How to add extra fields to strapi upload plugin? - plugins

I am trying to build a multilingual api with language code (e.g title_en) at the end of each text field.
In Strapi upload plugin assets have caption field. How can I customize the model to have multiple captions for each language ? For instance, caption_en, caption_az, caption_ru etc.


How to render and display rich text editor data like Images, and code block etc with express and mongoDB and show it on frontend

I am creating a full stack blog application but I am confused how can i render rich text editor data on the backend using express and mongoDB Just like this stackover flow text editor. Most important thig is how can find Images of text editor data and push it on cloudinary. help me out please
First, you should choose what editor you would like to use. One popular open source editor is Quill for example.
After you implement it in your frontend, you should listen to the events on the editor instance (image.added, image.removed...) and based on that you can upload or delete your images from the cloud.
There is also an option to store images encoded in the HTML so you don't have to upload them to cloud at all, but that is not the good practice since it will significantly increase the payload of the HTML.
After you are done with the article, the output HTML from the editor can be saved in the MongoDB, and later you can fetch it and display it in the client side.

Convert PDF file to HTML and create a template for e-signature (like DocuSing )

We have a business case where user will upload a pdf or word document, create a template, and mark the sections to capture the e-Sign. So each user use this templage to e-Sing it online (I can do this through DocuSign) but want to integrate it within our angular application. Suggestions are welcome.
Convert the PDF to HTML, but trying to find how we can provide provisions to mark the sections for e-Sing.

Which JavaScript WYSIWYG editor supports merge/custom fields?

I am looking at creating custom document creation for a Rails application. Users will have ability to edit HTML document. I want to include custom/merge fields from the data objects like {{}} in HTML code. Is there a javascript rich text editor that has this capability? I have been searching for a while but could not locate one.

Is it possible to index custom documents in Faceted Search (ke_search) ?

My requirement is to index content of documents uploaded by user e.g PDF / DOC etc. Is it possible to index content of these documents by building custom indexers for the Faceted Search extension ke_search? If so, then can anyone provide any guide as to how would I create such indexers?
I am new to Typo3 so any help would be appreciated.
Hello and welcome to TYPO3 - the almost everything is possible CMS :-)
For your own indexeres you will need an own small extension and then register your indexers to the ke_search. Since the customers indexeres are written in PHP, you can use the whole power of PHP. So you just need some PHP libs on your server that are able to read the content of PDF and DOC files and then store the result to the TYPO3 database.
Check the docs:
Example configuration with an indexer:
EDIT: You should also check the build in indexers of ke_search. I guess there is already an indexer for PDF / DOC files included.

Allow embedded Images in HTMpurifier

I have wysiwyg editor and filtered using htmlpurifier, Id like to allow the users to directly drop or paste images in the editor and the image is saved as textformat, but the htmlpurifier filter this out, how to configure htmlpurifier to allow embedded images?
I don't know how the editor is doing the embedding, but if it is embedding them as data URLs, you can enable it modifying %URI.AllowedSchemes to include 'data'.