Which JavaScript WYSIWYG editor supports merge/custom fields? - wysiwyg

I am looking at creating custom document creation for a Rails application. Users will have ability to edit HTML document. I want to include custom/merge fields from the data objects like {{property.contact.name}} in HTML code. Is there a javascript rich text editor that has this capability? I have been searching for a while but could not locate one.


TinyMCE autocloses HTML tags - How to disable? 2

Same question as here
I have two tinymce Editors One of them for Header other for Footer(needs o be done for email template).
I want for example to have
<div>abra in Header editor. After saving becomes <div>abra</div>(closes the tag)
cadabra</div> in Footer editor. After saving becomes cadabra(removes tag)
so that at the end I could get <div>abracadabra</div>
How can i disable it?
You cannot disable TinyMCE from trying to create valid, well-formed HTML. The engine that drives TinyMCE is designed to ensure that the content in any one editor is valid and well-formed and while you realize that the data across two editors is intended to be correct TinyMCE won't allow you to do this. You could certainly post-process the data when extracting it from TinyMCE to get your desired end result.

Is it possible to embed form inputs into a rich text editor document model?

I am building a project with Django 2.2.4 and PostgreSQL 11.4. I am using JSON database fields to store data in JSON arrays.
In my app users create documents using "rich text editor" that provides standard text/image features already.
I also want to enable users create the document to drag and drop form inputs into the body of the document so that once the document is "published" other users can view the document an add input values to these fields before submitting and saving the document again.
Now, I'm trying to figure out conceptually the most efficient way to approach this.
I thought the first step would be to use an abstracted rich text editor which separates the document structure from the HTML, e.g. CKEditor or Quill; if I was to serialise the document with form inputs included I could in theory store templates in one JSONField and inputs in another.
This list is a really useful overview of various editors, but despite having read a lot of documentation it's not clear if this approach would be either correct or actually possible.
Does anyone have any similar experiences?
Pretty sure this isn't possible unfortunately.
Could you elaborate on what you're trying to do with this?

Sanitizing inputs with AEM

We have various people updating our AEM website however when they copy and paste from word or from online it retains the HTML. I'm wondering if AEM has any built-in way of sanitizing the input so I don't need to build one.
If you are using Rich Text Editor field in the dialog then the text will be parsed and some tags will be stripped. Take a look here for more information about how to configure it and how it works.
We had a rich text edit component with same issue wherein authors were able to place HTML styling onto RTE and the placed styles were colliding with application styles and was breaking components. Fix was, we stripped out all HTML styling using jsoup API before rendering back on screen.
The usual approach in AEM is to protect the user on output (i.e. take the input as-is and use the built-in XSS API when rendering that input).

User Fill in for Adobe forms

I am using Adobe life cycle designer to create docs in my application....I have all my documents in word and I use the export to option in Adobe Life cycle designer and i get the document converted and now I need to have a user fill in the exported document..so can some one please suggest me how this would go and we use the java script behind....
You could have them fill the form in Adobe land, then use the scripting method exportData to get the form data as XML, then inject that XML into your Word docx as a custom xml part.
From there, Word will use the XML in any content controls bound to it.

Filling Word template with OpenXML - Bookmarks or ContentControls

I've an application that automatically fills MS Word templates (.dotx) written using COM and Word object model. There are some Bookmarks in the template, that are filled programmatically.
Now I'm migrating to OpenXML.
Could you please explain me what should I prefer using OpenXML - Bookmarks or Content Controls and why?
WordDocumentGenerator is an utility to generate Word documents from templates using Visual Studio 2010 and Open XML 2.0 SDK. The code is available for download at http://worddocgenerator.codeplex.com/. Content controls are used in templates. A lot of samples are provided for document generation which will show how functional and flexible content controls are.
Content controls are significantly more resistant to overwriting during document editing. You can use either one with OpenXML without additional complications.