jQuery Mobile mailto - cancel email stays in mail app - iphone

I'm developing a web app with a mail option in jQuery Mobile.
The web app is added to my homescreen.
When you press the mail button my iPhone opens a new email with the email address filled in but when I press cancel and delete draft it stays in the mail app.
Can I force it to go back to the web app ?
This only occurs when using the web app from homescreen. In safari it works fine.
<a href="mailto:email#example.be" data-role="button" data-inline="true"
data-theme="d" rel="external" data-mini="true">Mail</a>

No you can not. Since you are developing a webapp, the only way to send an email is to open the mail app.
After the mail app is started it will display a new mail composer. Which if you user cancel you will go back to the mail client.


Using mailto in a mobile web application running on iPhone

I am developing a web application to run in standalone/full screen mode on an iPhone and I am using mailto to open the default iPhone e-mail client to be able to send an e-mail from the web application. This works, but the problem I am facing is that after the e-mail is sent, there is no way to automatically get back to the web application that caused the e-mail client to be opened in the first place. The user has to manually click the web application icon on the home screen to go back to the web application, which is not what I want to happen. Is there a way to automatically return to the web application once the e-mail has either be sent or cancelled?
If not, it appears to me that this destroys the usefulness of even using mailto in a mobile web application. What would be the point if you cannot even get back to your web application (where you left off) after sending the e-mail?
I am using iOS 7.0.3 btw.
Is there a way to automatically return to the web application once
the e-mail has either be sent or cancelled?
No, unless you develop yourself the mail app (like GMail app does with Chrome, for example)

Creating an iOS app: Using native mail app questions

I'm creating an iPhone app that uses the native iOS mail app. Is it possible that when the user clicks either cancel or send in the mail app, it can then redirect back to the app itself without having to reopen it?
Is it then also possible that when the user goes to access the mail portion of the app, it can display the mail app within my app in a webview type manner? Thanks.
No, you cannot change the functionality of another publisher's app, especially Apple's. But it sounds like you can accomplish what your want to do by using MFMailComposeViewController. It allows you to send an email from within your app, i.e. without leaving it to go to the native mail client.
If what you are doing is just sending emails you can display a MFMailComposeViewController to allow user to send emails without leaving the app.

"Send to mobile" notification on facebook app page does not redirect to Google Play

I have developed one android app "Smarter App" which I am trying to integrate to facebook. Now I am getting app page with "Go to app" and "send to mobile" button below cover image. On "Send to mobile" click, it sent notification on my mobile. But when I click on the notification ("Smarter Car for android is ready to use on your mobile. Start using"), it does not go to google app store from where I can install this app.
Got help from one facebook developer.
Solution : Set a mobile URL in your developer settings, and then make that redirect to app store.
Set the Native Android App settings in your developer settings for your app. Be sure to include both the Package name and Class Name for it to work properly.

How to send an email from UIWebView in iPhone?

I have a mailto: link in UIWebView, but when I tap it nothing happens,
How can I open email editor?
I've tried in this moment with mobile safari on my iPhone and when I tap on a mailto: link it open email composer.
Are you trying to do this in iPhone simulator?
If not, have you configured an email account on you iPhone?

Open mail app on firmware 3.1

I would like to make an app to open the native app mail on my iPhone. The problem is that I'm able to do it but the mail app opens on compose a new blank Message, and not on the Main view.
There is no way to open other apps from an iPhone application.
You can only open the Mail app via a mailto URL, and that -as you said- will give you the compose view.