Can I retrieve k8s secret and use it outside of the cluster? - kubernetes

If I want to save credential information in K8s and then retrieve it to use out of k8s, can I do it? and how?

Yes you can, but you probably shouldn't.
When you run kubectl get secret command, what it does behind the scenes is an api call to kubernetes api server.
To access the secret outside the cluster you will need to:
Have the Kubernetes api exposed to the client(if not in same network)
Setup authentication in order to create credentials used by external clients
Call the secrets endpoint. The endpoint is something like this /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/secrets
As said previous, you probably shouldn't do it, there are many tools available in the market to do secret management, they would be better suited for this kind of situation.

If you are able to run a pod inside the namespace which contains the secret you can create a pod which use the secret:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mypod
- name: mypod
image: redis
- name: foo
mountPath: "/etc/foo"
readOnly: true
- name: foo
secretName: mysecret
And then print the secret to stdout:
kubectl exec -it mypod -- ls /etc/foo/
kubectl exec -it mypod -- cat /etc/foo/secret.file


Kubernetes in GCP: How a pod can access its parent node to perform some operation e.g. iptables update in node

Scenario is like this:
I have a pod running in a node in K8s cluster in GCP. cluster is created using kops and pod is created using kne_cli.
I know only the name of the pod e.g. "test-pod".
My requirement is to configure something in the node where this pod is running. e.g. I want to update "iptables -t nat" table in node.
how to access the node and configure it from within a pod?
any suggestion will be helpful.
You the Job or deployment or POD, not sure how POD is getting managed. If you just want to run that task Job is good fir for you.
One option is to use SSH way :
You can run one POD inside that you get a list of Nodes or specific node as per need and run SSH command to connect with that node.
That way you will be able to access Node from POD and run commands top of Node.
You can check this document for ref :
Option two :
You can mount sh file on Node with IP table command and invoke that shell script from POD to execute which will run the command whenever you want.
Example :
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: command
data: |
echo "running sh script on node..!"
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
name: command
schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
serviceAccountName: cron-namespace-admin
- name: command
image: IMAGE:v1
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: commandfile
mountPath: /test/
- name: script-dir
mountPath: /test
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: commandfile
name: command
defaultMode: 0777
- name: script-dir
path: /var/log/data
type: DirectoryOrCreate
Use privileged mode
privileged: true
Privileged - determines if any container in a pod can enable
privileged mode. By default a container is not allowed to access any
devices on the host, but a "privileged" container is given access to
all devices on the host. This allows the container nearly all the same
access as processes running on the host. This is useful for containers
that want to use linux capabilities like manipulating the network
stack and accessing devices.
Read more :
You might be better off using GKE and configuring the ip-masq-agent as described here:
In case you stick with kops on GCE, I would suggest following the guide for ip-masq-agent here instead of the GKE docs:
In case you really need to run custom iptables rules on the host then your best option is to create a DaemonSet with pods that are privileged and have hostNetwork: true. That should allow you to modify iptable rules directly on the host from the pod.

Does RBAC rules apply to pods?

I have the following pod definition, (notice the explicitly set service account and secret):
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pod-service-account-example
name: pod-service-account-example
serviceAccountName: example-sa
- name: busybox
image: busybox:latest
command: ["sleep", "10000000"]
- name: SECRET_KEY
name: example-secret
key: secret-key-123
It successfully runs. However if I use the the same service account example-sa, and try to retrieve the example-secret it fails:
kubectl get secret example-secret
Error from server (Forbidden): secrets "example-secret" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:default:example-sa" cannot get resource "secrets" in API group "" in the namespace "default"
Does RBAC not apply for pods? Why is the pod able to retrieve the secret if not?
RBAC applies to service accounts, groups, users and not to pods.When you refer a secret in the env of a pod , service account is not being used to get the secret.Kubelet is getting the secret by using its own kubernetes client credential. Since kubelet is using its own credential to get the secret it does not matter whether the service account has RBAC to get secret or not because its not used.
Service account is used when you want to invoke Kubernetes API from a pod using kubernetes standard client library or Kubectl.
Code snippet of Kubelet for reference.

How can I add root certs into my existing truststore.jks file using kubectl?

I am new to kubernetes and trying to add root certs to my existing secrets truststore.jks file. Using get secret mysecret -o yaml. I am able to view the details of truststore file inside mysecret but not sure how to replace with new truststore file or to edit the existing one with latest root certs. Can anyone help me to get the correct command to do this using kubectl?
A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a password, a token, or a key. There is an official documentation about Secrets.
Assuming that you created your secret by:
$ kubectl create secret generic NAME_OF_SECRET --from-file=keystore.jks
You can edit your secret by invoking command:
$ kubectl edit secret NAME_OF_SECRET
It will show you YAML definition similar to this:
apiVersion: v1
keystore.jks: HERE_IS_YOUR_JKS_FILE
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2020-02-20T13:14:24Z"
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "430816"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/jks-old
uid: 0ce898af-8678-498e-963d-f1537a2ac0c6
type: Opaque
To change it to new keystore.jks you would need to base64 encode it and paste in place of old one (HERE_IS_YOUR_JKS_FILE)
You can get a base64 encoded string by:
cat keystore.jks | base64
After successfully editing your secret it should give you a message:
secret/NAME_OF_SECRET edited
Also you can look on this StackOverflow answer
It shows a way to replace existing configmap but with a little of modification it can also replace a secret!
Example below:
Create a secret with keystore-old.jks:
$ kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-file=keystore-old.jks
Update it with keystore-new.jks:
$ kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-file=keystore-new.jks -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -
Treating keystore.jks as a file allows you to use a volume mount to mount it to specific location inside a pod.
Example YAML below creates a pod with secret mounted as volume:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: ubuntu
- name: ubuntu
image: ubuntu
- sleep
- "360000"
- name: secret-volume
mountPath: "/etc/secret"
- name: secret-volume
secretName: NAME_OF_SECRET
Take a specific look on:
- name: secret-volume
mountPath: "/etc/secret"
- name: secret-volume
secretName: NAME_OF_SECRET
This part will mount your secret inside your /etc/secret/ directory. It will be available there with a name keystore.jks
A word about mounted secrets:
Mounted Secrets are updated automatically
When a secret currently consumed in a volume is updated, projected keys are eventually updated as well. The kubelet checks whether the mounted secret is fresh on every periodic sync.
-- Secrets.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding that.

How to mount same volume on to all pods in a kubernetes namespace

We have a namespace in kubernetes where I would like some secrets (files like jks,properties,ts,etc.) to be made available to all the containers in all the pods (we have one JVM per container & one container per pod kind of Deployment).
I have created secrets using kustomization and plan to use it as a volume for spec of each Deployment & then volumeMount it for the container of this Deployment. I would like to have this volume to be mounted on each of the containers deployed in our namespace.
I want to know if kustomize (or anything else) can help me to mount this volume on all the deployments in this namespace?
I have tried the following patchesStrategicMerge
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
namespace: myNamespace
- name: pull-secret
- volumeMounts:
- name: secret-files
mountPath: "/secrets"
readOnly: true
- name: secret-files
secretName: mySecrets
- key: key1
path: ...somePath
- key: key2
path: ...somePath
It requires name in metadata section which does not help me as all my Deployments have different names.
Inject Information into Pods Using a PodPreset
You can use a PodPreset object to inject information like secrets, volume mounts, and environment variables etc into pods at creation time.
Update: Feb 2021. The PodPreset feature only made it to alpha. It was removed in v1.20 of kubernetes. See release note
The v1alpha1 PodPreset API and admission plugin has been removed with
no built-in replacement. Admission webhooks can be used to modify pods
on creation. (#94090, #deads2k) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, CLI, Cloud
Provider, Scalability and Testing]
PodPresent ( is one way to do this but for this all pods in your namespace should match the label you specify in PodPresent spec.
Another way (which is most popular) is to use Dynamic Admission Control ( and write a Mutating webhook in your cluster which will edit your pod spec and add all the secrets you want to mount. Using this you can also make other changes in your pod spec like mounting volumes, adding label and many more.
Standalone kustomize support a patch to many resources. Here is an example Patching multiple resources at once. the built-in kustomize in kubectl doesn't support this feature.
To mount secret as volume you need to update yaml construct for your pod/deployment manifest files and rebuild them.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-pod
- name: my-container
image: nginx
- name: my-secret-volume
mountPath: /etc/secretpath
- name: my-secret-volume
secretName: my-secret
kustomize (or anything else) will not mount it for you.

Pod cannot pull image from private docker registry

I am having some real trouble getting my pods to pull images from a private docker registry that I have setup and am able to authenticate to (I can do docker login and I get Login Succeeded without having to put in my username:password) (I am able to run docker pull and see all the layers being downloaded.) .
I use where I specify the namespace to be "default".
I made sure to put "HTTPS://" (in lowercase) in the auth section in the docker config file before I generated the regcred secret.
Notice that I specify the imagePullSecrets below:
# deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: angular-bazel-example-prod
replicas: 1
app: angular-bazel-example-prod
- name: angular-bazel-example
image: human/forum:dev
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 8080
- name: regcred # Notice
I made sure to update my certificate authority certificates:
cp /etc/docker/certs.d/\:5000/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates
I see sudo curl --user testuser:testpassword --cacert /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ -X GET
> {"repositories":["human/forum"]}
I see sudo curl --user testuser:testpassword --cacert /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ -X GET
> {"name":"a/repository","tags":["dev"]}
There must be a way to troubleshoot this but I don't know how.
One thing I am curious about is
kubectl describe pod my-first-pod...
Type: Secret
Where can I find this volume? I can't kubectl exec into a container because none is running.. because the pod can't pull the image.
Do you have any ideas on how I could troubleshoot this?
Thank you!
Create a kubernetes secret to access the custom repository. One way is to provide the server, user and password manually. Documentation link.
kubectl create secret docker-registry $YOUR_REGISTRY_NAME --docker-server=https://$YOUR_SERVER_DNS/v2/ --docker-username=$YOUR_USER --docker-password=$YOUR_PASSWORD --namespace=default
Then use it in your yaml
Regarding the default-token that you see mounted, it belongs to the service account that your pod uses to talk to the kubernetes api. You can find the service account by running kubectl get sa and kubectl describe sa $DEFAULT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID. Find the token by running kubectl get secrets and kubectl describe secret $SECRET_ID. To clarify this service account and token have nothing to do with the docker registry unless you specify it. To include the registry in the service account follow this guide link