvas Page URL of the
app that sent the Request.
More information can also be found here:
Thanks a lot . And I found this .
Moveover , my application works right after removed the parameter "notification_text" when using api "apprequests". It looks the FB demo Hackbook just misgruided me .