echo shows command I want to execute - echo

First let me explain that I have very little expertise with bash scripting. I only use it for very simple applications.
My script is used to generate a grep command.
I use the echo command as an interim debug tool. I figure that if I can get the echo command to show the command I want to execute, all I have to do is remove the echo and the quotes and the command inside the echo should do what I want.
Here is my script (called Again, I am not an expert at this:
echo "what should I grep?"
read this
echo "grep -Ri \"$this\" > \"$this\""
Here is what happens when I execute:
master#master-Latitude-E6440:~$ ./
what should I grep?
all that
grep -Ri "all that" > "all that"
The grep command being echoed by the code is exactly what I want. But when I remove the echo and the surrounding double quotes:
was: echo "grep -Ri \"$this\" > \"$this\""
changed to: grep -Ri \"$this\" > \"$this\"
I get this:
master#master-Latitude-E6440:~$ ./
what should I grep?
all that
./ line 5: \"$this\": ambiguous redirect
I'm guessing that there is a simple fix, but I can't figure it out.

You can add . to recursive search.
echo "what should I grep?"
read this
grep -Ri $this > $this .

All you need to to is to change the quotation marks to backticks.
Your new code would be:
echo "what should I grep?"
read this
echo `grep -Ri \"$this\" > \"$this\"`

Here is what I finally got to work. Thanks for all of your help!
echo "what should I grep?"
read this
grep -Ri "$this" > "$DEST"


How to cat dynamic filename with date format

I can use the command to devices id from /var/log/20140522.device.log.
Here is my command.
for i in `cat /var/log/20140522.device.log`; do echo ---$i; done
Now I want to make it by daily cron job, but it is not working.
for i in `cat /var/log/`/bin/date +%Y%m%d`.device.log`; do echo ---$i; done
Is it possible to put cat and date in one line?
Yes; you can use cat and date on the same line using command substution.
for file in $(cat /var/log/$(date +'%Y%m%d').device.log); do echo ----$file; done
Using the $(…) notation makes that nested operation much simpler than the back-tick notation:
for file in `cat /var/log/\`date +'%Y%m%d'\`.device.log`; do echo ----$file; done
You don't have to think as hard about where backslash escapes are needed.
Also, in Bash, you can avoid the use of cat with:
for file in $(</var/log/$(date +'%Y%m%d').device.log); do echo ----$file; done
A $ character need to be added as follows:
for i in `cat "/var/log/$(date +"%Y%m%d").device.log"`

Shell scripting Sed option

I need a help in the shell scripting processing the file. The script should read each file in the path and replace the string in each row.
It should read each line and replace the 7th column with XXXX mentioned in the sample output. Any help in appreciated.
Input file data
output file
Script I used to run but it is not editing the input file
for f in $FILES
echo "Processing $f file..."
cat $f | awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"; OFS="|"} {$7=substr($7, 1, 6)"XXXXXXXXXX\"";print}'
but I can't edit the exiting file in the directory. I need to use the sed -i option but it's not working.
I tried using the script in below server but I am getting the following error.
SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005
echo "hello"
for f in $FILES
echo "Processing $f file..."
sed -i -r 's/"([^"]{6})[^"]*"/"\1XXXXXXXXXX"/6' "$f"
I get
sed: illegal option -- i
Using GNU sed with -i optoin
sed -i -r 's/"([^"]{5})[^"]*"/"\1XXXXXXXXXX"/5' file
if your awk is gnu awk 4.1.0, there is in-place option, read man/info page.
otherwise, you could do:
awk '..code..' inputfile > tmpfile && mv tmpfile inputfile
note, the cat is not necessary, could (should) be removed.
A little ugly but you can try something like this with sed
sed -i 's/\(\([^|]*|\)\{6\}\)\(.\{6\}\).\{11\}\(.*\)/\1\3XXXXXXXXXXX\4/' file
So with your existing script, it will be -
for f in $FILES
echo "Processing $f file..."
sed -i 's/\(\([^|]*|\)\{6\}\)\(.\{6\}\).\{11\}\(.*\)/\1\3XXXXXXXXXXX\4/' "$f"

grep all lines from start of file to line containing a string

If I have input file containing
nothing here
I want to grep / extract (without using awk) every line from starting till I get the string "something". How can I do this? grep -B does not work since it needs the exact number of lines.
Desired output:
it's not completely robust, but sure -B works... just make the -B count huge:
grep -B `wc -l <filename>` -e 'something' <filename>
You could use a bash while loop and exit early when you hit the string:
$ cat file | while read line; do
> echo $line
> if echo $line | grep -q something; then
> exit 0
> fi
> done
head -n `grep -n -e 'something' <filename> | cut -d: -f1` <filename>

how to trim wipe output with sed?

i want to trim an output of wipe command with sed.
i try to use this one:
wipe -vx7 /dev/sdb 2>&1 | sed -u 's/.*\ \([0-9]\+\).*/\1/g'
but it don't work for some reason.
when i use echo & sed to print the output of wipe command it works!
echo "/dev/sdb: 10%" | sed -u 's/.*\ \([0-9]\+\).*/\1/g'
what i'm doing wrong?
That looks like a progress indicator. They are often output directly to the tty instead of to stdout or stderr. You may be able to use the expect script called unbuffer (source) or some other method to create a pseudo tty. Be aware that there will probably be more junk such as \r, etc., that you may need to filter out.
$ cat foo
echo hello > /dev/tty
$ a=$(./foo)
$ echo $a
$ a=$(unbuffer ./foo)
$ echo $a

How to remove trailing whitespaces with sed?

I have a simple shell script that removes trailing whitespace from a file. Is there any way to make this script more compact (without creating a temporary file)?
sed 's/[ \t]*$//' $1 > $1__.tmp
cat $1__.tmp > $1
rm $1__.tmp
You can use the in place option -i of sed for Linux and Unix:
sed -i 's/[ \t]*$//' "$1"
Be aware the expression will delete trailing t's on OSX (you can use gsed to avoid this problem). It may delete them on BSD too.
If you don't have gsed, here is the correct (but hard-to-read) sed syntax on OSX:
sed -i '' -E 's/[ '$'\t'']+$//' "$1"
Three single-quoted strings ultimately become concatenated into a single argument/expression. There is no concatenation operator in bash, you just place strings one after the other with no space in between.
The $'\t' resolves as a literal tab-character in bash (using ANSI-C quoting), so the tab is correctly concatenated into the expression.
At least on Mountain Lion, Viktor's answer will also remove the character 't' when it is at the end of a line. The following fixes that issue:
sed -i '' -e's/[[:space:]]*$//' "$1"
Thanks to codaddict for suggesting the -i option.
The following command solves the problem on Snow Leopard
sed -i '' -e's/[ \t]*$//' "$1"
It is best to also quote $1:
sed -i.bak 's/[[:blank:]]*$//' "$1"
var1="\t\t Test String trimming "
echo $var1
Var2=$(echo "${var1}" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//')
echo $Var2
I have a script in my .bashrc that works under OSX and Linux (bash only !)
function trim_trailing_space() {
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "$FUNCNAME will trim (in place) trailing spaces in the given file (remove unwanted spaces at end of lines)"
echo "Usage :"
echo "$FUNCNAME file"
local file=$1
if [[ $unamestr == 'Darwin' ]]; then
#specific case for Mac OSX
sed -E -i '' 's/[[:space:]]*$//' $file
sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' $file
to which I add:
function find_source_files() {
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "$FUNCNAME will list sources files (having extensions $SRC_FILES_EXTENSIONS)"
echo "Usage :"
echo "$FUNCNAME folder"
local folder=$1
if [[ $unamestr == 'Darwin' ]]; then
#specific case for Mac OSX
find -E $folder -iregex '.*\.('$SRC_FILES_EXTENSIONS')'
#Rhahhh, lovely
local extensions_escaped=$(echo $SRC_FILES_EXTENSIONS | sed s/\|/\\\\\|/g)
#echo "extensions_escaped:$extensions_escaped"
find $folder -iregex '.*\.\('$extensions_escaped'\)$'
function trim_trailing_space_all_source_files() {
for f in $(find_source_files .); do trim_trailing_space $f;done
For those who look for efficiency (many files to process, or huge files), using the + repetition operator instead of * makes the command more than twice faster.
With GNU sed:
sed -Ei 's/[ \t]+$//' "$1"
sed -i 's/[ \t]\+$//' "$1" # The same without extended regex
I also quickly benchmarked something else: using [ \t] instead of [[:space:]] also significantly speeds up the process (GNU sed v4.4):
sed -Ei 's/[ \t]+$//' "$1"
real 0m0,335s
user 0m0,133s
sys 0m0,193s
sed -Ei 's/[[:space:]]+$//' "$1"
real 0m0,838s
user 0m0,630s
sys 0m0,207s
sed -Ei 's/[ \t]*$//' "$1"
real 0m0,882s
user 0m0,657s
sys 0m0,227s
sed -Ei 's/[[:space:]]*$//' "$1"
real 0m1,711s
user 0m1,423s
sys 0m0,283s
Just for fun:
if [[ -z $FILE ]]; then
echo "You must pass a filename -- exiting" >&2
exit 1
if [[ ! -f $FILE ]]; then
echo "There is not file '$FILE' here -- exiting" >&2
exit 1
BEFORE=`wc -c "$FILE" | cut --delimiter=' ' --fields=1`
# >>>>>>>>>>
sed -i.bak -e's/[ \t]*$//' "$FILE"
# <<<<<<<<<<
AFTER=`wc -c "$FILE" | cut --delimiter=' ' --fields=1`
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "Some error occurred" >&2
echo "Filtered '$FILE' from $BEFORE characters to $AFTER characters"
In the specific case of sed, the -i option that others have already mentioned is far and away the simplest and sanest one.
In the more general case, sponge, from the moreutils collection, does exactly what you want: it lets you replace a file with the result of processing it, in a way specifically designed to keep the processing step from tripping over itself by overwriting the very file it's working on. To quote the sponge man page:
sponge reads standard input and writes it out to the specified file. Unlike a shell redirect, sponge soaks up all its input before writing the output file. This allows constructing pipelines that read from and write to the same file.
To remove trailing whitespace for all files in the current directory, I use
ls | xargs sed -i 's/[ \t]*$//'
These answers confused me. Both of these sed commands worked for me on a Java source file:
sed 's/\s\+$/ filename
sed 's/[[:space:]]\+$// filename
for test purposes, I used:
$ echo " abc " | sed 's/\s\+$/-xx/'
$ echo -e " abc \t\t " | sed 's/\s\+$/-xx/'
Replacing all trailing whitespace with "-xx".
#Viktor wishes to avoid a temporay file, personally I would only use the -i => in-place with a back-up suffix. At least until I know the command works.
Sorry, I just found the existing responses a little oblique. sed is straightforward tool. It is easier to approach it in a straightforward way 90% of the time. Or perhaps I missed something, happy to corrected there.
To only strip whitespaces (in my case spaces and tabs) from lines with at least one non-whitespace character (this way empty indented lines are not touched):
sed -i -r 's/([^ \t]+)[ \t]+$/\1/' "$file"