How to setup fallback fonts in Pillow? - python-imaging-library

I'm looking for any possibility to specify more than one font in ImageFont.truetype(), as it works in browsers (font-family, fallback fonts etc). If it isn't realized in the library, working workaround will be appreciated.


Dark Mode in

I'm wondering if I can change the dark mode colours in because it looks gross. On mac it looks exactly like I want it. Windows it simply inverts colors.
Is there any method how can I change darkmode properties specifically to clients and OS?
Thank you in advance
Outlook is quite a beast when it comes to dark mode because you'll find many variations.
Outlook on macOS has good supports for #media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) media queries, so you should have full control there.
Outlook on iOS, Android and on the web also have support for #media (prefers-color-scheme:dark). But it also applies automatic color changes on top of this. You can try to tweak this using [data-ogsb] attribute selectors to target the matching elements.
Outlook on Windows applies automatic color changes and supports neither the dark mode media query nor data attributes. You can try to play with VML and mso- specific properties though.
I would recommend reading the following articles:
The Ultimate Guide to Dark Mode for Email Marketers by Alice Li
How To Fix Outlook Dark Mode Problems by Nicole Merlin
Making Emails React to’s Dark Mode by me!
Feel free to post your code for more specific help.

which fonts are more suitable to write an article?

I am the technical writer and i have started to writing my article using Calibri font it was suitable, but i am looking for the most attractive and most user readable fonts, so guys please help me in my search.
That's a highly subjective thing. And what font you're to use will depend largely on who is going to publish your work. Whatever you use, the publisher's going to change things around to fit their own format of course, so as to keep consistency between their products.
If you want to create attractive and the most user readable fonts, you can go for Times New Roman, Calibri, and Arial. However, to make more attractive and readable in documents, you need to format them and emphasize wherever required with bold and italic styles. Differentiate headers and paragraph contents with suitable styles.

Customizing Tumblr's Mobile Theme

I was hoping to make my Tumblr blog more mobile friendly and I would like to use a mobile theme alongside my desktop theme.
I see that I can use the default mobile theme for mobile devices, but is there a way for me to customize the mobile theme, but still keep my regular theme for desktops?
Just answering for people who find this while searching. I do not want them to be mislead by the comments on the question. Not happy about it.
Until now, it is possible to have separate theme for mobile devices. You have to put the codes for that in a new Custom page with url "/iphone-theme" as #Ally also mentioned.
And yes it works for all mobile devices (not just iPhones), to be more specific for phones, even for a lot of big tablets Tumblr switches the layout to your base theme (here I am talking based on my tests a while ago; less than few months. You should test yourself, always.), which I think is good.
The mobile theme has most features like the base theme, it also responds to the meta tags (like meta-if, meta-colors, etc. That also means you can use "Global Appearance" options) in the base theme. So for example you change the option titled "Color" in your "theme customization page", which should look something like;
<meta name="color:Color" content="#FFA500"/> in your base theme's HTML.
Then you will also affect the color in the mobile theme if the colors there are also set to something like; body { color: {color:Color}} or body { background-color: {color:Color}}. Even if the same meta tag is not present in the mobile theme.
Please note that you can not create options in the "theme customization page" with meta tags only in the mobile theme's HTML.
I use it. Why I use it;
I have high resolution images (for "Photo" posts) on the desktop version, and JavaScript image slider for them, and some time, some browsers in mobiles devices crash for that reason (at least for my audience). Using {PhotoURL-500} instead of {PhotoURL-HighRes} solves the issue, and saves bandwidth. There is no way you can do that with CSS #media.
To everyone (except #Ally); do some research before replying, it's not even a new thing.
Also do not believe everything you see on the internet (at least without trusted sources).
The mobile theme overrides the "default mobile theme" so you will not have to disable the option "Use default mobile theme" in "Advanced options" to see the mobile theme on mobile devices. If you disable the option, you will see your base theme.

Nokia Asha LWUIT UIID and source code

I have to develop an application for Nokia Asha 501. I am using Nokia SDK 1.1 and the library S40-asha2013 from the ${SDK_HOME}/plugins/lwuit/lib.
I am trying to figure it out the UIID stuff from all the examples I am studying, but I couldn't find a source that would list all the UIID values for the components. For example I could change the background color of a normal TextField only if I set the UIID to "Label"
Or to make for example a green button you have to set the UIID like this:
Which let's be honest do not makes any sense. So my question is does anyway know where I can find some documentation or listing related to this "mysterious" UIID. Or at least does anyone know where or if I can find the sources to Nokia Asha Lwuit because I only found this but doesn't seem to be the same library (the version for my lwuit is 1.1.2).
With source code available I could look myself in the code and check for all UIID's.
As a piece of advice if you want to really ease your life and understand how style and look is handled in LWUIT the resource editor tool is very valuable. Only after I opened the Nokia Asha default resource in Resource Editor I actually understood what happens there and what is the thing with UIID's.
I had also the experience that some styles seem to be "hardcoded", like the background of a text field. I had a suprising effect with an alert. When I set styles in resource editor they get ignored.
I also did not found the latest Nokia sources.
You get a list of all used UUIDs when you open the lwuit-jar file with a zip program, for example, andd extract the file asha2013_themes. You can then open this file with the resource editor.
You can try to ask in the Nokia developer forum:

Any WYSIWYGs that use contentEditable rather than an iframe?

I am looking for a list of WYSIWYG editors that use contentEditable rather than a designMode iframe.
The reason I want this is that I want to have a few regions (divs) on my site that users can edit, and I want the styling (fonts, font colors, etc). to look the same in the edit area as it normally does. I don't want to have to apply a stylesheet to the WYSIWYG's iframe.
Anyone know of any light-weight, free/open-source ones?
It's not free but I personally feel that the Telerik RadEditor is hands down the best WYSIWYG around.
It's not free
It's .NET only
It allows you to style the editor to match your site exactly
It has some great asset management tools
It's super easy to configure.
Also if you can get away with a little less "fancy" I'd say that WMD is an awesome WYSIWY***M*** editor, and can be used across multiple development languages (It's what StackOverflow uses here on this site).
New ckeditor v4 beta has support for content-editable.
Looks like NicEdit uses contentEditable. YAY! THIS MAY WORK!
Another few to throw in there, although I've never used any of them in production so can't vouch for them:
Aloha Editor
Raptor Editor