How to mount same volume on to all pods in a kubernetes namespace - kubernetes

We have a namespace in kubernetes where I would like some secrets (files like jks,properties,ts,etc.) to be made available to all the containers in all the pods (we have one JVM per container & one container per pod kind of Deployment).
I have created secrets using kustomization and plan to use it as a volume for spec of each Deployment & then volumeMount it for the container of this Deployment. I would like to have this volume to be mounted on each of the containers deployed in our namespace.
I want to know if kustomize (or anything else) can help me to mount this volume on all the deployments in this namespace?
I have tried the following patchesStrategicMerge
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
namespace: myNamespace
- name: pull-secret
- volumeMounts:
- name: secret-files
mountPath: "/secrets"
readOnly: true
- name: secret-files
secretName: mySecrets
- key: key1
path: ...somePath
- key: key2
path: ...somePath
It requires name in metadata section which does not help me as all my Deployments have different names.

Inject Information into Pods Using a PodPreset
You can use a PodPreset object to inject information like secrets, volume mounts, and environment variables etc into pods at creation time.
Update: Feb 2021. The PodPreset feature only made it to alpha. It was removed in v1.20 of kubernetes. See release note
The v1alpha1 PodPreset API and admission plugin has been removed with
no built-in replacement. Admission webhooks can be used to modify pods
on creation. (#94090, #deads2k) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, CLI, Cloud
Provider, Scalability and Testing]

PodPresent ( is one way to do this but for this all pods in your namespace should match the label you specify in PodPresent spec.
Another way (which is most popular) is to use Dynamic Admission Control ( and write a Mutating webhook in your cluster which will edit your pod spec and add all the secrets you want to mount. Using this you can also make other changes in your pod spec like mounting volumes, adding label and many more.

Standalone kustomize support a patch to many resources. Here is an example Patching multiple resources at once. the built-in kustomize in kubectl doesn't support this feature.

To mount secret as volume you need to update yaml construct for your pod/deployment manifest files and rebuild them.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-pod
- name: my-container
image: nginx
- name: my-secret-volume
mountPath: /etc/secretpath
- name: my-secret-volume
secretName: my-secret
kustomize (or anything else) will not mount it for you.


K8s configmap for application dynamic configuration

I have a microservice for handling retention policy.
This application has default configuration for retention, e.g.: size for retention, files location etc.
But we also want create an API for the user to change this configuration with customized values on runtime.
I created a configmap with the default values, and in the application I used k8s client library to get/update/watch the configmap.
My question is, is it correct to use configmap for dynamic buisness configuration? or is it meant for static configuration that user is not supposed to touch during runtime?
Thanks in advance
There are no rules against it. A lot of software leverages kube API to do some kind of logic / state, ie. leader election. All of those require the app to apply changes to a kube resource. With that in mind do remember it always puts some additional load on your API and if you're unlucky that might become an issue. About two years ago we've been experiencing API limits exhaustion on one of the managed k8s services cause we were using a lot of deployments that had rather intensive leader election logic (2 requests per pod every 5 sec). The issue is long gone since then, but it shows what you have to take into account when designing interactions like this (retries, backoffs etc.)
Using configMaps is perfectly fine for such use cases. You can use a client library in order to watch for updates on the given configMap, however a cleaner solution would be to mount the configMap as a file into the pod and have your configuration set up from the given file. Since you're mounting the configMap as a Volume, changes won't need a pod restart for changes to be visible within the pod (unlike env variables that only "refresh" once the pod get's recreated).
Let's say you have this configMap:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: special-config
namespace: default
And then you mount this configMap as a Volume into your Pod:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: dapi-test-pod
- name: test-container
command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "ls /etc/config/" ]
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /etc/config
- name: config-volume
# Provide the name of the ConfigMap containing the files you want
# to add to the container
name: special-config
restartPolicy: Never
When the pod runs, the command ls /etc/config/ produces the output below:
This way you would also reduce "noise" to the API-Server as you can simply query the given files for updates to any configuration.

How can i set local volume using mongodb charts in k8s?

I want deploy a mongodb chart using helm on my local dev environment.
I found all the possibile values on bitnami, but is overwhelming!
How can i configure something like that:
app: mongodb
- name: mongodb
image: mongo
- containerPort: 27017
- name: mongo-data
mountPath: /data/db/
- name: mongo-data
path: /app/db
Using value.yml configuration file?
The best approach here is to deploy something like the Bitnami MongoDB chart that you reference in the question with its default options
helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb
The chart will create a PersistentVolumeClaim for you, and a standard piece of Kubernetes called the persistent volume provisioner will create the corresponding PersistentVolume. The actual storage will be "somewhere inside Kubernetes", but for database storage there's little you can do with the actual files directly, so this isn't usually a practical problem.
If you can't use this approach, then you need to manually create the storage and then tell the chart to use it. You need to create a pair of a PersistentVolumeClaim and a PersistentVolume, for example as shown in the start of Kubernetes Persistent Volume and hostpath, and manually submit these using kubectl apply -f pv-pvc.yaml. You then need to tell the Bitnami chart about that PersistentVolume:
helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb \
--set persistence.existingClaim=your-pvc-name
I'd avoid this sequence in a non-development environment. The cluster should normally have a persistent volume provisioner set up and so you shouldn't need to manually create PersistentVolumes, and host-path volumes are unreliable in multi-node environments (they refer to a fixed path on whichever node the pod happens to be running on, so data can get misplaced if a pod is rescheduled on a different node).
You need first to create a persistent volume claim, where it will create a persistent volume only if needed by a specific deployement( here you mondb helm chart):
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE apply -f persistent-volume-claim.yaml
For example: (or check
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: mongo-data
- ReadWriteMany
storageClassName: default
storage: 10Gi
Check your volume is well created
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pv
Now, Even if you delete your mongodb, your volume will persist and can be accessed by any other deployment

Best practice for adding app configuration files into kubernetes pods

I have the following setup:
An azure kubernetes cluster with some nodes where my application (consisting of multiple pods) is running.
I'm looking for a good way to make a project-specific configuration file (a few hundred lines) available for two of the deployed containers and their replicas.
The configuration file is different between my projects but the containers are not.
I'm looking for something like a read-only file mount in the containers, but haven't found an good way. I played around with persistent volume claims but there seems to be no automatic file placement possibility apart from copying (including uri and secret managing).
Best thing would be to have a possiblility where kubectl makes use of a yaml file to access a specific folder on my developer machine to push my configuration file into the cluster.
ConfigMaps are not a proper way to do it (because data has to be inside the yaml and my file is big and changing)
For volumes there seems to be no automatic way to place files inside them at creation time.
Can anybody guide me to a good solution that matches my situation?
You can use a configmap for this, but the configmap includes your config file. You can create a configmap with the content of your config file via the following:
kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=my-config.ini=/path/to/your/config.ini
and the bind it as a volume in your pod:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-pod
- name: mypod
- name: config
mountPath: "/config"
readOnly: true
- name: config
name: my-config #the name of your configmap
Afterwards your config is available in your pod under /config/my-config.ini

Creating a pod/container in kubernetes - how to copy a bunch of files into it

Sorry if this is a noob question:
I am creating a pod in a kubernetes cluster using a pod defintion yaml file.
This pod defines just one container. I'd like to ... copy a few files to a particular directory in the container.
sort of like in docker-compose:
- ./testHelpers/certs:/var/private/ssl/certs
Is it possible to do that at this point (point of defining the pod?)
If not, what could my alternatives be?
PS - I understand that the sample from docker-compose is very different since this maps local directory to a directory in container
It's better to use volumes in pod definition.
Initialize the pod before the container runs
Apart from this, you can also use ConfigMap to store certs and other config files you needed and than can access them in the container as volumes.
More details here
You should create a config map, you can do it from files or a directory.
kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=configuration/
And then mount the config map as directory:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: configmap-pod
- name: test
image: busybox
- name: my-config
mountPath: /etc/config
- name: my-config
name: my-config

Unable to mount Amazon Web Services (AWS) EBS Volume into Kubernetes pod

I created a volume using the following command.
aws ec2 create-volume --size 10 --region us-east-1 --availability-zone us-east-1c --volume-type gp2
Then I used the file below to create a pod that uses the volume. But when I login to the pod, I don't see the volume. Is there something that I might be doing wrong? Did I miss a step somewhere? Thanks for any insights.
kind: "Pod"
apiVersion: "v1"
name: "nginx"
name: "nginx"
name: "nginx"
image: "nginx"
- mountPath: /test-ebs
name: test-volume
- name: test-volume
# This AWS EBS volume must already exist.
volumeID: aws://us-east-1c/vol-8499707e
fsType: ext4
I just stumbled across the same thing and found out after some digging, that they actually changed the volume mount syntax. Based on that knowledge I created this PR for documentation update. See for tracking that and more info, follow the link to the bug and the original change which doesn't include the doc update. (SO prevents me from posting more than two links apparently.)
If that still doesn't do the trick for you (as it does for me) it's probably because of which will be fixed in one of the next releases I guess. At least I can't see it in the latest release notes.
Ensure that the volume is in the same availability zone as the node.
If that's not the issue, are there any events in kubectl describe pod nginx?