Flutter floating button hide and show on whether ListView index - flutter

I have an app that has a ListView and Floating Button. I wanted to hide the Floating Button if Index 0 in the ListView is shown and show the Floating Button when Index 0 is not shown in the ListView. Most of the information in the web (including Stackoverflow) covers hiding the button when scrolling (direction) and not based on the index shown by ListView.

you can checklist null or not. I just add a demo code.
List<String> demoList = new List<>();
floatingActionButton: demoList != null ?
onPressed: () {
// Add your onPressed code here!
child: Icon(Icons.navigation),
backgroundColor: Colors.green,
if the list has a value then it shows a floating button.

Use Visibility widget around FloatingActionButton. When the item shows, just call setState() method with visibility value.


SliverList setState to Affect Only Selected Item Flutter

I have a button on every item on my SliverList. When I click a specific list item button, I wish it change to a different widget by using setState. Only that specific item button should change to a different widget while the rest on the list retains its own item button.
Example below. The problem of course is that when I click any button on the list, all buttons on every item on the list changes. What is needed so that it affects only the specific item on the list whose button was pressed?
delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate((BuildContext context, int index) {
final item = gd[index];
return Container(
child: Column(
children: [
? item.newwidget(context)
: RaisedButton(
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
child: const Text('Press Me'),
Figured this out.
I believe the approach is to add to the existing list an object key to represent whether widget1 or widget2 to render, eg. tag: 'normal' or tag: 'clicked'. Depending on index.tag, either widget1 or widget2 will be displayed. So for a widget with a button wherein the tag is normal, the button will have a function when clicked changes the index.tag of the item from normal to clicked. When the Sliverlist sees this new value, it automatically renders the corresponding widget.

How to set a widget as a button in Flutter

I set two widgets in a Stack(), the one in the back is a sidebar and the one in the front is my main page.
When I click on the menu button from the main page, the main page gets shifted to the right and then the user can see the sidebar.
Now the problem is when the sidebar gets displyed i'm obliged to click exactly on the menu button to go back to the main page.
What i want to do is just to click anywhere in the main page to hide the sidebar.
I mean that i want to set the whole main page as a button when the sidebar is displayed.
You can use InkWell
onTap: (){
/// do something
child: Text('data') /// your widget,
You can also use GestureDetector
Generally if you want to make anything tappable you can just wrap the widget with GestureDetector
I fixed it by wrapping the main page with InkWell() and I added this to the onTap property"
onTap: isSidebarCollapsed ? () {
setState(() {
isSidebarCollapsed = false;
} : null,
child: Container(...)
Note that isSidebarCollapsed is the variable that determines if the menu is displayed or not.
Explaination of the code:
If the sidebar is collapsed (is displayed) then the onTap property returns a function where I set the variable isSidebarCollapsed to false (to say that the sidebar is gonna be hidden).
Else it returns null

flutter - fab button animation which will go to top from bottom

I need help with the animation, when I click on the FAB icon in the first screen the icon will go up with animation and the other screen (shown in second image) should be displayed with animation like curtain. And the fab icon should be set in the app bar just like second image.
Bottom menu should be there in both of the screen just like the screenshots given.
you can do one thing that just wrap floating action button to AnimatedContainer
AlignmentDirectional _ironManAlignment = AlignmentDirectional.bottomCenter;
floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerDocked,
floatingActionButton: AnimatedContainer(
duration: Duration(seconds: 2),
alignment: _ironManAlignment,
child: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () {
child: Icon(Icons.add),
like this
when you press button then call this method
void _flyIronMan() {
setState(() {
_ironManAlignment =
AlignmentDirectional(0.0, -0.8); //AlignmentDirectional(0.0,-0.7);
Just wrap buttons on each page with Hero widget, like that:
tag: 'fab',
child: FloatingActionButton()
With the design you want to achieve, I suggest you to use sliding_up_panel instead of pushing new screen.
It has a parameter collapsed, in which you can put FloatingActionButton to expand panel on tap, and show the same button inside the expanded panel. Just set panel non-draggable, and it won't expand on swipe.
Please read it's documentation carefully, I'm sure you can achieve the effect you want with this widget.

hide the bottom navigation bar if cart is empty flutter

I am adding the products to cart and displaying the total amount in the bottom navigation bar ,if the cart is empty i want to show another screen in the same page i.e
and if cart is not empty i want to show
body: _getitemCon.get_cart_item == null
child:_canShowButton?emptycart(): SizedBox(),
: new ListView(),
bottomNavigationBar: Container()
this is how i tried to show the screens in same page
You could wrap the bottomNavigationBar with Visibility widget, like this:
bottomNavigationBar: Visibility(visible: condition, child: Container())
Then, the condition to show the bottomNavigationBar in your case seems to be _getitemCon.get_cart_item != null. Just make sure to call setState when you update the condition.

Long Press on BottomNavigationBarItem

Is there any way to handle long press on the items of BottomNavigationBar in Flutter?
I see "onTap" event handler, but nothing else and I also cannot wrap the Items into GestureDetector.
I can wrap the whole BottomNavigationBar section into the GestureDetector but in this case it's not possible to realize which Item was pressed :-/
Thanks in advance!
After couple of days I finally understood how to realize it: you just need (as almost always) wrap Icon and Text of you bottom navigation bar items into GestureDetector widget and it works :)
The snippet would be:
new BottomNavigationBarItem(
icon: GestureDetector(
onLongPress: (){print("long tap icon");
setState(() {
_resetSct(context, i);
child: new Image.memory([skiped])), //Icon(Icons.looks_one),//photos[0].icon,
title: GestureDetector(
onLongPress: (){print("long tap title");
setState(() {
//do stuff
child: Text([skipped]))
With Flutter I recommend you to create your custom Bottom Navigation Bar as it is very easy to do.
Note: There is no way to do what you want using the default BottomNaivgationBarItem.
You need also to add enableFeedback as true and wrap your icon with GestureDetector
enableFeedback: true,
This is works for me.